Racism is retarded, and your retarded if your racist

Its not man that you hate, or any group of men.
Your refusing to look at the bigger picture.

It only stirs the brew of hatred, For our foe dwelleth in the hearts of all men, and seeks nothing more than our own destruction. Wrought not the deeds of iniquity, for thine laborers are many, and thine obstructors far too few.


It was never man, but rather that which keeps us from what has created man.
Sin is the only enemy, its a foe that we fight everyday of our lives, regardless of how homogeneous a community is, or diverse.
Regardless of how Pious, or corrupt.
It matters not, for as I stated, our foe dwells in the hearts of all men.

You have faith in man, but none in God.
You think this world can be saved.
Yet what progress have we witnessed? What regression have we not seen?

Stop hating. Do you not see?
Hate only which can justifiably be hated.
That can only be the very thing that caused hatred. Sin. Which is in all men, woman.

Politics aint gonna save you nor this world.
Its pointless meandering echoed from the souls of the lost who have yet to be saved.

How can you expect to stir the brew of hatred without being infatuated by its odor?

Our real Foe dwells in the hearts of ALL men.
Not just blacks, not just whites, not just asians, but in ALL men.

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real boomer hours


mostly I just hate boomers since every problem facing the world today was voted for by a degenerate, fat, ugly, stupid, american boomer.

Wether you believe or not In Christ.
Im not here to convert you.
Im not here to change your mind.

Im here to show you who the real enemy is.
The foe we ALL are combating every single day.

Its not man, nor has it ever been.

Its what keeps us from what created man.

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I really want you to die old man, you can't fathom my hatred for you.

Why would you write something so eloquent, then title it “Racism is retarded and you’re a retard”
Makes me think you did the ol’ copy and paste


How many of you been betrayed by a close friend? or neighbor?

so the color of your skin clearly was no determinant from them commiting such heinous acts

The sooner you kill yourself, the sooner the rest of us can have peace. Disgusting old sack of garbage. Degenerate shit eating retard.

im 22 bro.
Get on my level pleb.

i don't care about this thread, i just hate satan and its nigger offspring more than i can put in to words.

The only betrayer is the boomer. When the boomer is dead the world will be free. You deserve painful death.

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you think like a boomer, which makes you no different.

but see satan only uses Sin as a tool.
Just as the word of God is my sword, Sin is his, because Sin is antithetical to every word that commeth out of the mouth of God.

Burn them all

Delusion. Sin isn't the problem it's humans. Of course blame anything but people's choices. Oh it's not humans making poor choices it's Satan and his magical sin powers making everything horrible, not any of us! Ignore reality and praise Jesus Christ that'll fix everything!

No. Dipshit. Stop ignoring things and hoping big sky daddy Jesus is gonna pop in and save us all. YOU have to do something. WE have to make better choices and if we refuse then those who refuse must die. It's simple, you backwards, ignorant boomer retard.

You and your ilk would watch the world burn to ash over 10 million years, everyone born in that time suffering and dying needlessly, while foolishly hoping someone, something will come and stoo the evil, waiting for a "better way".

While people like me want to just rip the bandaid off and get it over with. What's better, genocide of all undesirables NOW to produce a healthy future, or waiting through the suffering and horror of an untold number of years because you think there's a "better solution"?

Id rather make a few hundred million, maybe a few billion people suffer and die right now than force countless billions and trillions through the next million years suffer and die. Greater good vs lesser evils.

your anger and hatred is only revealing your inability to refute what I said because you know its the truth.

And the Jew.
What about the Jew?

Ok but what do you consider "racist" Is race realism racist? What about wanting to be with your own people? What about an ethno-state?

stupid kike on a stick worshiping faggot

What is free will?

God didn't create niggers because they look like dog/ape hybrids and those egyptian dog fallen angels. every time some coalburner makes a nigger offspring she is stealing from someone to create a mixed race child of belial

God made 1 man and 1 woman, that's it

yeah yeah religion, etc blah blah

they will die with the boomer which protects them. The boomer is the golum.

Holy fuck. You have to go back right now.



The church is now coming through with a new, hip image. Buddy Christ.


Where is the outrage for Affirmative Action or diversity offices in businesses? That is racism and sexism. KYS OP.

I dont hate niggers I just realize theyre different and mostly worse than we are. Probably theyre a good fit for the environment theyre from, in modern industrial society theyre trash though. Arabs I actually like, jews too, but if they keep trying to fuck with me we're going to have a problem.

The devil made the nigs do it, and the Jews, and the Muslims, that MUST be it!!

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Brothers, calm listen to my words for those that have ears to hear!

We have all been hurt by those we trusted, we have all been wronged by many we have stored our love in. You cant keep pointing the finger outwards, while simeultiously ignoring the fundemental problem that lies inward.
Regardless of blood, race, gender, ect.
Sin is in ALL of our hearts.
We like to externalize our problems on things we feel as though justifies our anger, but truthfully the source of all your anger and malcontent is not outside, beyond you, but within! Within all of us.

