Jow Forums is finally turning back to 2013

This is amazing. The goobergators and Trump worshippers are finally being mass triggered and migrating back in reddit.

We're reclaiming our board from the neocon, the redditors, JIDF and globalist worshipers. Soon we'll be back to debating the virtues of libertarianism vs national socialism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice try, 5th column fuck. How much do they pay you to shitpost?

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Audibly chuckles

Back to 2013? You mean when it was still a libertarian board?

Nigga /new/ was racist as fuck, Jow Forums didn't even exist way back.

Trump is unironically a bigger cuck than Trudeau, as we've seen recently.

>virtues of libertarianism

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Get sick of cancer, corporate tool.

good. get him outta pol


>wow Jow Forums is full of fucking retards nowadays when i came here everyone was super smart

>le skeptical redditor

>The goobergators and Trump worshippers are finally being mass triggered and migrating back in reddit.
And *that's* why your pathetic thread got six replies.
In my old age I'm left with one existential question: why do canadadians suck so bad? It's the damnedest thing. Why does being located in a certain geographic region make the inhabitants such faggots?
My scrotum always retracts in horror whenever I see a post featuring that idiotic red leaf.

>Soon we'll be back to debating the virtues of libertarianism vs national socialism.
Sounds good to me.

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>My scrotum always retracts
Literal beta male

>"My scrotum retracts in horror"
I must remember this one

The majority of this board now are underaged b& who came here during the election from Reddit. They start out on Reddit, find Jow Forumsthe donald and begin worshipping Trump in a cult of personality that would put Stalin and Mao to shame, eventually someone links them to /ptg/ on this board and that's how we are now Reddit lite. You can tell it's them because they all speak the same way, make excuses for Trump even when he does the exact opposite of what he said he'd do on a certain issue, and provide no counterarguments or thoughtful posts besides "le shariablue shill xD" and "trust him it's just 72d chess xP".

Also, unironic baby boomers have started posting here. You can identify them by how they type and by their cuckservative Fox News tier views that lack any nuance. Overall, if we could go back I wish we'd have named Jow Forumsthe_donald to something less focused on the man himself, or even better I wish we'd have never tried colonizing Reddit in the first place.

Pol came to light in 2011.

Spotted the post moot fag

>leftypol spamming Jow Forums
>will it be back to 2013
not with you faggots here

>Had to look it up
Why does it matter when? Jow Forums was never left wing we were always going our own way fuck government, do the right thing, love loli way.

I've been here since December 14, 2012.
You've been here what? 1-2 years?

You mean the virtues of Reactionary.

You want 2013?
>fuck off jew bot
>hardcore natsoc books
zog spambot derailing thread about whining about Venice and why the U.S. doesn't have a city like it
2013 is nothing like 2018 since 2018 is full of jews spamming Jow Forums, leftypol commies spamming Jow Forums, and newfags like you who have no fucking idea what you are talking about or "remembering" about Jow Forums

Thinking about a country that allows people to fuck dogs does that to a man

>So beta your scrotum retracts when you talk to canadian males

You’re the first to go on the day of the grill, lard puck.

Nigger, you clearly weren't here in 2013. But you're still just as much as a douchebag.

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I found Jow Forums during chanology. Thanks to that user video on youtube. So I guess 2009? Why? Do you think Jow Forums was ever lefty? Lmao? A website that used to be filled with pedo shit and had dedicated loli board?


Try 2006.

Say what you want about the Trump era of this board but 2016 was a second golden era with the level of psyops Jow Forums ran in the media, one of the best being the Draft Our Daughters campaign, followed by It's Okay To Be White.

2013 Jow Forums was more cosy because there were less of us and people were not wise to our shit so it was easier to infiltrate twitter but there was also little cross pollination with the outside world. I'm glad things are quieting down and the shills are all leaving.

Seeing redditors flee from all breads except their /ptg/ safe space was pretty great ngl

God damn this place is fucking infested with faggots.

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The problem is with the unprecedented levels of autism they injected into the board culture. I remember several fags breaking down in an unironical tearful rage because of the ai gf leafget that "was supposed to go to Trump"

Amateur. I've been here since '97.

