Europe third world soon

The fuck is happening in pic related

I know US dollars weakened in those two years, but only 10% or so.

WTF is going on in Europe?

Attached: Eurabia.jpg (1187x547, 260K)

Are Ukrainians even people?

Attached: hohol economy.png (538x185, 14K)

Hungary is good though
>muh Orban is stealing and all..
Shut up, nigga, you good.

First image is average while second is median. Average is always gonna be higher due to rich people bringing it up.

>importing immigrants
>actual citizens being lazy fucks
>loads of welfare
>blame game and appeasement politics

yeah I noticed that too. really strange if you ask me user. seems like nationalism pays off desu

This. Fucking brainlet Magyar.

hmm. I thought average and median means the same thing.

>scratches head
so you say my thread sucks and i'm and idiot?

Advancement. Money keep concentrating, immigrants just speed up the process. Soon no will own anything and will rent from government.

do you not knwo the difference between average and median?

are you really this stupid OP?

You're not far off from mexico, in addition china is far below mexico as well. We're also way higher than nations like India.

Maidan took its toll on the country, what more do you want?

what a crock of shit
clearly the standards have changed

>seems like leeching of rich states while not complying to their desires pays of
fify, cant really blame you

fuck off with your fake inflated shit economy
you merkel voting soulless german bastards

fake, no fucking way Belgium is holding out better than the rest.

Median is the middle value, not the average. For example:
Median = 2
Average = 5

Since many poorfags don't save much money and live paycheck to paycheck, the median is gonna be a lot smaller.

Nice try Mykola, you're still a shithole.

Attached: hoholeconomy2.png (552x248, 18K)

so you are saying your country pays more to the EU than it gets out? is that what you are saying?
>inflated shit economy
yeah, but that economy couldnt possibly affect you or have short term benefits for your country, nah it was hard work and not leting in refugees making your country rich.

>have best agrable lands in the world
>inherited huge post-soviet industry
>over 16 million people more
>over 3 times as much land
>still turn into the worst place in terms of economy in Europe
you are the niggers of Europe

Attached: 1510929584999.png (1260x2396, 739K)

thanks muricanon, you taught me some english and economy 101 as well

Why am I not in the least bit surprised? People are getting really poor here

if you didnt know this you should seriousely reconsider your math education, im not even hating, seriousely, pick up a basic math book.

Average and median is not the same at all. I will bet you one Ukrainian median household wealth that that accounts for 90% of the difference.

no bully magyar bro, he had to focus on horseriding, archery and building border fences instead of math

yes Hans-Jürgen, you monopolized a lot of shit in our country while destroying small businesses, you german greedy bastards are shoveling money out of the country like the dirty jews you are. We're forced to go to shitty Aldi, Lidl, Baumax, Möbelix and whatever the fuck you dropped here.

Government made a calculation, turns out german economy is getting more out of us than we're taking out of your fucking muslim loving system.

Only 2 million faggots voted for EU entry in 2003.

we are a nation of 10 million. Fuck those 2 million autists. fuck Germany, fuck the EU and the western bastards who invited shitskins and forcing us to take them. fuckin liberal nazis

cultural enrichment.

Refuges screw up everything

thats the issue i think, germans dont want poor eastern states in the EU, and you dont want to be in either, its politicians against the will of the people, and now even serbia might get to join, fucking serbia, why dont we pick up kenya first?

i earn 900€ instead of 1100€ since the dollar went from 1:1 to 1:1,25

>Comparing median with average

deal. please kick us out. We survived Habsburg invasion, Ottoman invasion, Soviet invasion, we will survive without the EU