WAIT A MINUTE!!! So this was entirely a nothingburger...

WAIT A MINUTE!!! So this was entirely a nothingburger? What the fuck when will this goddamn orange buffoon get what's coming to him?! This is the most outrageous, problematic bullshit I've seen so far. Fuck every single one of you for continually supporting this maniac.

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The hacked Podesta emails were released hours after the Access Hollywood tape.

Grow the fuck up leaf.

Wait so you're saying there's a chance this could actually hurt Trump?

> The probe is about investigating if there was Russian collusion
> NO NO WAIT it's about if Trump abused campaign finances
> NO NO WAIT it's about an affair Trump had nearly two decades ago
> NO NO WAIT it's about this literal nothingburger from 13 years ago that didn't even hurt him in the election

When will they just admit that the purpose of the (((special counsel))) is not to serve any sort of justice but instead to try and find anything for the DNC to try and puff up to impeach Trump?

Get Fucked Trump is clean, His only Crimes are what other Billionaires have done, Perversion and Greed and If your Charge him for that you would have to arrest every single Billionaire Jew for the same, He hasn't done any political crimes so he hasn't betrayed America PERIOD GET FUCKED LEFTIST!

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witch hunt.

he wasn't wrong.

coincidence it happens same time as false flag in syria?


(inb4 q predicted this)

Does Mueller even know wheres he's going?

You cant stump the trump

there has not been one criminal charge to come out of the investigation related to the original scope of the investigation. All charges have been for unrelated issues.

It really doesn't matter at this point - as long as they get him on something.

This, it's a politicized witchunt

The funny part is, the same dems who bitched about Clinton getting impeached for perjury are now openly praying for Trump to get impeached on perjury "if they can't find anything"

Bullshit. This is entirely different. Trump LITERALLY used Russia to win the election. How the hell does that compare?


Why? He hasn't done anything.


I think the real hysteria comes from the fact that we're in the middle of this absurd ultr-femenist, far-radical left culture who hates literally every white male gay or not and Trump represents the american dream of the 80's. Successful straight white man with power. This is the only reason, it's exactly the same as why people who are even slight right of the far left get banned on facebook and youtube, they're trying to ban him from the whitehouse. Pathetic

literally dumb and dumber

Dems are taking the house in November. Trump will be impeached. He won't be removed from office due to the Senate needing 2/3rd majority to do that, but the dream is over. This man caused more long term damage to the Republican party due to his antics that short term gains (Gorsich, Tax Bill) that we would have gotten with any GOP nominee anyway

if they can prove co-ordination between the trump camp and wikileaks then they could cook up fake proof that wikileaks also coordinated with russia and then you have Trump/Russia collusion.

>Trump is such best friends with Putin that he's willing to go to war with Putin.

Do you morons even hear yourself?

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> go to war
twitter war*

But he's totally in league with Russia.

What's the point of being impeached if you're not removed?

maybe you fuckfaces should have thought of this before whitewater and everything else you threw special counsels at during the clinton administration

turnabout is fair play, motherfucker

>What's the point of being impeached if you're not removed?
It accomplished 2 things.

1. It basically screeches the goivernment to a hault, which for Trump is a bad thing if he wants to get any more of his initiatives done.
2. It's a huge embarrassment and again on legacy. Trump will go down if impeached as one of only 3 presidents ever that it happened to and it will basically be the defining part of his presidency.

You're not even American worry about yourself and your own shitty government.

It was known wikileaks had a release coming. Access Hollywood tape was put out to try to preempt the wikileaks release in order to give the news cycle something other to focus on.

How can you believe this? It is a witchhunt, the absolute state of leftist losers is insane. Still trying to fight a loss after a year and a half is pathetic. Its antidemocratic, its hypocritical, its shameful and it is an absolute and uther joke that there are still people who agree with them for acting like this.

You don't have to like Trump but this is a true nightmare for anyone that can be unbiased about it. The blind hatred makes it incredibly hard to have a discussion with any democrat/lefty all over the fucking world.

I speak with lefties often and the stupid cheers they do when they smell poo is pathetic. When you tell them it is a witchhunt they come with copied arguments that dont even last for a day

Open your small world and dig for everything that you are NOT being told. Because the truth is being buried for ages and what you read and hear is the stuff that you are allowed to read and hear.

Do you even know anything? Your country is THREAT #1 to Canada's equality and progressive movement.

I personally think mueller is trying to get fired because he can't find anything to bag trump.

The story is just more provocation by MSM to goad him into firing Mueller. #fakenews

You’re an sjw, aren’t you?
Get out of our board, you filthy leaf.

