>It's a good thing Trump got into office. Hillary would've started WW3 with Russia
It's a good thing Trump got into office. Hillary would've started WW3 with Russia
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It's 7Dimensional TicTacToe shill.
Also Trump already identified the actual cause of the tensions with Russia. It's not the gas attack or Assad, it's the democrats. Russia is and was always our friend.
>Y-Yes Trump isn’t great but Hillary would’ve been a million times worse! You’re just a l-libtard
Trump wouldnt have if the jews didnt FF syria
The (((deep))) state won i mean fuck they even tried to kill that guy un the UK.
Noone said that and noones throwing out the word "libtard"
Nice ad hominem faggot
praise moloch!
I am pretty sure none of the candidates could have stopped this, not even Ron Paul
Remember Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex, although he waited until the end of his term to say anthing
That's a funny image, mind if I save it?
It’s not even my OC so go ahead
Thanks friend
>tfw remembering all the Jow Forums posts during the election about how Trump was totally going to stop all the wars and focus on America first
Still waiting for that Syria strike and Russian retaliation. Oh no no no it'll happen don't worry an user got trips in another thread and based Russia said they would.
Get out of politics and start playing vidya you're a fucking moron.
It's been hilarious watching so many Jow Forums posters have their first realisation that politicians talk complete shit
Are we at war with Syria/Russia?
>Jow Forums memes some retard into the presidency
>regrets it a year later
Fuck I love this timeline
Using ad hominem because someone, at some point, said mean words.
Logic? What is that?
>bombs Syrian base
>threatens and personally insults the leader of Syria
>b-but at this given moment we’re not at war
well, she would have started it earlier, so he still is better than the clinton cunt
lol i actually believed that. Instead we got a buffoon how i pedaling and pandering hard to save his legacy
W-well I guess m-maybe Trump isn't that great, but Hillary would have been just as bad or worse I swear!
You "people" disgust me.
To be fair, anyone who actually believed that was a complete idiot
Trump bought us a year, gave us ample time to prepare.
You didn't really believe he was solution and not a means to an end?
Im sorry he hurt your feelings user so much so that you screencapped his response and saved it for this occassion, but your argument that hillary wouldnt be shit is still baseless
Israel did the bombing, so you're down to "personal insults" on fucking twitter, which do not constitute a war
Except Trump has always advertised himself as Israel-first, America second.
I mean Hillary campaigned on doing what just this...soooo there's still a chance
Also at least we still have some border control and are deporting
My only condolence is every single one of your shill faggots die with me.
You've done everything in your power to make this war happen since before the nominations.
We're not going to war you retard. This is the same shit as a year ago.
So no, we're not. Stop being retarded
>I mean Hillary campaigned on doing what just this
No. Hillary would just have been a continuation of Obama's politics.
America hasn't offically declared war in a very, very long time. If you're waiting for an official "We are at war" address from the white house, you're going to be waiting a long time.
That said, we are already at war.
Obama overthrew gadafi. Clinton promissed to overthrow assad.
Not with the syrian government.
>Clinton promissed to overthrow assad.
Just like when the exact same thing happened last year and nothing happened besides an air base being bombed? You shills really are out in full force.
The debates
>>It's a good thing Trump got into office. Hillary would've started WW3 with Russia
>didn't she get into office?
>wasn't her and people like her already IN office
>you fucking loser cunt
We will reclaim your ruins once the fallout is gone.
Which one? I don't remember her saying that desu
>You shills really are out in full force.
Who am I shilling for? I can't keep you tinfoil hat retards straight. All I'm saying is we won't get a "We are at war" address, America will never declare war, but will go to war regardless.
That's because you're a fucking idiot with no memory, which is the same reason you are a liberal
Speaking of, remember when Trump didn't even remember (or worse: never knew) what country he even bombed?
It doesn't help that the media is slamming Trump every hour with "RUSSIAN PUPPET!!!!" bullshit. They pushed for this shit, they're getting their wish, now they shriek back like the kike-nosed weasels they are.
Rense is talking about Syria and the Jews
Actually it is because it never happened. Can you find a video of her saying it? Is the quote written down somewhere? No.
Someone convinced you (a low-info voter) of it though. Maybe it is part of the reason they convinced you to support a completely retarded person like Trump to lead your country?
She said she was going to put no fly zones in syria. That means shooting down russian planes. There's plenty more of her rhetoric that you're ignoring because you want to pretend that she wouldn't have started this war last year already.
>Who am I shilling for?
That's a good question, but you niggers are pretty obvious with your meme flags
>but will go to war regardless
So now you are backpedaling on "we are already at war", good to know. I'll wait until we are actually at war to hop on the "never drumpf" train, but thanks for trying
What the fuck I actually hate Peter Noone now.
This is what happens when you get your geopolitics from Memes. Trump is a gassbag and has been since the 1980s.
