There is no fucking way this guy is human

there is no fucking way this guy is human.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 15.56.25.png (358x335, 191K)

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This meme has to stop, someone just get a thermal imaging camera and point it at the cunt

this is not a meme anymore look at this fucking guy, he is a freak.

look into the abyss of those cold dead lizard eyes. that pale, slimy skin and pinkish red reptile lips.

if you are seriously calling that a human you need to get your head checked.

>implying his biosuit isn't designed to fool thermals

He should learn to disguise his autism better like shillary

Attached: ayy_lmao_controlling_zuckerbot.png (1432x1133, 1.27M)

>They "trust" me.

Attached: MarkZuckerberg.jpg (1813x952, 241K)

>Dumb fucks.

Attached: 901821.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

He's a reptilian

Stop with this nonsense, mark is a normal human being!!