Jews have now started going after Mormons in porn

Even though Mormons are the most philo-semitic people possible. Why are they doing this?

Attached: typical mormon.jpg (488x366, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Degenerates start watching Mormons in porn

it's scripted, moran

How much per month?. is the 3 day trial bullshit?.


It is good for kids who grow up LDS. They have been through some awful shit. Let them own their sexuality rather than have it owned by their rapey fathers.

Mormon heresies aside, they are one of the largest groups of relatively non-degenerate whites left out there.

I'm just surprised they didn't attack sooner. The Mormon church probably threatened to hit back and that delayed this for a bit.

As soon as i leave this library i'm going to look up that site


i need to see me some mormon QTs getting BLACKED

Being blacked with a mutt will teach them what true suffering is like.

>Mormon heresies aside, they are one of the largest groups of relatively non-degenerate whites left out there.

That's what I think too. Maybe they'll go after Amish next.

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CIA and jews have been using Mennonites as farms for porn chix.
now you know

When are we going to see Amish porn? They're going to number in the millions within our lifetime so I imagine more people will start fetishizing them

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Mormons are cool, degenerates will try to join for the chicks and then they will ruin it with their cognitive dissonance.

I know the 3-day trials auto-renew faggot. I'm not that stupid.

I have to admit there’s been a sudden explosion in both straight and gay mormon porn

>Why are they doing this?

The Jews won't stop until all Christianity is under their heel. Mormonism is one of the last enclaves that haven't succumbed to their wiles.

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>distrust media
>distrust government
>trusts porn
absolute state of pol

damn thats hot

>5 wives
>feel the need to rape kids

Sure, schlomo. Most pedo-rapists are jews

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u are correct... most of them are filthy fucking retards with good moral values and sence of cognition...much better people than the average casualry

Mormons are already the largest consumers of pornography. At what point are they pure? If someone's making Mormon porn, could it not be urged by market perspectives: Mormons wanting to watch other Mormons?

Also, why is any plight always the Jews? How do you know it's Jews making the porn?

That's not a mormon.

Lily Rader

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That's Lily Rader she goes on /b/

May be, but I remember there was one women of that religion that don't allow technology in US do porn on her year out of her village.

She did a TED Talk later.


> Mormonism is one of the last enclaves that haven't succumbed to their wiles.

the origins of Mormonism are caked in freemasonry.

Mormonism is Satanic.

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its true, Utah have the highest consumption rate of watching porn in US. Its probably because they 'fetishize' it by saying its bad. Or at least that what most religions do. But if you have to wear underwear like this it's not surprising.

Attached: Mormon-sacred-Underwear-garments-eacology-300x225.jpg (300x225, 8K)

>At what point are they pure?

No one is pure, save it be those who repent of their sins and believe in Christ.


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>At what point are they pure?
They're not.
Pro tip: mormons who gone on about their worthiness and seem most gung ho about their stuff are likely compensating for their degeneracies they engauge in.
You'll learn more if you actually hang around mormons enough. The good with them is often just a shallow image. Marketing.
>tired of bad stuff?
>join us, and find the light

Mormons are equally as Christians as Muslims are.

lol same shilling in every Mormon thread


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>Even though Mormons are the most philo-semitic people possible. It's debatable whether LDS are Christian at all. They violate the basic tenet of Christianity by adding the Book of Mormon to the Christian Bible. Though your term does certainly apply to Seventh-day Adventists and other Advent Christians (based on Millerite Christains.)

I used to fuck a 19 year old
Mormon when I was 24

She was hot but also really fucking dumb.

She’s not seriously dating some Mormon nerd, I wonder if he has the balls to choke her and slap her around like she likes....

I doubt it

All I know about mormons is from an episode of South Park.
Is true you have an additional book?

>believes in the divinity of Christ
>not Christian

>and believe in Christ.
You mean Joseph Smith!

ex Mormon here, I'm lol'ing at that outfit. did they pull her out of a temple or something? is this the image people have of a typical Mormon girl

Absolutely this. Both Mormons and Mozlems co-opt the Bible to legitimize their subterfuge.

Mormons are unironically the savior of whites in America

>American nationalists
>breed rapidly

Estimates put the Mormon population of 2050 somewhere between 30-50 million mostly in the western USA.

reading comprehension. what do you think 'Philo Semitic' means, genius?

As if the Bible comes directly from God and not some king and larpers from the Middle Ages.

.t Mexican intellectual.

>Why are they doing this?
Huh, you mean you really don't know?
It's what the degenerate do.

The Mormons are still mostly a snapshot of 19th century Northeastern WASPs transplanted to Utah. Besides their own internal demand for pornography, I'm sure that's someone fetish.

To be a christian you have to belive in: the divinity of christ, the holy trinity, and that he was crucified, died for our sins and ascended to the heavens, mormons don`t belive in any of this ergo they are not christian

other way round retard

>the holy trinity
No basis for it in the Bible:

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>anti Semitic
source for claims??? they seemed pretty pro Israel when I was among them

>To be a christian you have to belive in: the divinity of christ, the holy trinity, and that he was crucified, died for our sins and ascended to the heavens, mormons don`t belive in any of this ergo they are not christian
Mormons do believe
>in the divinity of Christ
>that he was crucified, died for our sins and ascended to the heavens
as for "the holy trinity" it depends on what exactly you mean by that. furthermore I would question, which authority was it that decreed that any specific interpretation of the nature of the trinity was the determining factor in whether or not someone is Christian?

not that I have a dog in this fight - I am agnostic

> violate the “Christian tenet”
Where can one find this universal tenet you fucking retard?
> adding BOM to “Christian bible.”
Which version of the Bible you absolute moron.

