Oy vey! The kikes are panicking

41% of Americans don't know about Auschwitz. Looks like the Holohoax industry is losing steam; maybe America needs another Schinder's List?

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Auschwitz? What's that?

Whitepill thread

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Cowschwitz?! Is that a slaughteryard?

We're almost there

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It was a really good cotton candy place.


>maybe America needs another Schinder's List?
shundler's toilet paper?

Hollywood's been slacking

>another six million


literally nothing

The ZOG is adaptable though

>41% of Americans don't know about Auschwitz
thats probably lower than the percentage of mutts who cant name the three branches of the US govt though. we're dumb as shit

Why the fuck do we need to even care about the Holohoax? We're not Jews, we're not German, we're not Polish. We have no connection to it.

We just deny knowledge of it existence completely

We are not sorry.

god damn it why am i never a subject of any of these studies
it would be so great



40% don't know
20% don't care

... it's a good start

>over 40%
It's always 40-60% Americans not knowing something. What the fuck is with these surveys or what the fuck America.

That, my friend, is anti-semitism, which is the very worst thing that has ever existed, ever. Didn't you know that anti-semites go to jail? That's how bad being one is!

A 5 star gated resort style apartment complex complete with: Olympic style swimming pool, theater, Synagogue, barbershop, maids, stores, work opportunity, and local bands.

Modern American architecture can't even compete.

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>A generation or two

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Murdering them off becomes easier with each passing year.

Hail Hitler
Death to the Jews
Death to their niggers
Death to their good goy

Unironically this

How will they hide from their critics!!!!

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Lmao that's the nonwhite population.

Spielberg is making another ww2 movie just in time

Oy vey

Guess why, here's a hint

>Germany who was in the biggest war ever, built resorts and forced Jews to have a good time
I hope you realize how fucking retarded you sound.

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I thought that was how Jews said "Oh shit"

>He doesn't know what happens when you can't feed prisoners.
Looks a lot better than the ones we had for the Japs, Shlomi.

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Maybe stop letting in Mexicans. They don't know shit about WW2.

Literally the single good thing about Latinos

Poor little mutt

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That so few people know what Auschwitz was is a bad thing. They need to know it before they can know that it's a misrepresentation and who's behind the misrepresentation.

Teach Jewish women that they're white and they should abort their (((white))) babies.

If we're 56% white then that means that 44% of us are teeming hordes of vermin who can't find their ass from an elbow. It seems to work out to my real life observations. Stay the way you are Finland I dunno if you're white or not but your land sounds gloriously unblacked.

>He thought the nigs and spics were paying attention

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oy vey nobody believes our lie anymore
everyone must be bombed and sniped

Maybe they should close the boarders then.

>Keep on whining about the Holocaust
>Surprised even people play dumb to get out of your shitty little survey

we need more movies! turn on those projectors time for another holocaust movie.

I'd rather they didn't get sucked into the lies for sympathy to begin with.

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Ill be praying today for my lost relatives

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לעזאזל עצמכם אני מקווה שאמא שלך תקבל עזרי.

>bla bla i'm autistic nazi
It's actually cause most Americans are retards


see this

Is that OC? I been here a while and havent seen that

army, navy and marines duh!

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Well yeah, Niggers and Spics don't know shit.

Freshest of the fresh OC, my friend. Save it, it's all yours.

Good enough that I put myself on a list for DL, thanks Aussie bro

after ALL the constant PR and they still can't get it across? LOL. That 6 million number is screwed even worse now. Twitter is killing it. Information age.

It's not that the women are less fertile, it's that Jewish men have to beg for sex for about four hours, if Dr. House is correct. Time is money. Guess what they go for instead?

We should capitalize on it by educating people on it with emphasis on Poles and no mention of Jews. Once people view Poland as the primary victim of WW2 there will be no changing it. If Jew's are mentioned brush it off as 'just another pogrom of many' since killing Jew's is European tradition.

>41% of Americans don't know about the Holocaust
>America is 56% white
>Also, 3% