What do you think was the most redpilled show on recent mainstream TV? I'd say it's Breaking Bad

What do you think was the most redpilled show on recent mainstream TV? I'd say it's Breaking Bad
>Main character is a white educated chemist who regularly BTFOs brown competition
>The whole premise is that he does what he gotta do to provide for his wife and family
>Gus Fring's cartel friends regularly brag about how easy it is to cross the border to sell drugs and kill people
>police officer Hank is portrayed as an unfuckwithable badass who's held back by beaurocracy
>There's a scene were Hank almost dies after his boss disarms him, and his wife goes on about how he needs to carry a gun to protect himself
>junkies and cartel members are regularly referred to as "degenerates"
>They made the crooked lawyer have a super Jewish name

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All tv shows are blue pilled, stop being a faggot and read a book instead

>They made the crooked lawyer have a super Jewish name

You realize that Saul's original name is James McGill, right?

Exactly, #BrainGainz. I'm just concerned about what those normies are watching

In the canon of Breaking Bad, it's Saul. You're talking about the spinoff series.

But he says in one episode soon after meeting Walter that he changed his name to sound like he was Jewish.

All TV is blue pilled. And on top of this, this show, although written well, glamorized being a nigger and a degenerate, particularly doing methamphetamine. You can't ignore this. You are pointing out all the things you consider the show having done well, but you're forgetting that it did those things well in order to glamorize drugs and niggers. How many tens of millions of people this show turned into druggies/niggers has to be a high number.

You realize Saul Goodman is for All good man. Just like Gus fring is french fry onion rings combo

The sopranos hands down.

>reddit tier show

Kill yourself.

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>commit serious crimes to provide for family
>wife cucks you
>wife gives all your money to the guy she was fucking
>eventually whole family hates you

I agree in theory but what you cannot underestimate is the ability of the average viewer to take things literally and glamorize them.

There are people that watch films like fight club and a clockwork orange and want to start fighting and committing crimes, completely missing the subtext.

While us political people on the internet see the parallels in modern society and the pitfalls of walt and jessie etc, the teenagers and literal spoonfed retards only see glamour.

True Detective (only S1 obviously) is hands-down the most redpilled show in recent memory. Maybe ever. Breaking Bad is nigger-tier by comparison.

Boondocks and drawn together

Nigger moment and Jew poisoning the well is all I have to say. No other show animated or whatever has the brass balls of these shows

>>The whole premise is that he does what he gotta do to provide for his wife and family
No. As the series went on, it became less about leaving money for his family and more about getting high off power. He admits this to Skyler in one of the last episodes.

>glamorized being a nigger and a degenerate, particularly doing methamphetamine
It's extremely obvious that you have not seen the show. It vilifies those things constantly.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you miss the "whole premise" which was spelled out multiple times in the show.`

It's The Shield. If you haven't seen it, go do so now. Openly racist, anit-PC characters who call spic Captain a quota baby to his face and black niggers to their faces. Police brutality is lionized. They are BLMs worst nightmare. Beta male character, Dutch, always gets cucked.
>If Jow Forums was a TV show, it would be The Shield.

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Watch The Shield.

House MD was pretty blackpilled

Fair point. It's literally a show about pizzagate before pizzagate.

>The whole premise is that he does what he gotta do to provide for his wife and family

At first that was the case but later it transformer in to doing what he liked to do, Walter White died and Heisenberg took his place.

Gregory House is Jow Forums spirit animal.

Fun fact: the gay black patrol cop actually murdered his wife IRL a few years back, or at least got arrested for it.

clearly homeland!

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there is this show called off it is some fat guy staring at the tv.

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Lol I bet you think people are prone to road rage and hit and runs after playing GTA

I know. But you bring up another great red pill from the show.

>Gay black goes to Christian conversion therapy and becomes straight and gets wife.
>tfw The Shield shows homosex as deviant, satanic, curable mental illness.
> /ourshow/

oh my god is this real

>nigger sells meth out of a fried chicken joint

Falling skies. Series ended just before the 2016 election. Usa and world invaded by aliens, series full of independence war references, to founding fathers etc.


