Is the Blue Wave coming ?

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He is not cut from the same cloth as me.


Hi Rand!

>Is the Blue Wave coming
no, last I heard the mexican government broke it up before they made it here.

cut all retirement benefits, reduce senator/congressman salary to their state's minimum wage. boom. it's no longer a career, it's a civil service again.

does it matter?

Yep. When trump said he was going to make America great again he was being ironic. He was going to do such an awful job that it would dawn a new liberal golden age to last a generation

>wanting an even dumber and more corrupt government

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on the way to page 10 i go!

The only wave that is coming is the wave of easily manipulated immigrant democrats that know nothing about the US and vote blue because they don't bother giving a shit doing anything other than eating ass.

I have to say good idea

No faggot, paul nehlen is coming

When did he say he wanted you to work until you are 84?

Relying on SS to live on in retirement is one of the dumbest things you could ever do to you and your family.

After 15 year old Paul Ryan's father killed himself out of embarrassment at the demon spawn he created, the Ryan family went on Social Security gibs to survive.

Paul Ryan got on the goberment payroll at 28 years old and has had the cushiest goberment job ever since.

Oh btw, Paul Ryan has made a career about how goberment can't do anything good for people, it's been pretty good to him.

This is the power of Republican national security.

WTF? Football players retire in their mid 30's?

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I hope Paul Ryan chokes to death

Eh if it can't hire people it doesn't need that department

Yes because Trump has totally fucked up on the Syria situation. Even if we can back this down, the jackass has taken us waaaay to close for muh gas babbies and kikes. There is no coming back from this for me and for everyone I know.

Blue wave already happened, 8 years of Obama

Runs on balancing budgets and erasing national debt. In fact, his tenure adds trillions to it. Republicans in a nutshell.

Does this mean Nehlen can actually win now?

Nah, he's doing it so he can prep with Romney for 2020.

Ryan/Romney ticket comin' atcha.

I want him to get replaced by an actual nationalist, not a Zionist/globalist shill.

You dumb fuck.
He's going to work for lobbyists now and make millions. Do you know a single fucking thing about how the swamp works?

He'll probably 'retire' aka take a vacation, he'll go to the private sector, they always do.

Ryan was in office before Trump, and he opposed tons of things Trump wanted. Learn American politics.


Swamp is anything if not tenacious.

Naw, he is a highly experienced choker

Move out of commie Shitsylvania. I’m getting another $170/month.

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I really want this to be satire, but I suspect its not.

I'm retiring at 45

The democrats are running that construction worker. Republicans could be in serious trouble if they don't start tailoring candidates to each district like the democrats are doing.

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Doesn't matter. Democrats are motivated. Trump country voters are not going to be excited about voting republican after the Trump tariffs slash their profits. Trump thinks they want to take one for the team. Kek

only cucks vote republican

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Like Carl?

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>we must pay the politicians billions
then they obviously will start caring about us. How fucking stupid are you obamanigger

But the Republicans are running /ourguy/

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>Is the Blue Wave coming ?
so far they are donating more to the Republicans, seems like they're a safer investment for donors this time around

you know in China to be part of the priest class (government employee) you have to get your nuts cut off

seems like a good idea, this gets rid of nepotism

>What's farmland?

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Historically, the party that holds the white house does poorly in the mid-terms.

The democrats will claim it's a "blue wave", but it isn't; it's just how things usually work.

They should get rid of social security and medicare before all the boomers die. They need to get off their lazy asses and go back to work to fix the problems they created.

This will be the second election in a row where the Republicans have lost seats. And if the Republicans somehow manage to lose the Senate when only about half a dozen of them are defending seats, the Dems will be in a position to pick up a supermajority in 2020.

Nah, midwesterners prefer folksy politicians who don't say mean things

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soybeans, corn(ethanol),fruit,nuts, pork

Farmers are going to be pissed about lost profits

not to mention that Trump won about 10 of the states that a Democratic senator is running in.
(if Hillary had won, we might have seen a Republican supermajority in the Senate).

Singapore has little to no corruption, and one of the reasons why is that the politician annual salaries are like 2 million a year so they have no reason to accept bribes, and if they did for some reason they're be sent to prison for a long ass time.

Yes, there is. The president's party almost always loses in the first midterms. The Dems had uncontested control of Congress for the first two years of Obama's presidency, then they got BTFO in the first midterms.

The same thing is going to happen now. The Tea Party wave was pretty big since republicans hated Obama, and this time around democrats REALLY hate Trump. Right now I don't think the dems will take the Senate, but the House is absolutely in play, maybe even likely to switch.

It's more of a brown wave desu

Democratic leaders shilled gun control to hard and the economy is booming there would have to be some special kike magic to even make republicans lose the house

the difference is that obama inherited a shit economy

trump inherited the best economy

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not in the way you're thinking.

it's coming in the way of fraud and rigged elections.

under communism u only work for 10 hours a week for 10 years and then ur retired for the rest of ur life u just get free money forever because we take it from the evil rich ppl who we force to work for free or something idk but we just take their money and then they keep producing even more money which wejust keep taking and give it to u so u don thave to work anymore

he's going to have to stop winning at some point if he wants to screw things up.

Good, fucking neocon faggot need to fucking go.

who cares, they're literally all the same.

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Kek wills it

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it's also a city-state
it's a lot harder to ignore people's wants when they live 10 miles away

GOP Congressman Rips Trump in Insane Tirade to Journo: ‘Evil, Really F*cking Stupid Forrest Gump’

Trust me

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>paul nehlen is coming
fun fun fun. can't wait.

worse than mao and stalin combined

even if republicans did run good candidates dems own the media and they can just roy moore every one of them

it was like this originally but then (((they))) figured out they could literally just vote for a a restructure.
Honestly I'd go a step further and they don't even get paid - they just all their accommodations and food paid for. I'm tired of these old crones using my government as their pension and life career because they've tricked the general populous to belief its a democracy

>midwesterners prefer folksy politicians who don't say mean things

says who? midwesterners here and people here love honestly, it's why Trump was so popular, what you see is what you get

Wait Paul Ryan is 48? Dude looks younger than that.

Still if he is leaving. Good because he is a complete cuck.

We don't need senior citizens running this country. If they are 65 or older, they need to retire instead of working till they die of old age.


Jesus fuck this guy needs to go.