Im a saudi arabian neet, AMA

Im a saudi arabian neet, AMA

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How come daddy is not giving you any money to travel to universities across seas?

How much free money y'all get?

hows life mate?

lgbt in KSA when?

How do you like the Crown Prince's reforms so far?

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How do yo about in Saudi to fuck a woman without marrying? Are you a virgin?

long story desu
maybe in the future but right now im a 19 year old pensioner

i dont know i get my food from my aunt and i live in my fathers house so no money needed

all saudis are neet at some level, only foreigners work there

never first the world has to be turned into fire before that happens

not so cool we are turning into a globalized place

you dont do that

سارعي للمجد والعلياء
مجدي لخالق السماء
وارفعي الخفاق أخضر
يحمل النور المسطر
رددي الله أكبر
يا موطني
قد عشت فخر المسلمين
عاش الملك للعلم والوطن

Is kosovo serbia?

What happening are you referring to? KSA isn't in my leaf brain.

That's cool man. But you should try to do something with your life.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

how rich are you?

yes absolutely
you cant just go to a place and take it by having kids there

How boring is it, how many people are salafist and are they racist against pakis and nogs?

how many slaves you have ?

no happening, lgbt is a western term

Based saudi

you're just mad because he wants to put your ass to work.

is it OK for white Americans to go to KSA and fuck a lot of Saudi bitches?

does the gov block porn sites? what happens if someone in your family catches you jerking off?

I used to hate your country but every video of your new king/Crown Prince makes like Saudi Arabia more and more. I find him charming.

What country does the average saudi hate the most? other than Israel*

me? i have barely 1000 dollars in money but my father is quite well off and my family in general

Have you heard any dissent relating to MBS's liberalization efforts? Could wahibists stage a coup?

I can haz a million dollarydoos?

What do you think about your nation attaining “Israeli Cockholster” status?

You're alright Saudi.

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Could you please vote for whoever doesn't want to rain hellfire on Yemen?
Also give us the real Bin Laden

What do average people in KSA think of pic related guy?

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salafism is being spread slowly, people often take up the religion of the rulers
racism? if you mean racemixing nobody does that with pakis and nogs dont exist here

oh you mean the black people here yea normal arabs dont marry them but its fine

one, myself

Why are you genociding Yemenis?

I expect westerners to not get this but an arab? Israel is the kingdoms attack dog and the USA is their bodyguard we both work for KSA not the other way around.

im not so sure about that mate

Why have you decided to become a NEET?

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they block all porn sites i ever looked for

do you fuck her ?
beat her ?

Why do I get youtube ads telling how cool and progressive SA is?

Muh dik will be a capital crime in the ethnostate

apart from israel really there is none
sunnis and shia hate different people im shia so i dont know about sunnis but we only hate israel

Why do you know english?

damn that's gotta be hard bro.

next question: have you been taken along shopping or w/e by an older female just so she can leave the house?

no no no
wahhabists are his servants and wont do anything right now the biggest thing they do is protest but that doesnt end well usually

Do u get to have children sex slaves?

its great now i can travel to israel soon to visit the holy land

I didn't know Shias exist in SA. Are you being discriminated against?

thanks bro i appreciate it

You'll fit in with 99% of the people on Jow Forums then haha

Thanks for the answers, man! KSA is awesome

dude vote? i never think about such things, politics is the kings business
hes a jokester imo
giving isis oil
invading syria for fun

oops i meant trading with isis oil

Be my friend and buy me expensive shit and travel the world with me and introduce me to loyal wives

the war is unjustified

my father did

that was always the plan my friend, it kinda sucks our ancestors left your people under the care of Jewish/pro western rulers.
If only those Sauds of Nejd had been taken care of before they made their power grab and disposed of the state of Hejaz, your lands never would have been this despoiled and the Middle East might have been a more safe and unified place.
But what can you do, England and the banks wanted the Middle East in turmoil and they usually get what they want.

no i dont fuck nor beat myself lmao

no, most women started to go out alone or by chauffeur some time ago

How many falcons do you own?

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not really man
they just write in their school books which we read that we are kaffirs but its mainly amusing not discriminating

How much did your daddy pay for you to watch Roman Reigns beat Brock Lesnar in a steel cage?

do i look like a prince bro

hang on, are you the saudi atheist chick who posted "atheist and proud" whilst in Mecca ?

thats a beduin emirati thing

Pokemon in saudi arabia?

lol how do you know so much about saudis dude
i dont like wrestling anymore like i did back in the days

no thank god no atheism is pure brain poison

thanks for answering mate, you're a pretty cool guy

next question, how do you feel about the netherlands

With all that time and money why not study and start up a future tech company? The Saudi economy can't depend on oil forever - gotta diversify man

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i dont really think so

i heard you guys are degenerate is that because the weed or something

sure you don't.

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i dont like commerce and i dont like big work, i wish i was a farmer seriously

after i got disillusioned i dont like it anymore
why they use women i dont know it should be men only like in the 80s

Oh I'm not from the netherlands, I'm asking because of this guy if you know him

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hmm. is the religious police still a thing or is mostly a meme now?

btw you seem like a cool dude

i dont know about him he just talks about islam too much instead of christianity lol

من وين أنت؟

He wants Islam to get out of the netherlands, he's pro isreal

But thank you for answering my questions mate, hope you have a wonderful day

thanks dude
i dont know, in our region where shias live you see a lot of military but not religious police
they are more active in ryadh etc i think


how hung r u

What's it like being neet in Saudi? Do you have vidya?

اي خليج؟

Aren't the Hashemites the true rulers of Arabia?

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khaleej faris

Do you literally just eat burger in a desert
I have been to Saudi Arabia for business
>yo literally all fat burger-eating quasi-NEET welfare queens

Also what will happen when all the oil welfare gibs goes

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comfy cause we have good internet
i dont play videogames

the true rulers are those that win

you seem like a big guy what you doing on pol

شكلك مب سعودي. اقلك من وين من السعودية جالس تقول لي خليج فارس؟

What do you do for fun that is not just materialism, burgers and Internet in a desert

la bass adhak wiyak
im from the arabian gulf near qatar

Did Saud fight the Ottomans?

What do you know about the power struggle between Crown Price Mohammad and disgraced Prince Alwaleed or however you speel it?

What is the go with all those videos like in your OP? How many people die/get seriously injured doing those crazy stunts? It makes me genuinely curious how you guys see death?