Hear me out, Jow Forums.
It wasn't "da jooz", it wasn't the rebels. It was Assad doing the Kremlin's bidding. Why would Putin need this? Because it's not about Syria for him. He doesn't care whether Assad wins or not. The point is to bait America into spending resources and time in another useless, prolonged war.
Obama was a smart man and didn't take the bait. Trump also understands this, that's why he really wanted to pull out. So Kremlin immediately made this brutal provocation. They specifically gassed innocent children. Any normal human being can't let this pass. Especially when you have a woman influencing Trump - his daughter Ivanka.
Putin wants to divert attention, in reality he cares only about Ukraine.
Assad did gas the children
Juan Gutierrez
Other urls found in this thread:
Caleb Diaz
You think your shithole country matters in terms of territory, resources...?
Brody Johnson
No one cares about Ukraine.
Leo Baker
Do you have any proof?
Colton Perez
Israel did burn kids with white phosphorus.
Ethan Rodriguez
Are you retarded?
Jaxon Smith
Death to Ukraine
Caleb Gray
Ukraine is not ga... oh
Evan Ross
The Ukraine is a non-country.
Jeremiah Foster
>Borderland flag
>"Putin did it personally"
It all checks out, the stereotypes are real.