Keep on crying you retarded liberal faggot, it only makes us stronger seeing you fucking losers constantly bitch and moan, go on..... make our will to fucking crush you even stronger.

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No, the biggest threat to Canada's progressive movement it him

And I love it

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How? Even if Trump told Russia to leak the emails, and they held the tape over his head as some kind of guarantee of payment... all that would show is that he didn't pay for it. Which means no crime happened.

No matter what Mueller is screwed here.

care to provide literally anything that would constitute a lead indicating trumps communications with cohen regarding the access Hollywood tape would be related to wiki-leaks in any way.

Not speculation. An actual lead

>in league

What does this mean? Like a bowling league? Little league? The lollipop league?

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but since there isn't any crime on the books about "collusion" it wouldn't even matter

>When will they just admit that the purpose of the (((special counsel))) is not to serve any sort of justice but instead to try and find anything for the DNC to try and puff up to impeach Trump?
it's not even that user, they're fully aware they can't impeach him over any of this shit. they're just dragging him through the mud for four years so he "can't get reelected."

what they fail to realize is that by overplaying the fuck out of their hand (they should've stopped mid-2016), they're waking more and more normies up to the idea that literally all of the media networks posting the same bullshit stories about a sitting President, but with different flavors each month, might be because there's some sort of greater, more diabolical power at play pulling the strings.

Oprah Knew!

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Now I hate Jesus a little.

Have not heard much about the attempted murder of Republicans.

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I specifically remember it being the opposite.

I agree. They have spent, probably, more that $60 million and found nothing on Trump and has failed to do shit about Hillary/Obama/DOJ crimes that were the root of all of this. He is ruined and the only thing that can possibly save his reputation is if he goads Trump into firing him before the investigation is wrapped up. He is being blackmailed by the Clintons for crimes he committed when Bill was in office so he cannot go after them.

Opposition research.

What's scarier is that they're flagrantly disregarding Trump's 4th amendment rights. I feel like the main point of this charade (aside from the opp research) is to tell us (the American people, more specifically right wingers) that ((they)) can't be fucked with. And in typical useful idiot cuck fashion, retarded leftists are cheering on the destruction of the bill of rights for the illusion of short term gains, cutting off their nose to spite their face.

We're getting pretty close to 1776 needing to commence again


Whichever it was, Assange won. Thatwas the anniversary thing where everybody watched his stupid stream and at the end he ridiculed the idea that he would drop at 2am est. He started at lunch that day and trickled it in many parts for weeks so whatever headline stealing effect they bet on was long gone when he was only half way finished. It was strategic master shit.

Keep watering the neo-liberty tree you'll hang from.


>leaf level intel

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Why doesn't he fire these assclowns? They wiretapped, raided and been on a constant lookout and havent got shit. All they have is doctored audio of him saying pussy. Is he afraid of whoopi in her pussy hat going on a parade.

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The persistent appearance of a witch hunt solidifies his base even further.

Yeah true.

every republican is telling Trump that firing mueller would be a terrible idea,

I suspect he will fire mueller any day now

It's always a nothingburger. Has been since the Don announced he was going to run. WHere have you been?

Because it vindicates the witch hunt in their eyes if he fires him. Really he should just give him a timeline, ie "You have 1 year to find something or I'm just going to fire you for this circus."

And the more ridiculous it gets the more average people will realize how dishonest the kike media is

I always knew the fbi was full of homosexuals.

Mooler is trying to say that hush money to a woman is campaign payments that needed to be disclosed. But by this logic the sexual harassment payments from congress would have to be prosecuted. Nice try mooler.

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>It was known wikileaks had a release coming.
known as in Trump camp knew and nobody else


The judge who approved the raid, LMAO!

>1 year
Give him one week. They've had a year.

When's that butt pirate Trudeau getting kicked out of power? The world doesn't have any respect for you, leaf.

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I saw a picture on the internet, lol the judge! LMAOLMAO!

I'm 12!

I look forward to the day we can legally beat the living shit out of people who think any kind of shit-flinging is OK, just because their side didn't win.
People like (((you)))

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John Edwards gave a $1 Million dollars in what they called “Hush money.”
Edwards knew of the campaign finance limits.
There was a Sex tape - and he paid for that to be hushed, too, and destroyed.
The FEC ruled that Edwards’ “Hush” money, they actually called it Hush money, was NOT a violation.
That’s right.


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Go die in a fire you pussified asshat

Paul Ryans handler Dan Senor leaked it

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Fuck you jesus