I bet you couldn't do a simple algebra problem off the top of your head to save your life. Youre an ignorant retard who uses technology based off the same maths and sciences you say are bullshit but then somehow turn around and accept that that same maths and science is real when it makes your fucking phone work. How does technology work at all if science, math and physics are bullshit, retard? Magic? Are we WH40K orks who can make things work simply by believing they do? Fuck right off with your completely blissfully ignorant ass.
Aaron Evans
Yup this video convinced me.
I am now officially a nuclear weapon denier but also so woke i need sunglasses and benzodiazepines 24/7 to function properly.
Thomas Parker
Ive seen a.nuclear reactor and worked with it. T. Physics scientist
Chase Gonzalez
why wont you believe the experts user ,they know everything
At best the footage displayed was edited to provide more "drama" as this was a show of force of sorts. wich explains "possible" inconsistencies. But to say they don't exist alltogether? 2 Cold war nations both larping superiority of a nonexistant weapon?
yes , fear is the best way to control people,to keep them in their reptile brain so they cannot use cognitive thinking
this is social engineering 101
Grayson Watson
Nagasaki and Hiroshima just did that
Easton Cook
That doesn't equate to a weaponized bomb you can drop and effectively destroy cities. Don't really care if they're fake, real, whatever.
Jordan Barnes
you mean russia is defensive posturing and US is being puppeted by the military-industial complex like the past 50+ years. they are larping for different reasons yes.
> follow the money and what is funding politicians for dicksuck points.
What fear is there to monger? M.A.D. Basically neuters that fear. if we go, we all go kind of antics. Even if it's existence is "fake", it's use isn't being threatened upon others for leverage. even NK isn't this dense and posture defensively. they emphesize the use of other, conventional means.