You must be of those idiots who think that one’s actions don’t have any relevance if one “accepts the lord.”
Oh the cognitive dissonance and retard tier Christianity that mongs like you espouse is fucking pathetic. Funny to laugh at.. but truly pathetic.

>literally don't even mention that you ahve to believe that he was resurrected and will one day return
>Doesn't capitalize Christ or Holy Trinity
>calls himself a Christian

Attached: counterjew.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Jesus prays to the father, the holy spirit it`s recorded interacting and giving knowledge to prophets

although i disagree with the mormon theology they are probably the last based white, christian, conservatives in this country. no surprise they're getting attacked hard

>5 wives
>feel the need to rape kids
We're talking about Muslims in Rotherham right?

What mormon belives God is is not the same as what a christian God is, their interprettion of God cannot create, and was a man before becoming a God

Hahahhh. Are you fucking kidding me? Their actual active membership is barely at 3 million and that’s all in Utah pretty much. The rest of their 15 gorillian is all people who have resigned or are not active at all.

Tfw I was Mormon for over 30 years.

Fuck that cult. I’m not even a hardcore Christian and even I know Mormonism is not Christianity.

>Estimates put the Mormon population of 2050 somewhere between 30-50 million mostly in the western USA

No chance of that, mormonism is on it's last legs; it will collapse soon or change entirely. How anyone can believe the book of Mormon is a real historic document susposedly wrote by:

>ancient American native Indians
> who were really jews
>that wrote in ancient eqyptian
>on gold plates
>who traveled on a boat from ancient Israel and set up a home in America,
>then built huge civilizations,
>with pyramids,
>rode horses,
>had battles where millions were killed at in New York,
>but left zero archeological evidence
> and the book was 'translated' from golden plates no one saw, by a man convicted of fraud

sure sounds legit, sign me up.

Attached: ANGRY AMISM MAN DISAGREES.jpg (267x400, 20K)

They hate everything innocent.

same thing

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>God prays to Itself
“My Father is greater than I [Jesus].”—John 14:28
>God is greater than Itself

“To us there is but one God, the Father.”—1 Corinthians 8:6

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I made a mistake :(

It’s called the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint.
> but Mormons believe in J Smith not Jesus. May pastor who’s income is dependent on people in seats’ money not seeking out real information about other religions told me so... it must be true.

Keep working on that GED, Carl.

Degenerate Chads like you will be the first to go on the day of the rope.

They're not real mormons are they?

it's okay you may be arguing with a protestant, you know. one of those people who reject the authority of the catholic church, but still base their beliefs entirely on arbitrary decrees made by that exact same catholic church, 300 years after Christ's death (creed of nicaea, compilation of the bible)

Hard-working German man.jpeg doesn't even engage in financial scams that destroy companies like based Mittens.

Lets make jew porn

You're thinking of Amish. And yes, they have been under attack, too. Mormons are degenerate scum, and their entire religion is based on sex.

Amish, however, are truly the pinnacle of putting lust aside and focusing that energy on progress of society.

ITT: delusional christcucks

What made you turn your back on the church?

They call him Christ, but their's is the brother of Satan. And they preach they man can be his own god.
Muslims also believe in Christ, but their's didn't die on the cross. They're Christian too right?

Mexican intellectuals here everybody

This, a jewess gets gangraped by Aryan men then thrown into an oven while she climaxes

no. kind of defeats the purpose IMO but I guess some people have a fetish for pioneer cosplay or whatever the girl in OP image is supposed to be wearing. just like how there's videos of Mia Khalifa pretending to be Muslim and sucking dick in a hijab, fucking lel

>implying Mormonism isn't an insane cult

thats lily rader, idk the vid tho

There is no god.

Erm... They're (rather,Mormons falsely proclaim to be) Historicists which aligns with most Evangelical faiths' views.

t.replaced faggot

Jesus prays to the Father, not to himself, and in Corinthians they also talk about the Holy spirit, what kind of Bible do you have?

they don't believe that he was Divine and they don't believe that he atoned for the sins of mankind and they don't pray to God in his name and they don't identify themselves as Christians or worshippers of Christ. Mormons, on the other hand, do

>Mormons are degenerate scum, and their entire religion is based on sex.
Maybe back in the days when they wanted to go to mexico to have 5 wives. Today they are plain as everybody elses.

>Amish, however, are truly the pinnacle of putting lust aside and focusing that energy on progress of society.
Progress of society by not focusing on technology?
I think you mean for progress of their societies.

pic related its founder was a pervert degenerate sex addict.

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It really is. They even wear cult underwear. They believed the new Zion was in Missouri but drunk rednecks chases them out.

You're one sheltered fuck, The Amish sexually abuse their kids, fuck farm animals, and cuck eachother all fucking day. Any ex-Amish will tell you.

is this thread going to be christfags fighting with each other like always
lmao abrahamic religions


Why don't they make refugee + german blonde porn?

Stop Pedro. You’re embarrassing yourself and your lamenite kind.

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>Where can one find this universal tenet you fucking retard?

In the Bible, you angry lil' man.

What did i said that`s not true in that sentence?

I really think you're having issues following the conversation here so I'll catch you up. When OP said "philo semitic", he wasn't talking about any kind of Mormon doctrine or faith. he was talking about how often and how loudly they pronounce their love for Jews (ie the tribe of Judah). which is true. philo semitic, as opposed to antisemitic.

That must be so restrictive I fucking hate normal underwear on its own so that would be hell. God didn't want me to give my balls a pair of pants.

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> leaf giving jews ideas on degeneracy