Ask an anti-fascist anything

Ask an anti-fascist anything

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What do you think the role of government should be? Please be specific.

Why do you faggots keep telling me to join the (((popular front))) when that shit was terrible in the 30s?

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Why are you still alive, when suicide is painless?

What do I need to join?
How much the international bankers pay you?
Can I keep my old work or burning cars and trash bins is full time?


Why donĀ“t you argue with people who lived in comunism?

why don't you off yourself?

How many dicks have you sucked today?

Why are you violent instead of dealing with the fascists institutionally in a glorious social democracy?

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Does your wife's son ever get worried about you?

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When we line you up against the wall where do you want it, chest or head?

have you got a exit bag yet?

Why don't you move to a communist country like cuba, venezuela or NK? Are you afraid?

why do you hate white people

Why does a Jew breath through his nose?

Why are you such a faggot?

So is "no pedo bashing" a real thing within your ranks???
If yes justify your position

Why don't you fags quit being dishonest and rename yourselves Procomm - Pro Communism Action instead of misrepresenting yourselves in the negative?
Not that anyone is surprised that the charade continues given you're tools of the Jewish elite, the most practised liars on the planet

why are you such a faggot

How can you suck so much cock?
Are their bounds to your faggotry?

why are you such a cunt?

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How will you get organic food when food stamps change to MRE's shipped to your doorstep?

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How many times have you let a black guy fuck your wife?



why cant you just leave people the fuck alone? like all i want it to be able to say and think whatever i want. i dont like sand niggers, i dont particularly like jews. but i leave them alone unless they are actually doing something wrong. so why do you fuck with everyones shit?

Why are you a Fascist?

How come you usually respond with violence when people with other beliefs use their right to demonstrate?

>1 post by this ID

drop the redpills boys

Why do you act like a fascist?

>pretending we'll honor his request
Oh user, you crack me up.

>1 Post by this ID


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How many black dicks do you suck each day to fight racism?

what's the right number of times we need to have gay sex every week? 7 or 8?

Where do you live..... asking for a friend of mine ?

>1 post by this ID