Name me one problem the free market hasnt fixed

Name me one problem the free market hasnt fixed.
Protip:You can't

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anti-free market sentiment is simply the competition that makes the free market strong.


Protip: OP is a faggot

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Free market CAN fix it if we let it, but it has not yet done so.


realistic spot prices of metal.

predatory and monopolistic incentives to (((control))) the market

Corruption isnt an issue with limited gov interference

this is the only one i can half agree with but i think the problem is with values. think about how shocked our grandparents would be to hear about a new show on the tele about how white people are terrible starring a white man with his penis chopped off who dresses like a slutty girl and calls itself a person of color for its 3% native american heritage...

Monpolies do not exist in a free market. Monopolies are a result of gov intereference

in a free market, whats to stop someone buying off politicians

even the blacks and injuns of that time would tell it to go back to the vile pits of hell that that it must have come from

The market can impart values if people choose to support them with their dollar. Morality us subjective anyway and people should have the freedom to live their life as they see fit if it harms no one. Thats called the non aggression principle (NAP)

Lobbying within the market... corrupting key actors to push the (((your))) corporate power...

no but without government control you have no way of stopping those degenerate things coming out since its a free market

The politicans would have nothing to sell if gov power is limited. Corruption increases in relation to power which is why totalitarian nations are so corrupt

Yes it fucking is.

People can choose what to aupport with their dollars

How so?

how limited? At some point they have to have some power. unless it is anarchy but that would never work unless we go back to being cavemen

monopolistic is a sound goal for any corporations who wish to sanctify its position in the a market
Gov or not...
In the realm of Money, there is no moral


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Extremely limited at the federal levels. Let the states handle defense and do away with the EPA FCC and abolish regulations on banks and the stock market and the major source of lobbying goes away and you have maximum liberty

Negative externalities.

Fucking rekt.

so whats to stop someone with a lot of money trying to protect a monopoly paying all the politicians to protect him from antitrust?

youre just so wrong. a monopoly stifles innovation, innovation is what brings in the money in the long term. you cant be better than anyone else if there is no one else


The fact the gov would lack the power to push those laws. There would be no anti trust legislation at all and anyone would be able to enter the market without barriers to competition

moral ethics if you will... empathy just for naming one

but business in a free market doesnt car about the long term they only care in the short term

A free market means loads of jobs and wothout a central bank like the fed money would have value

those guys not getting re-elected lmao

what would the federal government do in your system?

If it is in a companys best interests to have morals they will if it improves profits. If people value that then those companies will prosper

whose to say that this even gets to the public

that doesnt make any fucking sense. im just gonna assume what you think it means, and thats completely and utterly dubious a claim. aside from the fact that those are relative terms, the idea that companies only work in the short term is observably false.

i agree. which is why i think it was so easily used against us. if there was a resurgence of traditionalism it would be fought tooth and nail, but why? its everyones free choice, right..? the answer is somewhere in there.. be like your grandpa wanted, even if its not what your friends like.

Letting people have what they want regardless of whether it's good for them.

>a monopoly not going public
>lack of antitrust on a monopoly not going public
that doesnt make any fucking sense

but corporations can lie to your face for profit...

Coordinate national defense and secure safe interstate commerce. We would only need the legislature 1 month a year. Everythibg else is local or privitazed. FEMA and OSHA could easily be handeld by private companies

In a free market with limited goverment how is anyone going to stop them

Then those companies will be exposed and suffer

how would this mega corporation that is rich and powerful enough to be federally protected from antitrust have literally zero customers consuming their goods/services?

They wouldnt know about the deal with the government to keep their monopoly. this is about corruption

I literally said it before, the politicians get recycled. the consumers will know, how could they not? the company is obviously big enough to command federal protection. if theyre big enough for that, theyre big enough that consumers are conscious of them as a corporation, which means theyll be conscious of them as a monopoly. you're asking non-questions

They dont have to be in the fucking board room to know a monopoly is being preserved. You understand consumers exist within a market system, right?


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So they pay off the new politicians

Tge problem is the fact the gov has the power to enact that legislation that we all know will just be used to protect that company. The only solution is to stop people we all know are corrupt from having that power in the first place

Again, absurdities to think that that's sustainable in any way. This only works if voters are an absolute vacuum of leverage, which is entirely unreasonable to suggest.

In the amoral realm of money, you're also free to fuck over the monopoly by starting your own business that doesn't fuck over the consummer and stealing their business. In fact you have every reason to do so.

