Love this new zyklon ben edit!

Love this new zyklon ben edit!

Attached: E50pT7d[1].png (1021x745, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice, but does anyone have the original??


Attached: Original.jpg (1080x787, 188K)

Attached: OrvW8VM[1].jpg (1256x944, 221K)


heres the original
looks like jidf missed a star of david in their edit though

Attached: IMG_3059.jpg (1024x746, 223K)

I would change trump and putin to bibi and bolton



>WW3 going on
>Zyklon Ben finally revealing his power level

What a fucking timeline this is

>the original already has the star of David on it. No one even needs to edit it on

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i don't get it. who are the guys in the skulls eye sockets? why isn't it labelled properly ffs?

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No idea. They might be Chinese and Korean president?

they have emperors, don't you learn anything in school down in Serbia?

>finally revealing his powerlevel

Nigga what? Hes always been over 9000000

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Fake news. Just like operation "potkova."

Where is the real original.

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I linked it my dude.

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That's an edit you tato munching retard. I want the non-JIDF censored comic.

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Lol it's real

Attached: 018.jpg (512x512, 31K)