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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off conspiratard

Fucking dumbshit OP

Surely this is bait

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Hello CIA nigger

Your game has been spotted, shillus maximo

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You fucking glow-in-the-dark spook, at least lurk a while before you make yourself so obvious

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>"I am sure that such research will continue to be funded under some other title," wrote Karger in an e-mail. "I can't imagine Darpa 'dropping out' of such a key research area."

Would you look at that, nice find OP



Great find

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Something this big will get deleted or shilled by MediaMatters hard.

Finally a catalan proxyfag that isnt a complete flaming faggot.

Que haces mogólico.

"kills" as in you wont be hearing about future updates

That project doesn't sound constitutional.


Funny huh? Yet they have the nerve to criticize the chinks.
Deus Ex is becoming truer by the day.

Faceberg sounds more "Loving"


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Lmao jesus the Truth could fuck your shithole until you bled to death and with your last dying breath you would sware to a God you dont believe in that the thing that just killed you was a lie

Trump is a nazi

>Taco bell = Illuminati
What did he mean by this?

>implying they didn't just start the program under a different name

He had better be.

wow, great find

Maybe they're persecuting Zuckerberg now so they can re-establish federal control over the platform, or because they're angry they aren't logging the lives of conservatives.

This "coincidence" is exactly the kind of thing the deep state egomaniacs would do just to boastfully stick their power in your face.

Whatever it is I hope Facebook tanks because I want to short it.

Fagging this same could only come from an argentine

Good thinking, user.

Do not eat there

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Kek has been angered
Revenge is imminent
Facebook is kill

Zuck is an AI

You are correct. And all the spergs are willingly getting fucked in the ass.

Good post, and you pissed of the joos.

why so salty?

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This triggers this kike

Facebook does not take your information, you morons fucking give it to them.


bump. shilling is intense.

the only thing you'll be shorting is short-dicking every cannibal on the Congo

This makes no sense. You short stocks BEFORE they tank not AFTER. Confucius say... You will be poor a long time.

While completely true, most people are retarded and don't know what data/info they are exposing

Here is a pro-tip. Do not put any data on there. People have lost their minds on social media. Keep your shit private and not on the internet.

What is passive recording?

What is NEVER going to and creating an account to share every detail of your boring life online?

Have another bump to combat the shills.

>Didn't answer the question
>I've never had a faceberg account

Attached: whom.jpg (300x301, 7K)

>people are just learning of this now

Attached: wut.gif (400x220, 3.23M)

If you need to look something up try this...

Who gives a shit about faceberg? it's a pile of shit and if you use it you are a homosexual.


stop trolling


Yes anyone who understands privacy must be from a generation when it was respected right? Or.... just not be a total fucking dumb ass.

nah lol not at all.

Fuck off boomer scum. Here's the great thing about insulting boomers. They are such self centered fags that they ALWAYS respond assblasted. It's great.

t. Mark Judenberg

>he doesn't know taco bell serves human flesh

Keep up the good assblasting fag.

I quite like how facebook has turned reality into a shitty mmo tho. It's funny

Wew lad, this confidence index.

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Ex-DARPA head leaves google to work for Facebook!? (2016)

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Good find

Seriously though, how is that short position coming along? You need help with that or you going to figure it out? Legit concerned.

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He was clever with his wording.

“When the data is deleted it’s gone...”

Zuck means when he deletes the data not when the user thinks they delete the data.

>I'm so le smart and smug xddd

Your faggot shilling in this thread is not needed. You offer nothing. Just typical Jew bullshit. You refuse to answer questions directed at you. Instead you reply with nigger tier comments. You are worthless.

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Oy vey

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No, you fucking moron. This has been pretty common knowledge for years. Where have you been?

OP here. I'm not a proxy. I am a leaf using a meme flag.

Your raging mad now that you pretended to be some kind of stock "playa" and now we all know you do not know dick about shit. I think I hear your mommy calling you... run along now.

>company wants you to fill out everything about yourself so you can connect with your friends
>people give it away freely down to what they think in any matter
>gets upset when this information which is readily available gets spread
I’m amazed to this day that so many people even made Facebook accounts and filled them out.
It’s worrisome that people care so little about their privacy and even more so that they share it globally.

It has always been a great platform for thieves though. People update that they’re out doing something and the thieves know and breaks in and steal as much as they can before the update that they’re heading home comes up and they leave.

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>kind of stock "playa"
Kek What a complete faggot.

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t. Zucc

Good night no stock owning poor fag, make sure you clean your room before you go to bed OK, else your mommy is going to be pissed?

china is already going ahead with this
Just as the nwo helped them implement their one child policy, theyve helped them with their social credit infrastructure. What will come next is when peoples scores are too low, theyll be got rid of. theyll have brainwashed everyone into accepting this

Theyre already using it to deny people travel.

forgot original link

World’s Most Valuable AI Startup Also Happens To Be Part of “the World’s Biggest System of Surveillance”

Good night nigger Jew. Perhaps you will get your war tomorrow?

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re-bump. This is a huge revelation.

Perhaps, but don't worry they do not draft faggots you will be OK.

JA! Bobo!

Thanks for the bump m8

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Reminder: AboutFace confirms Facebook was planned way back in 1993
>Plans began way before zuckerberg's story line.
This is very strange stuff. For instance:
>AboutFace Corporation was founded in 1993 and is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
>In 1994, with the release of the Electronic Facebook™, we invented the software category now known as "social networking".
>AboutFace Directory Server makes it easy for your firm to manage and publish information about its most important asset – your people.
And more:
>The idea behind AboutFace evolved while Grossman was still in college. He developed, printed and sold a facebook his freshman year that included students’ photographs, home addresses, and birthdays. By using information already available in the Williams College database, he eliminated hours of typesetting and reduced production costs.
>Grossman’s entrepreneurial spirit has paid off. Today Atlantic Media counts among its clients half of Boston’s largest law firms, including Goodwin, Procter & Hoar; Choate, Hall & Stewart; and Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer, as well several other law firms around the country and institutions such as Harvard College and Northeastern University.

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Good times

Just get normies to use instead. All the cool kids are using it.

Why are survivors dying randomly?
What do each of these survivors have in common?
Did they talk on social media? > Fuckbook
What did they say?
Did Facebook give user tracking data to the hit teams?

Like Black Mirror?

Facebook admitted that they build profiles of people who never had an account or visited facebook. They collect data from their ads on theird party sites, so they know what sites you visit and your friends with accounts give them information about you when facebook asks them to ask a friend to sign up. AND when your friends tag photos with you in it, facebook knows what you look like, especially if you have multiple friends tagging photos of your face on facebook.

So yes, facebook probably has a profile of us non-users.