Love this new zyklon ben edit!
Love this new zyklon ben edit!
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Nice, but does anyone have the original??
heres the original
looks like jidf missed a star of david in their edit though
I would change trump and putin to bibi and bolton
>WW3 going on
>Zyklon Ben finally revealing his power level
What a fucking timeline this is
>the original already has the star of David on it. No one even needs to edit it on
i don't get it. who are the guys in the skulls eye sockets? why isn't it labelled properly ffs?
No idea. They might be Chinese and Korean president?
they have emperors, don't you learn anything in school down in Serbia?
>finally revealing his powerlevel
Nigga what? Hes always been over 9000000
Fake news. Just like operation "potkova."
Where is the real original.
I linked it my dude.
That's an edit you tato munching retard. I want the non-JIDF censored comic.
Lol it's real