So many normans.

If you weren't here for at least the good morning america remake you're 9gag tier.

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fuck off nigger

You first memecap

it's easy to ignore idiots and to keep scrolling

>reddit spacing
at least try.

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>old Jow Forums

not fooling anyone with memes so weak

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Discord screen cap?


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Trump going full neocon is helping our board out in the end. We can finally go back to what we were originally, the election made this board unusable.

These right here are what you call "newfags" even if the thread is bait at least it has a point. Jow Forums was far better in 2013 because there was less people and less morons in general.

Trumpfags tend to use year old screenshots from like early 2017 to make it look like there's a "shill raid" when really it's just oldfags wanting their board back.

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>and migrating back in reddit.
i wish

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btw rate this elf

I'm talking Jow Forums.
I used other boards since 2008

She's cute, who is she?


There is no "we", faggot. Sage.

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>gamergate was bad
normie leaf shitposter

>content in post
end your faggot life on your way back to reddlt

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>virtues of libertarianism vs national socialism
Read the whole fucking post next time

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she is a vtuber who used to have a god-tier voice actor but the VA got fired or some shit

>imagine being a lead
God life would be horrible

>inb4 mutt


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Good the braindead mutts need to go back to their kikebook groups


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A leaf

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Kys leaf

Fuck off fag. We're in it for the long haul.

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Thank fuck.

ITT: another russian shill disguising himself as a leaf trying to sow discontent in America.

There must be a new VPN, nearly every ShareVlad thread today is showing a leaf flag.

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>shills increase dramatically after trump says a thing
>a few weeks later
>shills get bored and their shillbucks dry up
>goes back to normal

Fuck off shareblue

>forgets to use meme flag when calling fellow Americans mutts

shut the fuck up mutt


And dont forget shitposting!

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Day Of The Rack.....soon.

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leaf faggot.

Not so fast nigger.

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No it’s not. We used to have huge Frankfurt school info dumps, people were knowledgeable, and every other pic wasn’t a screen grab of what someone said on social media.



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criminally underrated

Colossal if legitimate

You don't have to support Trump. The name of the board is just "politically incorrect".

Get a load of this nerd virgin

Attached: Shareblue Shill Bingo.jpg (889x1039, 239K)

>Soon we'll be back to debating the virtues of libertarianism vs national socialism.

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Now we just need to purge the unironic stormfags

Will you kill yourself when you realize that years of pissing here accomplished nothing?
I hope you do.

AWWOOOOVMENT! Hey MAGA Pedes, don't let these shareblue shills get at us. We know that the only way to keep America safe from Assad is send in our good ol' troops! And what would happen if we don't!? Israel would be at terrible risk, and they are our GREATEST ally, so don't let this shills get to you.

Attached: the_absolute_current_state_of_trump.jpg (568x346, 16K)

kill yourself shill rat

I remember when Jow Forums was about actually being red pilled, then Stormfront rejects, facebook moms, reddit Alt right "Nazi" cucks and normies took over.

>he thinks drumpf is sending troops into syria
How fucking stupid are you?

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Tru pol wasn't infested by dog fuckers.

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Jesus fuck, conversation just 5 years ago on Jow Forums is so much different than it is now.

I remember only a few years ago, before Trump, this board was filled with fantastic philosophical and economic debates with a good amount of humor and memes thrown in and all the various right wing ideologies really just had a great time arguing with each other and covering serious meaningful topics. Since then this board has degraded into just Trump dick riding and civnat fucks saying retarded shit, almost like r/thedonald. Hopefully we can go back to those good ol days.

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Ha. You're a retard aren't you? go look at the catalog at any given time and you'll see most of the threads are anti-trump and leftist redditors trying to bait us. Kill yourself you dumb fucking queer.

I notice the shills are trying(and failing) to use board language and culture more effectively. I think these shills aren't the normal middle age shareblue,jidf,etc. I think these guys are the younger college students doing "online activism" that we heard about. Imagine paying money to a school so you can shill for free kek