Corbyn, No! Stop him Goyim

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They've already called him an anti-Semite, so there's not much else they can play. Corbyn is your classic out of control golem, like Stalin.

Usually when Israel tries to play the antisemite cards, politicians go in the defensive, seems like Corbyn is not afraid of (((them)))

Stop pretending that Corbyn is redpilled.

He's right in that we should cut the Parasite State off from it's aid, but he's still a commie fuck

That's a pretty good analogy, actually. Hadn't thought of it that way

The Jews set up communism to undermine the west, but even that winds up turning on them

Corbyn is a retard, but like Bernie, he doesn't give a fuck

Suck it kikes

JC probably most likely to actually gas the kikes confirmed


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UK blocks arms sales to Israel
All arms UK have were developed by Israel because they are too stupid to develop weapons

Half his country is Muslim....he is just kissing Muslim ass

I'm starting to like this guy.

Since we're starting ww3 over gassed citizens, we should be blasting Israel into nothing and glass all dual-citizen Zionists for killing Palestinians and taking organs from dead Syrians. All Israelite survivors must be forced to live underneath the rule of ISIS groups.

>sensible post
>american flag

Serious question from a yank. Why is Corbyn still running the Labour party? Is the party that incompetent and weak?

It's being run by a man who was brainwashed by Cold War propaganda. Yes, that's the basis for his ideology. Yet the Cold War has been over for three decades. And yet 30 years later this man parades his own brainwashing under the guise of sympathy for people. In the modern Russian intelligence services, they're shocked to have scored such a significant victory 30 years too late of having a weak minded useful idiot poised to become PM. It's like the successor organization to the KGB found its old Pokemon cards. That's how excited they are.

>a people allowing someone like Corbyn to be anything more than a T.V. license inspector

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Holy shit is Corbyn legitimately /ourguy/

Nope. American through and through. Born and raised in the great state of North Carolina.

Jesus H. Christ. Speaking of which, that grandpa who killed that robber isn't being let back in his home due to threats

isnt this guy a fucking commie fag?

He is but hey, he supports moslems instead of the jews so he based amirite?!

Ah, shlomoberg found.

Terrorists for jews, great swap you have there

Lol, UK is a satanist state with a hold hag vamp Queen which created Israel the Zionist project, thank to the help of the masonic luciferian from scotland in their evil project and of course, the Rotschilds.
So this goyim really thinks hes going to ban some gun sell to Israel, their overlord? I know its just to get some PR points for the muslims but still fucking L O L

Because the working class is sick of Blairites

That Britain even has that class divide is a symptom of an entire nations brainwashing.

>salaries needed to have risen by 30% to adjust to the price hikes and inflation over the past 2 decades
>Imagine my shock when

If May goes into Syria, her party is fucking done. Corbyn will win because conservative parties are total kikery

It's not muslims who are running the show.

how bout neither shlomo? start with the baby-penis suckers, finish with the monkeys. good?

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What conservative party in the West isn't? Genuinely curious.

good goy, protect the sanctity of the markets!!

The left is just better on Israel, overall.

Some of you sensitive faggots need to accept that.

>implying the US doesn't have Bernie Sanders and other commies.
more LARPING from the land of the free



>Half his country is muslim

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I refuse to believe there is not some zog at the core of Austria's right, but you're right, it's really impressive what they've done.

> muh based gommunism
> totally free of Jewish influence goy

Why don't you do everyone a favor and throw yourself out of a helicopter

Zog is a meme. It's mostly inertia, old favors and doing shit the way you were taught to many decades ago. Austria's right-wingers don't fit the Zionist pattern because they're not led by someone who's a hundred years old

Why is he a gommunist for hating on zog?

The master Wizard Of Briton strikes again.


If by old favors you mean the complete subversion of the US monetary system, the deregulation of the financial sector, trade deals that benefit international bankers and global corporation shareholders almost exclusively, a perpetually expanding zionist state at the expense of even democratically elected countries and an expansive list of other geopolitical patterns that have mainly one (((correlation))) then I guess you're right user. We sure owed them a whole shit ton of favors I guess.


If you mean this user, it's because he implies that criticizing communism means that you're a kike. I hate ZOG just as much as anyone, and I agree with Corbyn in that Israel should be cut off from Western aid and left to die, but he's still a Venezuela-loving communist and needs to fuck off

Nice trips
Post-ww2 Jews made a lot of money very quickly mostly by investing their dead relatives' money in the golden post-war age of startups in the West. This money bought them a lot of political favors back in the day.
Now the problem with old people is that unless you give your brain an extensive mathematical workout regularly, you will completely lose the ability to learn new things, it's simple physiology. The average Western politician is 70 years old. This isn't how any of this was ever supposed to work

I was anticipating the rise of the original bad goy

As my AK-47 sits next to me and you cut your steak with a spork.

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Entirely reasonable desu.

One of the prime reasons I don't like to pull the generation card is because it is an inherently boomer thing to do (I mean this all unironically). They were always the first to buy into the marketing bullshit, to try and separate themselves and think that they could force some semblance of a more rich or profound personality into existence, it's just that they needed... something... More freedom, more liberation, more of a voice, more drugs, more feels, more new age pseudo-philosophy, anything to prove that they were different from that older generation. And well, we've seen what that leads to.

But you have a good point in that, they don't really shift their modality after a certain age. And, like you said, may not be capable of doing so. What Kurz and those bros did was remarkable, I just have little insight into how it happened. Not being pinned down by a cabal of anti-natalist, war hawk neocons like the GOP surely played in their favor but, I just find it hard to believe that they faced so little opposition in building what they have politically. I'm too vargpill to be that whitepill, so to speak.

It's not about generational conflict, it's about the inability of aged brains to absorb and process new information.

Wtf i love Labour now

Bongie Sanders.

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