The only thing stopping you is government regulation creating barriers to entry.

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like my original thing you cant get rid of corruption. if there is any power there is a chance of corruption

So what is your prefered way of dealing with corruption

Right the solution isnt more statist regulation. Its to neuter the politicans ability to sell us out

>Name me one problem the free market hasnt fixed.
Nigger problem

Im done talking to you after this post because this is the second or third time you've asked a question i've already answered - if its clear that a monopoly is being preserved, the consumer/voter uses his leverage to recycle the corrupt politicians and foster a healthy competition by voting in the necessary antitrust and bringing their business elsewhere. End of story.

>inb4 yeah but what if they just pay off the next politicians
you might have a learning disability

So how do you do that

You think you need politics to buy off a supply chain? and fuck competition?


Monopoles are attainable without gov/politics, and it's a (((good move))) to ensure the strongest position in your market... Lobby/corruption are tools for corporate thinking...

There would be no government stopping a private company from paying niggers to not breed.

I was just naming problems with the free market bullshit

fuck off

Pretty much anything medicine or healthcare related.

You're still alive and posting here.

Removing their ability to regulate. Car salemen sell cars because that is their stock. Politicans sell regulations because that is what they have to offer. And it is much better to keep all power as local as possible so that tyranny is near impossible and politicans are much more accoubtable to the voters they represent

Most insurance costs are a direct result of gov interference in the market. In a libertarian society an MRI would cost $20

>the profit motive
Which doesn't actually motive as studies have shown
>minimal government intervention
So the Jews can hijack your economy and country. BASED
Everything is locked behind a capital barrier and tons of red tape
Not really sure what this means. Energy isn't adaptable because oil companies want to milk as much profit as they can.

Fuck cr*apitalism

Are you saying money doesnt motivate people? Thats ridiculous

Dude, please consider free market WITHOUT politics...(and politicians... aaannd elective cycles)
and you'll see monopoles and corruption/lobbyism as perfectly sound tactics to ensure a corporate entity's future... (even if amoral)

>Are you saying money doesnt motivate people?
Actually the opposite, higher incentives lead to worse performance in the workplace.

How do you establish a monpoly without politicans protecting your business practices and using onerous legislation to keep out competitors?

>the problem is with values
and whats the cause of deroding values?

Corruption, monopolies, and lobbyism are symptoms of politics in the market. You literally just said to think about the market without politics and then brought up the market with politics, what is wrong with you you fucking frog lmao

Blind fool!!!
What motivates people is what you can do with money...

Facebook is a monopoly
No government backing (au contrair)


>in an ideal world
this is theory and its fantasy.


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Thats not an ideal, thats a the voter and the consumer quite literally functioning as if they were a voter and a consumer. No aberrations in behavior involved. No wishful thinking, no chances. The consumer is the consumer, the voter is the voter.

>Corruption, monopolies, and lobbyism are symptoms of politics in the market
Being this retarded.

the Jewish problem.

youre retarded kid. theres no hope for you. go read more and think youre clever kid. lmao

The Middle East and the Israel/Palestine issue.

And now that facebook is losing people what are they asking for? Regulations. Because they know if they get regulated the barriers to entry will keep them from facing competition like MySpace

good post, ill consider it deeply
>lobbyism has nothing to do with politics
not even sure where I would start with this

by politics i meant political structure such as gov, or elected representatives...
In a broad sense, everything could be boiled down as politics ---> "societal affairs"
Corruption is used by Bonobos too btw... (not only humans with ties and pins)

Thanks for proving my point

Again, your definitions are vague and you dont even follow your own premises. Lobbyism involves politics, anyway you cut it.

>by politics i meant... elected representatives
yeah.... lobbyism, corruption, and monopolies are the effects of the market's interaction with ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES.

How so kid?

No I am saying that as it is Facebook is not a monpoly because anyone is free to start a competitor like Zuck did.However if it is regulated heavily then the start up costs escalate from owning a computer to being able to pay for the costs of gov regulations

a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest; a member of a lobby.

legislation = law. kid youre retarded

>lobbyism, corruption, and monopolies are the effects of the market's interaction with ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES.

Influential people in corporate strategies... (political or not)

My hurt feelings.

>muh free market
smells like french fries

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to corrupt someone or something...
(POL)ITICS in the first place... damn, you people!

Whenever I see pitchers like this, I just imagine how much shit is flowing through the pipes.

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