We must stop fighting eachother, and start fighting the real enemy. Its not man. Its not you, and its not me.

Its in all of you and me.

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>Your refusing to look at the bigger picture
no u
It's not wrong judge large groups of people, as long as you acknowledge the individual as well. Niggers are on average dumb and jews on average need to be gassed.

OP, are you the kind of Christian who promotes (((pathological altruism)))? Should we let in the nogs so we can save their souls? Should we give them aid so they can be fruitful and multiply?

i won't be happy until niggers are completely eradicated

>Which does Jow Forums hate more? Subhuman retards or a metaphysical incarnation of the mind to scapegoat blame away from real people?
OP is faggot, SAGE

The only thing in you is circumcised Jewish zombie cock.

>"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13

You cant just love those that love you, its akin to a musician whom only loves his fans, and hates his critics...yet how can he expect to improve his music?

>he color of your skin clearly was no determinant from them commiting such heinous acts
then why is iceland atheist/christian and white, and one of the safest places in the world?

according to my expertise in mathematics there is a strong positive correlation between the worse a place becomes on its way to being a shithole, and the more niggers there are living there.

really makes me think.

My retarded?

Take your masochistic love elsewhere retard, maybe go to Africa and get aids, faggot

inability to recognise patterns is actually retarded.

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You blame the flesh, but not what is within the flesh.

Your in darkness, and you claim to be the one who can see? Only a fool would spout such nonsense.

I blame retards like you for being retards and not killing themselves to improve the genepool

pseudoscience from someone who lives in cuckada

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if niggers are so great, why did satan need to infiltrate iceland by putting a kike "rabbi" there to call for more taking in refugees?

if satan wants something, is it a good thing? no

what does satan want?

>"racism is bad and sinful"
>twerking nigger culture
>niggers being put over whites
>white genocide

rly makes me think

take the poison fruit yourself, i dont want any thx.

So then nobody is responsible for their actions?

Well then, do you have any sisters?

Jow Forums doesn't do what it does out of hate, but out of love. sorry, chr*stcuck.

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You can choose not to sin through discipline GENESIS 4:7

Wish you Communists would learn to read and think about books at the same time.

get raped/stabbed/acid-ed you degenerate anglo scum. UK is not Europe so when it sinks into the sea from its degeneracy I will laugh. I laugh every time I hear about how cucked your country is getting. You deserve it.

>you're a sinner living in darkness even though you haven't done anything wrong, hate what is inside of you, feel guilty
>You're a sinner living in darkness but it's ok that you're a horrible person because it wasn't even you that did wrong it was a magical genie who drove you to such things.
Your believe system is an exercise in schizophrenic self loathing.

Shall you hate a beast for it's nature or the man who releases the beast?

>what does satan want?
to not be alone in his suffering.

We are responsible,for everything that is in our hearts, love or hatred. Joy or sorrow. All will be revealed.

And your too proud to realize all have fallen short of the glory of God.

If you are as you say, without sin, then you need not fear death, nor damnation.

Racism doesn't exist in any meaningful form.

Man is no beast, he rules OVER the beast, lest he becomes one himself.

so living around niggers is suffering? tell me more

It is true racism is a stupid and destructive force. However antisemitism is the basis of all human wisdom. I say we all unite against the unholy kikes.

>da devil made me do it!
Show me in the Bible where it says the devil makes you commit sin and it's not your responsibility you cuck.

>everyone of us are sinners and damned
>everyone of us will die
>be afraid of the inevitable and do what I say even though it won't help you.
No I don't fear death or "damnation" because it would be happening to us all and would be a release. It would be like a newborn being afraid to breathe for the first time. Nothing you say or do can save you, or I. Your words are a waste of breath. People like you seek only to latch on to the guilt of others and use it as a tool of control. You are evil, because you seek to control the will of others, just like your scapegoat, Satan.

Racism is judgment. Anyone who does not judge is retarded. Therefore anyone who is not racist is retarded. Your flaw is in thinking racism has to be negative.

Exactly. We hate man because he is the ultimate decider on acting sinfully. He holds the keys to the cage. He lets out the beast.

boomer scum
are boomers even considered human? would I be charged with a crime if I killed one?

If you dont believe youre above the beasts why are you here? Go shit in the streets pee where you want and eat fresh food.

bro you just wanna troll your not being truthful.
I said ALL men. Trying to tell me you never been betrayed by anyone close? Seek and ye shall find.

All you had to do was listen, I seek nothing but ears to hear and eyes to see.

""Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3

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The truth provokes the unrighteousness in anger, but their hearts know it.

>your retarded

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>I said ALL men
no, you said satan wants other people to be miserable. youre implying that satan causes people to be miserable by making niggers live with them. it's true, satan causes multiculturalism to cause suffering. it's poison.

why can't you see it?

