Post yfw you're ineligible for military service
Post yfw you're ineligible for military service
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>tfw flat feet
You should feel bad, with the military you'd at least have shelter and something to eat while everyone else chokes on the fallout
>tfw you will be the main battleground, again
Too old and too fat, suck it Gen Z-tards
>tfw legit aspergers
>tfw mexico doesn't give a flying fuck about the war anyways
>tfw comfy as fuck
>tfw asthmatic and flat-footed.
Tfw have personal shelter and enough food to last
>tfw I have severe hearing loss
>tfw High School drop out
I honestly would rather be eligible for service than be the fucking loser I am
>literal sperg diagnosis
>still gonna get nuked
Might as well cheer uo
>tfw inguinal hernia because of too much weightlifting
I'm absolutely leaving it there now.
>tfw epileptic
>tfw not even going to fight
>tfw relatively Healthy 19 year old
Can my pectus excavatum count ?
>tfw autism
>mfw will be ineligible due to mental health issues
>actually wanted to join the army when I was 17 but they wouldn't let me
>now I'm going to stay at home and comfort all the hot women left behind with my dick while all the cunts who used to bully me at school go off and get killed.
> He thinks anyone will be safe from the meatgrinder
hon hon hon hon hon
how do i avoid being in the military
my friend's dad avoided conscription by eating a fuck-ton of sodium, but i don't want to die from eating salt
I used to be one of those idiots who would die for his country. But I don't want to die for Mr shekelberg while he fucks my wife at home and I die in the trenches.
Under what circumstances is it ok to fight for my country and not get cucked?
Blind in one eye and Autistic here hahaha good luck conscripting me when all I do is RRRREEEEEEE all day, as soon as I get a gun I'm going to commit suicied xDDD hahaha
I'll graduate as a computer engineer in a year. I won't be in the infantry...right Jow Forums?
>Mfw I'm homeless, livin' in the south and won't be bothered if ww3 happens
Eat a dick macron
When the race war starts
we don't have mandatory military service
a bit of a shame
but the service was pretty much a joke. It was more like camp, you had to wash your uniform at home and you went home for the weekends
I'm too old now anyway
That's the whole point of your fake country.
LOL i just had open heart surgery at 19 years old, eight months ago. No way I'm fighting for my dumbass president and his minions
>tfw I feel like some military service would do me good but I have crippling depression and there's no way they'd let me near a gun
>pectus excavatum
yes, you will most likely not serve
>his minions
he is the minion you amerimeme
>severe asthma
minions can have minions pendejo
>tfw bipolar
This guy is cringe
Fuck wrong thread.
During world wars they basically take anyone that isn’t actually retarded and disabled.
You may even be drafted into war industries or homefront duties even if you can’t do combat and with long range missiles and modern planes you would still be in danger
This isn’t ww1, being off the line doesn’t keep you safe
you think you are safe? do you even know what its like to be hiding at night all lights and electric off hoping the bombs don't land on you?
no you don't instead you actually believe you will be sat posting on Jow Forums in safety
you people are fucking retarded
Too fucking old.
Hilarious because I'm physically fitter than most guys half my age but what the fuck.
I wouldn't go anyway because my countries enemies are in London, Rotherham & Telford not Syria.
Muh epilepsy
>tfw diagnosed with BPD
feels nice
jokes on you, i'm an illegal
Because I already served and my IRR is up.
For once in my life I'm glad my legs are fucked up.
Who would have known it was the only thing saving me from the jews?
>gringo's first spanish word
awww they get replaced so fast
>mfw I’m too old and I already did my time
based pancho replacing the gringos while they go and die for Israel
thanks for your service.
i'm depressed so can't conscript me tossers
> able bodied in a neutral country
Feels best.
Fuck yeah! I'll have an epileptic fit on the range
>while everyone else chokes on the fallout
>implying I won’t become a based super mutant
>tfw flat feet and a speech impediment
Gonna be chillin' with my wife on the beach while niggas get BTFO
>tfw got into a wreck and messed up my knee and back
>can’t join the military
>tfw not in NATO
t. sprained his ankle once in the second grade
these ridiculous standards will get dropped the second boots hit the ground and you'll be on the front line with the rest of them, don't worry
i hope someone doesn't post the thing that got kurt eichenwald triggered
>mfw I’m a low IQ rural dweller
>mfw no one will give a shit about a town with 500 people tucked away in the mountains
tfw i have finland army "C-papers" which mean that i dont have to do peace-time conscription but if shit hits the fan i have to be drafted when best men are dead and its time for 50 year olds and c-papers
Cut off your pointer finger on your dominant hand
Just unleash your mutant Chernobyl spawns, nobody dares go into the zone
I told my sons this morning they could be drafted, they are 17 and 18.
>W-what about you dad? Will they call you back to the Navy?
I'm depressed, you think they're going to conscript a guy whos more likely to put a bullet through his own skill than that of the enemy? I don't think so, also
>implying I won't desert my post
>begin to lose weight without reason 4 months ago
>wait to see a doctor cause lazy and dont care that much
>finally feel terrible need to check it out
>its cancer in stomach
Dont even care if WW3 happens, way more afraid of Treatment. But die while fighting sounds nice
Pic related
thats not a bad idea user. i'll do that if it comes down to it
This, or get a gang tattoo on your arm.
yeah ok sgt. york
I don't know if I am for sure but I'm hardly the ideal candidate
Even if military life sucks it can't suck any more than mine
Severe anxiety and schizophrenia
Crohns, diabeetus, celiac
Whole bag of fun
make it look like an accident. Don't use a knife, it needs to be crushed or entirely ripped off.
you're exactly the kind of nerds they're looking for, chump
To avoid a draft, you can also just smoke weed, so that you’ll pop on your urinalysis in MEPS.
Sorry to hear about that . Hope you make it through.
What was the cause?
> The average /v/ poster is literally a mentally insane obese manchild unfit for service
> i feel sad so i can't serve :(
makes u think dont it?
No you’ll be an EOD instead. Have fun disarming bombs for grunts.
go ahead. try this. see how that goes
Do you think they’d overlook that in a draft?
Too old and too broken now.
>tfw tranny
ill be sad about my husband being vaporized though
>super mutants
>born from radiation
LMAOing @ your ghoul ass
>military service
What's that?
Good luck bro. I'll be doing some reconnaissance with my flat as duck feet.
"Women" get drafted nowadays too. Hehe xd
Flat feet doesn't make you ineligible anymore, they just give you an insole
daddy drumpf said no trannys tho
please no i dont want to die with my boots on
>having an army
I have no face but I'm literally disabled so I'll be fine. Have fun dying in the conventional war before the nukes drop. Me? I'll be enjoying the view as the flashes burn my retinas somewhere really high up for maximum memes.
Do a fake "cry for help" suicide attempt. Fail a drug test. Have a broken bone that results in some kind of surgery and a piece of metal holding something together.
The genetic modified super Chad
The accidentally survived Virgin ghoul
someone do it, phone posting so i can't meme
>tfw i cant die, even on battlefield
TFW too old