
Father reacting to tranny son. youtu.be/AzNAXaPhhyg

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>tranny walks out
>total silence
>one woman screams woo
>crowd claps

I kekd

Pol unironically would fuck this monstrosity

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>Women are brainlets
We know

If this ever happens to me I'm going to have a tough time not falling into a deep, deep depression. My namesake becoming a fucking tranny? Worst thing I could imagine.

Reminds me of something off Monkey Dust

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trannies are the funniest shit about the 21st century... I saw one today, you can just tell by the body shape and insistence on wearing skirts and heels and bad wigs


did the son became a tranny?


I pray that I will be a good enough father to prevent my children from being corrupted by the filth that pervades society, but by that time who knows how bad it will be

They're only "funny" in how heartbreakingly pathetic, ugly, and deranged creatures they are

It's not funny that this shit is being forced 24/7 and we're told to accept or we are not allowed to function in society

why would you even want to be a tranny

anyone with half a brain should ignore it, and just shut off the tv. it is a joke that it's pushed, and one of the stupidest things they've ever pushed, but it's really a very small amount of people getting into this I think.

That's what the comic implies (presumably he's the purple-haired monstrosity in the center). The man inside is the father, wracked with grief at the loss of his son and his failure as a father, about to blow his brains out

...I think you mean /b/. Most of Jow Forums would gas it.

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> Liberal fags want this
This shows that we are on the right side of history and libcucks are trying to destroy Traditional Christian Western Civilization.
This is all the proof I need that I am fighting for the right cause.
Look at that father, holy fuck he looks fucking destroyed, instead of seeing his lil lad become a man and have a family and give him beautiful white grandchildren, he will see his only begotten son suck cocks for a living and contract AIDS.


He failed as a father

"He's not a good-looking girl"
This kills the tranny.

Whatever you say nagfew

I do want to agree with you. Most people I know despise trannies. Some will say it in public; others will pretend to accept them but then whisper to you in private how they can't stand the faggots

But then, they keep pushing it and pushing it. Decades ago we thought they wouldn't ever end segregation and they went and did it. Just ten years ago many thought they wouldn't go as far as to push gay marriage. Now?

I don't know. It's dangerous to just brush it off, because if you do that it will only get worse. Laugh at it, mock it, despise it, deride it, but don't ignore it. Willful ignorance is acceptance.

1. To get attention
2. To try to fuck straight guys, as all degenerate faggots dream

I love how he’s just heartbroken and sad and everyone is like haha you’re so ignorant and intolerant.

Right in the feels. The father in goodwill allowed his son to walk around as girl on halloween and didn't see the signs. He probably wouldn't have tought his son would do such a thing and society allow it.

You basically have to home-school them. Sending a child to public schools is child abuse.

>tfw i will never have a trap son to rape and assault at will and then take on dates for never talking about our special relationship
I'd beat the dog shit out of him on live tv with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye

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I wonder how she looks now that she has transitioned for a few years

Only if his boi pucci was shaved smooth and he was clean inside and out. Also he'd have to make a lot of noise and talk dirty to me.


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That is pretty depressing on all levels. That guy failed as father and human being.

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Those fucking feels

Such utter devastation. My sorrow would morph into rage though.

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That's so true. You can spot them a mile away. Most women hate heels and skirts and having to do their hair. These trannies are trying too hard.

They're actually giving us a glimpse into their psyche. Think about Chaz Bono. To Chelsea, growing up, masculinity was embodied by muscles and athletic shorts and a wife-beater shirt...also gnarly tattoos. Essentially she viewed "Los Angeles douchebag" as the pinnacle of masculinity. Now take Caitlyn Jenner. As a child, Bruce was surrounded by 40s and 50s glamor. That's the look he was going for at the ESPN Awards a couple of years ago. In his mind that's what femininity looks like. They're all trying too hard to live up to their imaginary ideal of the opposite sex.

I fucking hate liberal faggots user

Yes. Because Im right. Literally never saw an unironic defense of traps here.

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He looks like that spokeswoman for trump

so what you're saying is, femininity is bad and trannies shouldn't do it because cis women don't do it
you're jewish aren't you

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Huh. For some reason I never put that together, even though it's obvious, with the freckles on the cheeks.

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They have to do so to obfuscaste that most of their characteristics and mannerisms are male. Most women dont have the will to doll themselfes up every day.

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I don't want to watch that video again, it's too depressing


Special forces see shit that can fuck up mind.

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That headline confuses me

Leftists are insane psychopaths. Not much of a surprise.

his father got so fucking horny when his son entered the stage

>came several times

basically it is
>tranny tried to date guy before transitioning, was successful after transitioning

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that explains the tears
>I just ruined my suit, I cant stop cumming, everyone is looking at me

This one is what is called HSTS. There are two types of trannies. HSTS are fags who transition as a way to get more men. Usually they are super feminine men who look hot after transition.

The second category are AGPs. They are fetishits who get turned on by imagining themselves as women. Caitlyn jenner is an example of this type.

