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Here's my theory of what's going on in the world. you can fill in the details or tell me what's I'm missing.

There are feuding secret cabals made up of powerful familes that are in different sectors of influence.

one is major and the others are mostly underdogs. The major one makes up what we think of as illuminati, they are the rothschilds, trilateral, skull n bones, etc that mostly make up the Banking, military, oil sectors. Their power is in western europe, USA, Israel, Vatican, etc.

The underdogs mostly have power in the BRICS countries. Brazil, India, China, Russia. These families are basically businessmen. Or can be defined as the 'builders'

The former have been in power in America since kennedy was shot, and their puppets were the Bush and Clintons among others.

The underdog cabal are sick of the current ones in power which make up the deep state, neo-cons, and zionists. They are sick of them destabilizing countries around the world and even their own host countries via debt bubbles and war among other schemes. The businessmen underdog cabal make their money off of infrastructure, building, and business and trade. For example, Chinese businessmen creating infrastructure in Africa. They want to do this in the middle east too but the war is fucking things up.

This group wants stability, to stop war and financial scams and debt bubbles because its bad for business. They say war is a racket but only for certain sectors, the rest suffer.

Trump is part of this group and they advocate for everything he's pushing for: nationalism, trade, peace, business, less regulations, less debt, strong middle class, deflation etc.

So in other words, the feuding powers that be are the capitalist destroyers vs the capitalist builders. The latter want investors, the former want debt slaves and inflation.

Considering how closely Jow Forums allies with them, it really makes you wonder if we are in some ways puppets of them. basically they are Jow Forums incarnate, just like trump

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probably the most retarded thing i have ever read

I think you have it more or less right. Trump got sick of having to bribe people to make deals happen in his own country. He's talked pretty openly about how congress is bought, and how he used to do the buying through donations.

It's always been a power game between the people who have money and power, it always will be.

As far as your theory is concerned, you can believe whatever you want to make yourself keep thinking Trump is the immaculate hero you thought he was a year ago. I think this is just an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

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Whiny little baby needs his blankie

You act as if the Chinese didn't have projection power like the US their military industry wouldn't be vying to drop teslas on brown people

>He's talked pretty openly about how congress is bought, and how he used to do the buying through donations.

Trump's own head of the CFPB, who took over $50k in donations from payday lenders, rolled back payday lender regulations. Trump also received over $1 million from individuals in the payday loan sector for his inauguration. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I wouldn't give any leader the benefit of the doubt.

Q theorized this

No OP, the truth is that BRICS really has almost nothing to do with the Western world, except in the case that all of their peasants want to immigrate here and our (((ruling cabal))) wants their peasants to immigrate here as scabs to prevent any populist uprisings. There is so little economic interdependence between the West and BRICS, basically we are the builders and the consumers and we get some natural resources from BRICS (with the exception of China from which we get cheap manufactured goods).

All the competing cabals ruling the world are all located in the West. The most powerful cabal is of course the Jews (including the Rothschilds, who are on the same team as Soros. They're not really competing between family lines). The next most powerful Cabal is the WASPs, who congregate in the Episcopalian church and in Skull n Bones. Up until 50 years ago the WASPs controlled the Ivy Leagues but now they share them half and half with the Jews. And then all the rest of the cabals are relatively small and are divided among religious lines. Their elites are rich but they don't become uber-billionaires, Trump's path to wealth was abetted by his Presbyterian (Calvinist) family ties but they didn't take him as far as they could have if he were born a Jew. I'd say there's a Methodist cabal, a Calvinist cabal, a Mormon cabal, and a Northern baptist cabal. There's a southern baptist cabal and a Catholic cabal as well, but they are mostly lower to middle class and they don't propel their leaders to uber elite status. The niggers in America don't have their own cabal but they ride on the coattails of the Jewish cabal through organizations such as the (((NAACP)))

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I second this.

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There are definitely different macrofactions vying for power behind the scenes.

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that's good but there's no underdog families.
This is just power struggles inside top tier "enlighten" families.
The power families never take public positions.
If somebody is in the fortune 500 or in a public office, then he's not part of the real power.
All public positions are taken by controlled puppets, like horses in a rigged race.
Once in a while, the system fails and an outsider arrives to the power position (JFK, Reagan, Trump)
Trump is a problem, but it's not a big deal.
He will be manipulated, or removed if he become uncontrollable.

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I mean, Trump does not has secret meetings with other "builders" around the world, he's just himself.
His enemies have meetings, they do control other countries and industries, and they do coordinate actions to keep themselves in power/increase their own control. There are several factions in this game.

I want to know more about the minor faction that played this Trumo card. They will be our new masters clearly, and I hope we aren't hopping from the pan into the fire.

>I want to know more about the minor faction that played this Trump card
Unironically it was Jow Forums and the alt-right who played the Trump card through weapons-grade shitposting (viral marketing), infiltrating the r/The-Donald admins, and working their way into key positions in the campaign.
The alt-right technically qualifies as a cult, based on the principle of anti-universalism aka particularism. Some day it will become a techno-futuristic religion if the world doesn't end in apocalypse of nuclear hellfire soon. So for now we have a tiny bit of cabal power but I'm not trying to kid anyone, the (((ruling cabal))) is definitely winning.

Compared to our current rulers, it will be like a golden age

I think they were ok with the banking scams of the 20th century because they profited off it, but now that the negative effects are being felt, they are getting sick of it. I think they are also worried about the lack of stability. Our current rulers are like locusts. It's insane. They don't care if the economy collapses or the world gets nuked.

I meant in terms of more or less ruling nations. The businessmen, the WASPS don't rule america. it's ruled by zionists, banking/finance, military interests. Trump for example is a perfect example of how businessmen don't run our country, to see how vilified he is.

When I say they have power in BRICS countries I mean in the government. I wouldn't say they control the government but they at least have power. But the major families that have power within the BRICS countries don't operate in those countries, they operate in the west and are from the west. Like for example, they have chinese members in china, russians in russian, etc. But those aren't major players in the cabal, it's just that this cabal of capitalist builders in terms of geo-political power have control of BRICS countries. Because it's like they have nowhere else to go and gain geo-political power

is Trump going to get seth'd or assange'd ?

>it wasn't just a card game.

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Your theory is stupid.

Neither, he's going to get muppeted

Rothschilds and skull'n bones lost their power over the U.S in the 60s.

Bretty good. You're only a puppet if you don't do your due diligence.

>strong middle class
What is debt and how does it work?
Wanna know how I know you've never taken an econ class user?

This is stupid. Jews are the ones in positions of influence and power, and they are deciding things as a tribe for Jewish interests. It's not rocket science.

That would be a nice dream and I hope you're right. I honestly can't see Trump actually wanting to kill anyone for Israel or for profit, there is true evil in this world, we have seen them massacre children for political goals, it's (((their))) modus operandi.