How can DORMPF possibly recover?
The Left can't mem---
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Obama really was a jerk wasn't he.
Obama literally bought the swamp Ukraine.
Memes need to be true to be effective. The left has a... flexible relationship with the truth so generally their memes fall flat. Evidenced in OP.
Only balls in the White House back then we're Michael's.
Ha! You activated my trap card faggot!
Here's leftwing Snopes confirming it as true.
You suck at memes...
This is an interesting observation that sums up exactly the problem with leftist memes.
It used to be the opposite, too. There was a time I recall where liberals were the ones telling social and political truths and were the funny ones.
Now it's sort of reversed because the left has completely lost their minds and any semblance of reality or truth. They are objectively the idiots they claim to look down upon.
The irony. Oh the irony.
>Remember when our president would act tough like every other black man
Tough obama! So tough! Much strong!
Obama’s battle plan was icy stares and adjective-laden statements
I was just thinking the other day how economic leftists who want to overthrow the duly elected US president hate Russia so much that they want war with them, and blame them for everything.
Post-ironic McCarthyism
Collusion with Russia then has the audacity to point the finger at Trump who did not collude. Yeah he has balls in a way.
McCarthyism was justified, a shit ton of people McCarthy "slandered without evidence" turned out to be commies "Including Mao, and Castro" do you know that the American left were defending Mao, and Castro as the "George Washingtons of Cuba/China" fighting for freedom, and democracy up until the point red terror started?
Obama is a tranny loving Muslim faggot
>Anonymous (ID: 9LzijF5R) 04/11/18(Wed)21:00:29 No.167751898▶
> (OP)
>Obama really was a jerk wasn't he.
>Left can't meme
> (OP)
>Tough obama! So tough! Much strong!
not to mention Obummer is literally fucking a dude currently
Remember when obabo said that?
Me neither!
This is the cuckservative retort .
>obummer was softer on Russia!
Wow one picture sure says a lot. Now can anyone post
Obama was weak as fuck. Putin is a lot older, more fit, actual ex-KGB. Obama was a ''community organizer''. I really do not think Putin was afraid of Obama.