Seriously why do people support this corrupt dictator...

Seriously why do people support this corrupt dictator? Israel is the only democracy in the mideast and it's in our best interest to help them overthrow Assad and install a more democratic leader. This man murders children and this CAN NOT be tolerated.

Attached: Assad.jpg (259x194, 5K)

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because hes adorable. look at him


Swing and a miss

>Corrupt dictator

Swing and a miss

>murders children

3 strikes, GTFO.


i dont like him either but he is not the worst.

Because literally taking out dictators before made the regions worse. Everyone paying attention knows this.
You need to release hard intel to public that proves he gassed his own people on the verge of Trump ordering a pull out

These ridiculous, suicidal gas attacks by Assad seem to coincide not only with battleground victories against the head-choppers, but co-incidentally with Israel’s murderous attacks on unarmed Palestinians “throwing stones”.

What nobody seems to have picked up is the emphasis – and red lines – on Gas; gas, gas attacks. Why is gas so much worse than being dismembered, disembowelled, and mutilated by high explosives? Certainly I would favour unconsciousness and death by gas before being smashed to pieces by depleted uranium.

These relentlessly repeated claims are an exercise with the dual purpose of providing a subliminal message about the greatest tragedy in human history, repeated ad nauseam. The massive ‘gassing’ of European Jews some 65 years ago. Lest we forget.

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Fuck off already.

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its Assad or ISIS.

Everyone grow a bad mustache to show support for Assad

>Israel is the only democracy in the mideast
>it's in our best interest to help them
never has that ever been true
>overthrow Assad and install a more democratic leader
because we give a fuck what sandniggers do across an ocean
>This man murders children
sandniggers. not children
> this CAN NOT be tolerated
its so weird that im sitting here tolerating it. how is that possible?
0/10 bait though

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Israel will never feel safe and theyll never stop at Syria

>Seriously why do people support this corrupt dictator?
He is not a corrupt dictator, he is the lion of Damascus, a remover of kebab and the number one enemy of the Jews.

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Get out kike.

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We don't want democracy

He has pretty good dress sense and dosnt waste bullets.

Jow Forums raided by CIA

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he is a secularist that hunts islamists and protects christians and religious minorities, all syrian christians support him

Israel has killed more kids than SG ever has or ever will.

> >167755492
Why the fuck you neocon shits are allways repeating "ISRAEL IS THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDEAST"?

Who the fuck cares? they are the aids of the world but we are going to look to other side cos they let kikes vote for the kike in chief from time to time?

Nigger, Germany during NatSoc was also a democracy yet you kikes start ranting like bitches.

BTW, not proven that assad murder anyone, yet israel is proved to be a baby killing machine.

gass of kike.

piss off mossad

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>a more democratic leader
Failed every time that cunt clinton or the bush family tried, because that was the plan all along.
Now you babyfuckers want to make Syria into a muzzie state?
I want you to actually pick up a log of your own shit and shove it in your mouth, swallow it whole and take a pic

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>to help them overthrow Assad
THEY don't even care if there's an Assad or not.

They're not the world police and they're not the ones burdened by Syrian refugees because of this animal Assad.

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there is always better alternative

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Gotta give it to them 2000 years only slaves for 800 of them, booted out of 2/3 of the world ( and yes that includes Asia ) and still the buggers own most of it ... democratic my ass, demonic more like

I really love him, I feel like if he ever loses my faith would weaken, because even though he's Muslim, he fights for Christians and defends them from head-choppers and kikes. His defeat would signal the victory of Islamists and Jews over some of the last remaining Christians in the Middle East.

Lord, please defend your followers, and those who defend them.


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he defends syrians you goddam autist. that's what being secular means, this isn't favoritism.


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He's neither Shia nor Sunni; he is Alawi. He's a western-trained eye doctor who only took power after his father and brother died in a car accident, most likely an assassination orchestrated by (((them))).

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I'm tired of fighting wars for Israel. Fuck off OP

>overthrow Assad and install a more democratic leader
Just like in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya right?

Seriously why do people support this corrupt dictator? Israel is the only democracy in the mideast and it's in our best interest to help them overthrow Assad and install a more democratic leader. This man murders children and this CAN NOT be tolerated.

t.Muttbot 6000000

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Studied medicine in Damascus until '88. Army doctor at Tishrin Military Hospital until '92. Opthamology at Western Eye hospital in London until his brother was killed in '94.

>glow in the dark