We all know it has to happen. If not, then we are slaves subject to bread and circus. It is war that makes us human, peace is the most unhuman idea ever created. Now, to arms! For honor and glory, out of loyalty and duty to country, we must go to war.
In the past there was war. Now there must be war. And in the future there will always be war.
Nope, they need to get nuked too. Everyone needs to get nuked, especially China and Western Europe, along with the entire ME and North Africa. It is our destiny and holy mission to destroy our civilizations with fire and radiation.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, soon WW3 will be upon us and humanity will reap what is has sowed! God bless Trump, God bless Assad, God bless Putin, holy arbiters who shall send the world into the depths of ruin!
war is good for us. we'll get ww3 eventually, and better to have it sooner while we're still majorities in our home countries. the longer we wait, the worse demographics get and the more certain our defeat
Leo Nelson
Michael Morales
Kill yourself. Trump has this masterfully handled. There will be no war.
You nerds play way too many video games which have given you a really fucked up conception of the relationship between honor and war. Either that or life has just beaten the absolute shit out of you, to the extent where you actually believe that war is what makes us human. Do you actually believe that deep down all men want to go fight in a war? Can your autistic mind not see that the world has been getting more peaceful as humans have evolved?
Anthony Cook
For fucks sake cant you guys leave europe alone and just fight in the pacific?
Connor Cooper
Retard. When there were no humans, there where no wars, when humans primitive, they didn't have weapons to fight. Only evolution is evolution of weapons and defense, on humans, animals and bacters.
This is the shit that will haunt you when you're bleeding out in a ditch for four days, the nausea from blood moving into different body cavities is really something else, so glorious. Oh wait, you'll be shitposting from comfort, i forgot.
Jose Gomez
He's right tho, Timmy, all evolution is a story of more integration and less violence. Sorry to shit on your vidya larping and delusions of significance.
War is good for the spirit when it is fought in the name of race and country. The war in Syria will be fought for the geopolitical interests of a Jewish state, and good white men must oppose it.
Ypu sound like an arm chair basass. Someone who has never been in war... a sissy a coward... you dream oc war and wax on about war but you wont fight. Just talk like the punk you are..
Dylan Cox
What a cunt you are.
Jayden Taylor
We need this, for the glory of all mankind, this must happen!
Parker Reyes
Call me the user that made that thread user
Jayden Long
If by war, you mean civil war, then I agree. We need a civil war. That way I can wipe out ANTIFA fags along with MIGAcucks.
Brody Sanders
Come on unleash your power
Eli Taylor
Okay so humans did invent the concept of wars, I'll give you that. But can you not see that as humans have progressed we have been able to create a more and more peaceful society. Even as weapons have gotten more and more destructive they have been used less and less, which has resulted in a more peaceful world... you fucking idiot
Cooper Wood
Who are you expecting the focus to be? Because I think such a thing will backfire on you.
Benjamin Carter
>But can you not see that as humans have progressed we have been able to create a more and more peaceful society It's a society where people are too afraid to say what they think. Where all is an illusion, predicated on greed. Humanity was sold a while ago. The real war wasn't physical, it was mental.
Peaceful society is not possible unless all humans will accept to not overpopulate, rape, kill, waste, use or just have different opinions than others. More technology = More violence. More power for tyranns and less power for induviduals.
Asher Phillips
Only if the kikes are the first to die
Oliver White
yawn you bore me
Jaxon Watson
We will meme the Communist Revolution into the presidency.
>>Now, to arms! For honor and glory, out of loyalty and duty to country, we must go to war. >Is a fatmerican sitting at home with fingers coated in cheetos dust Sad
Camden Roberts
Civil War in America comfirmed
Blake Martin
OP is faggot cucking for Greater Israel.
This thread is now an Anti-war/Anti-Zionist thread
The Saudi in pic related just imprisoned all his cousins who were financing ISIS and other Islamic-fascist terror groups. But yeah, Wahabists are crypto-Zionists for sure.
Fuck off Shlomo. There no glory and honor in getting your dick blown off in some sandy shithole, """fighting""" with both hands tied behind your back while libs spit at you and call you a Nazi
Israel is in a panic moving all aircraft to coast and installing missle defences at Dimona. They are cowering in front of Iran and satellite survey confirms it.