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>Jimmy McGill

>super Jewish name
Reading really isn't very hard after the 1st grade

He specifically said he changed his name to Saul because sounds more Jewish.

Roseanne is worth a watch

Jewish lawyers make all your dreams come true.

It glorifies what? Have you actually watched it? All the junkies are losers and many of them try to quit.

>this thread
>no mention of MDE World Peace

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What is toast?

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That's very uninformed. Doing meth costs Jesse his relationships and gets him almost killed on a regular basis, and it destroys Walt's marriage and relationship with his family. And all the drug users are either pathetic losers like pete, combo or badger, or psychopaths like tuco, not "badasses". And the only non-white who's portrayed positively is Hank's DEA partner.

No, that show is a liberal psyop attempt.
>unironically glorifies tranny degeneracy and feminism
>seen as conservative by Plebbit users because "muh Based Trump xDDD"

It's not particularly well acted or funny though.

I thought that show was created to promote the BLM narrative that all white cops are evil and shit.

fuck off

yeah, and "Fight For Your Right (To Party)" was written to mock exactly the people who ended up being super into it
people are still arguing about whether The Prince was a satire or an endorsement
it's not uncommon for people to miss the point/joke, be it the artist or the audience

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Sopranos hands down wtf are you on about with this shit

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WestWord. The cucked robots just keep folowing their "loops" daily and being fucked until they got redpilled.

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Plus they have nudes.

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world peace was basically Jow Forums made into a surrealistic TV show

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Not very recent, but ROME.
So you can see what an un-cucked culture looks like

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oh yeah, Vikings was also supposed to be pretty great

Don't forget Saul's worthless black bodyguard, Huell. He's affirmative action incarnate.

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TV sucks ass


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>And the only non-white who's portrayed positively is Hank's DEA partner
>tfw you will never be a DEA agent in NM with spic partner constantly exchanging racist bantz while remaining professional af when shit hits the fan

The Wire, though made by an insufferable liberal douche David Simon, is actually very red-pilled in many ways. I remember a line in the first season about why the police monitor their neighborhoods from D'Angelo: "you think cops give a shit about niggas gettin' high in the projects? No, they come for the bodies"

I have paraphrased that line in my conversations with black activists online many times. They claim CONSTANTLY (along with their white allies) that the only reason cops patrol in black neighborhoods is due to systemic racism. No, the reason is because that's where the violence is. Cops wouldn't be coming to the hood to arrest dope users if it weren't for the fact that blacks are killing each other and committing violence left and right. Violence attracts police attention, not the other way around, and The Wire understood that.

Also there's the fact that the 2nd season of the show featured the only real white crime ring and it wasn't a bunch of narcissistic violent gangsters, they were Stevedores trying to save their union.

No, it just reflects a change in societal attitudes in the early 2000's. This is the time when people realized we were past the point of no return on latin immigration.
Sure it's a critique of the police, but it's also a critique of everyone else and the PC culture they rode in on. Most of the police brutality it shows, is one, equally distributed among people of all races, and two, sympathetic. In the first episode, Vic beats the shit out of a child molester with a phone book in order to get a location on an abducted child. The way it's set up, the beta male detective realizes he can't get answers in order to save this little girls life and has to turn to his violent alpha male counter part to get the job done.
In the show, police brutality is almost always shown in a positive light so that the audience can sympathize with it. The audience take away is that police violence is justified.

Holy shit. Homeland was literally about CIA guys shitposting on Jow Forums and melting down on dank memes.

My mind is blown

If it was meant to mock, the police violence wouldn't be portrayed sympathetically.

>Kumar goes to Obama's White House so they write him off as having suicided despite being the most outwardly positive and happy character on the show, because "u just dont know whats going on in ppls heads ;)"
>the episode where House defines human life at birth instead of conception for literally no justifiable reason at all
bluepilled af show

The Sopranos was way more red pilled than Breaking Bad

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obviously Rick and Morty. it's so funny and VERY smart and it has great insight on the world. if you havent seen it you HAVE too.

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Or like the retards here with something like American History X.

Why do people do that? Or they watch Trainspotting or Requiem for a Dream and want to do drugs. I noticed that when I was in high school. People would like movies for the message that the movie was against.

>Show about drugs
>Wife is Jewish
>Son was retarded
>Main actor is anti Trump
>Main actor was most likely part of the pedo ring on Malcolm in the Middle
Kys OP

>In the canon of Breaking Bad, it's Saul. You're talking about the spinoff series.
In the canon of Breaking Bad it's a fake name.

>>Main actor is anti Trump
>>Main actor was most likely part of the pedo ring on Malcolm in the Middle
Doesn't have anything to do with the story of the show. Not applicable.
>Wife is Jewish
>Son was retarded
Good points. If Breaking Bad took place in Nazi Germany, Walt would never have had to turn to cooking meth, because half of his family would have already been gassed by the Reich.

Gus is the most well written gay man, in all of television history.

He was Irish but LARPed as a Jew to get business

I'd vote for The Shield as well. It came out around 2002, long before any of our current pc bullshit. Absolutely off the rails at times. BB comes close as well as some other shows but The Shield was one, if not the first to try and be "real".

Thats also just part of everyday life in New Mexico desu

>Still watching TV and worst of all TV series in 2018 buhahahah

Defo in my top 5 that one!

True. It's crazy how deep the left is into the myth that minorities can do no wrong. They won't even acknowledge black crime rates to save actual black people's lives

while WW didn't use his own product, he became addicted to the power of his position instead and lost everything he valued in the end. watching the transformation was very poignant.

Fucking this! That show is red pilled as fuck. God it was so great. Fuck you for reminding me it's over user faggot

modern family is unironically redpilled.

right sentiment, wrong show

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Hey it happened to Goethe

This. People get real quiet when i ask them to recall the premise of the show, then the premise of pizzagate. Even complete with pedo spiral symbol from fbi leak

Except that Walter was a chronic underachiever that broke off his engage,ent to the rich chick because he felt anxious around her rich, well bred family, then resented her and her husbands success after he bailed on them.

So what does he do? He settles for a diner hostess that ends up wearing the pants in the family and does nothing but think about herself.

Walter was a cuck, but he cucked himself.

Jessie was the whiniest pussy on television.

I like drugs but BB was so retarded I couldn't get past first season.

Used to watch it with my mom back in the 90's. Then everything changed, it went off the air. The world went mad. We sat down together last weekend and watched it. Great stuff. They never changed a bit.
>I believe everything I read online: The Postâ„¢

Don't forget the aids infected tranny nigger getting a "blanket party". Or the spic having his face burned on a stove. Or the prototype sjw getting wrecked. Goddamn i miss that show, would gladly join the striketeam in real life desu lads

You should re-watch it. It's a nice temporary retreat into fantasy from modern world.

The most obvious shill post ever.

But Trump wasnt running when the show aired?

Yet it all could've been avoided if he wasn't too proud to take his old friend's donation.

I just re-watched it. That was fucking freaking. It matches exactly.

>Walter was a cuck, but he cucked himself.
That's the whole reason he "breaks bad."

>glamorizes drugs
>entire show is centred on a good man slowly turning into a monster and destroying the thing he tried to save, because of drugs

These kids don't even know what that is

Redpilled media
>godfather 1 & 2
>taxi driver

If BrBa was truly redpilled, the media wouldn't have allowed it to explode in popularity the way it did.

saul actually makes jew jokes in a few episodes

>The Shield
Maximum redpill all the way until the final episode (2008). Must watch. It could never be made in the current year.

That's what makes it bad, it's honestly portraying the misery cuck-ness leads to. If he had been a chad, married the rich girl, and stuck with Gray Matter company, his situation would have been much better.

friendly reminder drive is the most Jow Forums movie

Sopranos wasn't even that long ago. Like, late 90's to mid-2000's iirc. Still fucking riveting to rewatch.
>tfw first ep I ever saw when I was 14 was when ------- talked to -------- in a dream as a fish
>instantly a fan

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