Jow Forums - Trap grooming thread

Reiko is just waiting for Jow Forums to get bored so that he can resume his operations. Post your latest info here.

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Faggots literally have their own board to hang out. I hate r9k but it's a shame Jow Forums will get bored and leave r9k eventually because those faggot trannies will get to just go back to flooding it with their spam

Why hasn't that Reiko guy been arrested yet?

because there is no proof of any blackmailing or doxing. its all conjecture at this point.

The guy didn't save his chatlogs?

Quick rundown pls, I don't go on Jow Forums

Ok Jow Forums dumbasses, don’t dress in girls clothes and take pictures of yourself. Especially don’t broadcast them on the internet.
Crisis adverted. You can go back to discussing the end of the world that isn’t happening.

>get bored
then he's dumber than i thought

Faggots on robot have dressed up like traps, and apparently used social media to give these pictures to some fag.
This fag is telling the traps that he will send pictures of them dressed like traps to every one on their friends list if they don’t do more gay shit.
Basically, it’s high school drama fag shit that somehow has shit all over this board, these traps are begging for help on 8, also.
Hide and ignore

Bog Quickdown?

> Jow Forums is an emotional-support board for Jow Forums's virgin population
> Sociopaths from /a/ create a Discord server to stage an ongoing raid to bully them into accepting Trap threads
> Trap threads are followed by Classical Conditioning techniques that prey on their insecurities
> Discord server is set up to fleece Robots of self-esteem, pride and possible sheckles
> Jow Forums being lonely virgins accept the invites
> threads become increasingly more sadistic, encouraging the Robots to send photos of themselves dressed in slutty outfits with the pretense that this will get them laid somehow
> Discord mods doxx Robots and threaten to out them to families if they don't get on HRT therepy and send more pics
> Jow Forums finds out and gets pissed that people are bullying our retarded autistic little brothers
> /meme magic/ results in the Discord server admins getting doxxed
> Discord admins' financial info is posted all over some fucked up Russian gambling sites
> problem mysteriosly gets solved

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