Red pill me on stargates. Are they real? Supposedly they are the reason that countries have been interested in the middle east and the reason that WWII happened
Stargates real?
yeah they're an ancient "lost" technology
they're building one at CERN
I'm begging you to get your life sorted.
CERN has it wrong. I have a time machine and usually travel back in time to give cern scientists middle school wedgies
that's why they're bringing the anti-christ through their portal
Oh, and the Jews killed the dinosaurs
>being this retarded
Yes, we know that you are making another rip-off of Stargate. Go do your advertisement somewhere else, kike scum.
they're theoretically possible but we can't do it to anything bigger than an atom. They would require unimaginable amount of energy to function, literally the energy needed to create a black hole, so the mass of the black hole warps space and creates a bridge between the "gates".
but in fewer words, no OP. They're not real, not on this planet at least.
Why is literally everyone interested in the ME?
>inb4 Jews
Doesnt explain why