God damn you are fucking stupid
5 seconds of googling
Not a shill here. Please open a tab to listen to this while you browse:
And if you find the time, read this:
I really wish faggots like you would stop pretending that we can't remeber things that happened 12 months ago
A no-fly zone would actually imply that there would be some diplomacy before implementation. That is the opposite of what Trump is doing.
Trump's people are saying the exact same thing lol. Listen to Nikki Haley. It was also the US position under Obama. Yet, nothing happened.
It's transparent political theater you fucking retard. Just like last year.
But when Hillary wanted to do the exact same, it was definitely because she was a satanic witch who wants WWIII to destroy the entire world.
No, it's because she's a globalist pawn. But we know for sure she would have, regardless of why, because of her enthusiastic participation in the overthrow of gaddafi. "we came, we saw, he died. hahaha!"
And Trump is selling your country to Goldman Sachs. But look at the 'globalist satanic illuminati people'. You are sheeple.
Hillary would've actually done it, Trump is only tweeting about it...
Still the better option.
>Russia is and was always our friend.
Yes, look what their psychological warfare did to your country.
trump literally said something along those lines though
but yeah why would you believe politicians, i feel like an idiot actually in hindsight
He also said climate change was a Chinese hoax. Not really the most reliable dude, when it comes to the truth.
Funny you bring that up considering that they supported Hillary in 2016
Hilarious. I bet you're seething in your cubical. I wonder how long until you finally realize that the first president in decades to try and limit federal power and global overreach isn't the tyrant that your twitter lords claim?
And Trump put like 4 of their top people in his admin. He is selling your national parks, so carbohydrate interests can extract resources from them, destroying the monuments. He is letting his coal and oil baron friends pollute more. He is deregulating Wall St. He is doing everything they ever wanted.
I don't care really care about Trump. I still think it is the funniest thing that ever happened. Idiots literally voted for this man and he is shitting in their faces, yet they love it. However, I do think my country should stop being allied with the US, because of him.
>Hillary would've started WW3 with Russia
Nope. Putin is really stepping up the fear propaganda on his people. They're being psyop-indoctrinated to hate Americans because Vladimir isn't getting his way. He's censoring the internet, unleashing armies of social media trolls and acting crazy like that little North Korean dictator, only shorter.
-->Putin threatened to drop nuclear weapons on Ukrainian citizens
-->Putin threatened to use nukes in Syria against the US
-->Putin is threatening Norway with nuclear war
-->Putin is the one willing to launch the nuclear strikes that trigger WWIII
-->Putin is threatening Denmark with nuclear war
-->Putin is threatening Germany with nuclear war
-->Putin is threatening entire world with nuclear WWIII
-->Putin deploying offensive nuclear weapons to start WWIII
>muh pipelines
Shipping oil by rail is retarded and you should feel bad for supporting it
>and he is shitting in their faces
Trump put 600 dollars in my pocket this year. Obama tried to pass a new AWB. Democrats being obsctructionist pricks isn't "trump shitting in people's faces", it's liberals being retarded and ruining everything like they usually do
you're old news, mind slave.
happening is called off
>Trump put 600 dollars in my pocket this year.
How many dollars did he put in the pocket of Goldman Sachs? lol
frankly it would have started in the first six months. wait to see how this shakes out
This is all a show.
>How many dollars did he put in the pocket of Goldman Sachs?
You should know that since you are making the claim
>b-but SJWs and cucks BTFO !! praise kek !!!
Dunno. But now I'm thinking you really are just a leftypol faggot and not a nerd virgin in david brock's basement. Only an unironic communist would act as if tax breaks are giving people money, rather then just not taking it.
>"never drumpf"
Okay cupcake. This has nothing to do with Trump, stop being triggered. America doesn't declare war on people, or at least hasn't in a very long time. Just stating a fact. Learn about your own countries history you uneducated twat, and stop thinking every post is about Trump.
>although he waited until the end of his term to say anthing
because he couldn't think of a solution, lol. that's what the farewell address is for - "hey we got some problems, good luck to the next guy"
wtf I'm a Hill missile now!
We aren't at de facto war with the syrian government either.
>not wanting WW3
you are both being cucked, both sides.
one side is obvious, the other one does not even know they're being it.
I still remember when Jow Forums supported non meme candidates.
I'd much rather be allied with China and Russia, we would be pure dominance and could forget Western Europe and its new caliphate even exist.
commie spotted.
Shows just how much power the Shadow State has over the President. We could elect anyone and they would end up worshipping Israel in a year.
Except that Trunp hasn't actually followed through on any suggestions to advance israel. In fact the one "pro israel" thing he actually DID instead of just talking about it was recognize jerusalem as israel's capital, a move which did not actually tangibly improve israel's posturing and renewed the middle east's collective hatred of them...