If I remember correctly, the guy in the picture had children, you can not do this shit to a son.

the faggot is in 1% that is passable

mi hijo... la criatura

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it's his fault. he encouraged it. the moment you see your son dressing like a girl, you put an end to it.

delete this post user. Log off of Jow Forums forever

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this is not the time for such ridicule mr leaf, that man just died inside

100% mental illness. society propping it up as normal. this causes chain reaction. who is making the money? who is profiting from this?

if your son dresses like a girl one fucking time you take him to get checked out and probably a brain scan check for tumors etc.

the doctors who sell the drugs and perform the surgeries

then it also serves to antagonize the genders and keep people apart in an abstract sense, which keeps people from having sex, which makes them spend more money, which makes all the jews richer

looks like Nasim so I don't see why they wouldn't lol

See the legitimate hurt in that fathers face?



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nah, hsts are normal trannies who want to have sex with guys because girlbrains
agps are the "transbians" who get off on themselves as female and are just straight men with a fetish

you're just used to seeing the creaturas who transition at 40+

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This is the future of the military that liberals are fighting for!

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>those shoulders

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Sell your TV and turn off the internet or go ahead and start buying him tutus

Sad. Dad is absolutely right: his son is mentally ill and needs help. Unfortunately, he isn't going to get it. People will just dress him up like a drag queen, and he can surround himself with enablers who will tell him every day what a beautiful, pretty girl he is, but he's just swapping one fraudulent existence for another. Instead of a man who feels, deep down, that he's a woman, he'll be a man in a dress, told by everyone that he's a beautiful girl when he knows that he doesn't pass. That it's plain enough that a toddler would be able to identify him as a freak. A mistake. He'll tell his friends that he feels ugly, that he looks mannish, and they'll get angry and argue with him so passionately, so he'll pretend to agree, going along with it, but at the end of the day they'll know and he'll know that he looks like a freak. He can find a doctor who'll promise him a vagina of his own, and he'll get the surgery and end up stuck with a gaping wound that, by design, will never heal.

I feel sorry for them all. His mental illness tells him that he's a woman when he's actually a man. Maybe in another life he could have gotten real help, learn to overcome his illness, but now, society will give him a different lie to live, and he'll struggle every day. It's better to be a man with a feeling of inauthenticity than a conspicuous freak, a 24/7 drag show.

feminists hate us trannies though

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>tfw your genetic line ends before your very eyes


fuck him. $100 says he was a lefty cuck fag happy to destroy society by cancer and inaction until he realised he realised he'd destroyed his own family. ohwell

Can we talk about how most serial killers and basically the worst human beings are gay ?

Can we agree that allowing a child to be put in this realm is fucking dangerous?

this is what happens when you say you cant hit a woman but can hit a man, you cant have sex with anyone under 30, that women are equal in the workplace, that white men have privileged, that men should pay all the bills, that looking at a woman is rape

its not rocket science

Hardly. Trannies only pass with soft focus and careful posing. If you're ever fooled, just look from a different angle, and it's obviously a dude. They can get breast implants and ass implants, but they can't fix the male skeleton inside. They will never, ever feel like a woman.

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Fucking hell, what a hideous creature...

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Cried again watched this. I just can't take his pain.

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Sometimes there is a happier ending.

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I never noticed either user. and ive seen that shit hundreds of times...a..are we retarded?

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How would your parents feel if you came out as a trans furry Jow Forums?

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I can't watch this video anymore, but it is just so sad. He even thinks he contributed to it by joking around with him when he pinched his ass when he put on a dress or something.

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Look at what the jews did to these men. No father should have to experience that and no child should be so confused as to throw away their life. This is why we hate them.

>"Having children is the only thing that matters"
>this happens

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Oh yea?


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>what if this is not a mental illness?
This is how you know that Dr. Phil is a fraud.

gays and trannies are different. gays like men. trannies like women. trannies are narcs. gays can be narcs. narcs are pretty unempathetic. so yeah.

he raised the faggot, maybe don't be such a shit father. does he really look like some beacon of intelligence there now?

It's likely staged.

No father would admit his son was a tranny on national television unless he knew he was getting tons of shekels for it.

It’s never to late to have an abortion.

I don't hate you but I would happily recommend you for aktion T4. I'd probably get sent myself so don't feel too bad.


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there are a lot of morons in the united states, but for the most part, these shows are probably staged

Maybe... I don't know how I had it. I think I almost thought that it was the same guy born in different times? That if he'd been born so that he was an adult in the 90s, he'd be walking in the park with his son, but if he was born to be an adult in 2015, he'd be alone, hiding out in a degenerate world. Or maybe the son grows up and hates the world? I don't even know what I was thinking, we're probably just retarded.

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I think she's a qt.

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Absolutely this!


>I thought it was Halloween, just went along with it, actually pinched him on the behind, said he make's a good looking girl.
As heartbreaking as this is overall that part make me smirk.

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Stop them from porn. That leads to feminization fetish and causes tranny delusions.

I stopped like 5 seconds in, i've seen dark shit on here but this is bleak. so sad.

Good read