>All you had to do was listen, I seek nothing but ears to hear and eyes to see.
People will see for themselves. Why do you hate the idea of free will so much? And if you don't hate free will you should thank Satan that he gave you the ability.
>""Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3
Why do you? That is exactly what you're doing right here. Looking at sawdust in the eyes of others. You are a hypocrite.

What the fuck you trying to prove? I can comment on both our eyes you monkey.

Again, you are wrong because you assume racism is inherently negative. I think black people are generally more athletic. At least in north america. This is racist. And not negative or positive in anyway. It just is. Especially since I do not let these judgments mar my view of them.

Why would a man do something that separates him from his creator? Because he has been deceived by the desires of the flesh.

>"For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do" Galatians 5:17

" I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[b] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

I.E everything you guys claim to hate, Roasties, drunks, pot smokers, whores, boastful .ect

>abrahamic religion

I'm unironically Christian and have held on to my faith even with my Mother turning away and this is a complete oversimplification and bait.
God said to love your enemy, but never said anything about letting the violent and primitive into your lands either, especially if they are from another land.

I unironically endorse OPs views all the way. Keep it up.

Is gore the best way to drive away boomer faggots with reddit spacing?

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What's your point? It seems like you're arguing against what you originally said.

>he thinks other people are the reason why hes suffering.
>he thinks removing a race will make the world a better place

Your like those black panthers saying its da white mans fault they run everything! im sure they have the same view as you just diametrically opposed.

Im not judging anyone. Im simply saying to know your enemy. thats all man.

So you agree that all people have pros and cons, but there is something within all of us that keep us from being who we were meant to be?
mmm almost like thats what this entire thread is about!!

This is the truth.
Regardless of what corner of the earth you are on.

Salvation is not for a man, or a group of men but ALL men.

>he thinks removing a race will make the world a better place
now i see, you're a mossad agent larping as a christian. yes, it WOULD make the world better. instantly.

According to what? A bronze-age book?

No... You call racism retarded in your first sentence. Racism is not retarded. Understanding that we are all different has nothing to do with that. How fucking stupid are you

>We are responsible,for everything that is in our hearts

But God is omniscient and he created us....so he would have to have known what was in our hearts, as he put it in there -so isnt he responsible?

Arent I just carrying out the creators will, by raping your sisters?


Funny. Thought you guys were actually sophisticated.

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So you think everything you do is the will of god?

>"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10

Your just trying to justify your hatred for those that are different than you.
We are all different, all unique images of our creator. So explain to me why its okay to hate different images of the same God that made all of us

>Your just trying to justify your hatred for those that are different than you.
i like asians, arabs are starting to grow on me.

explain that?

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You hate the man that sins, and you also hate what causes him to sin?

Can you justifiably hate that man for sinning?
He who is without sin cast the first stone.
You cant hate him, lest you hate yourself.

God made man. satan created... something

You love ALL.
You just hate the fact all Cannot Love you.

Think about it.

>im not judging anyone
>know your enemy. thats all man.
>everyone is your enemy
>And your too proud to realize all have fallen short of the glory of God.
>Your in darkness
>I'm not judging
See? You are a hypocrite, it's as plain as day.
>satan uses Sin as a tool.
And so do you. You use the inevitable 'sins' of others to make people feel guilty thus weakening their will which makes them more controllable. Hypocrite.

>You love ALL.

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Why would a loving god let his worst enemy do what he wants against his most loved creations?

>He who is without sin cast the first stone.
You cast the first stone here, OP. Fucking hypocrite. You have clearly fallen short of the glory of God.

>why did satan need to infiltrate iceland by putting a kike "rabbi" there to call for more taking in refugees?
that was fake

if you want to find pro-refugee sentiment, you need only look to the natives

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All are guilty.
I dont understand why this is so hard for you to wrap your head around.

Love as in wish that he chose the right path, and didnt do what he did, Love as in hoping for him to seek the Lord and be saved, if that happened he would not be where he is in pic related.

why would god allow his creation to kill his creation? Why do you allow it? Its their choice, their free will if they want to murder or love, to eat or starve, to drink or thirst, to scream or sing. Its our choice. If we were incapable of commiting sin we would be robots worshiping him without any conscious thought at all! God loves us and wants us to Seek him, and Love him, not force it.

>curses and uses profane language
I dont think your gonna get into heaven with those unclean lips, but how dare I judge you, your innocent. lmao

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What caused man to live in sin?


If indeed we were created in gods image, then wouldnt god be responsible for both sin and sinner? What sense would it then make to punish us?

God gives us the ability to choose. Yet punishes us either way.

The answer to your question, is that you hate the cause of your sin: God.

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If you are such a mental fuckup that you think demons are controlling you, then someone needs to put you somewhere safe.

>So you think everything you do is the will of god?

What is omniscience?

This is why I asked you about free will first. If god knows everything; if he knows what I will do before I do it, then there is no free will and you cannot hate the sinner.

If however, there is freewill, then you can only blame the sinner.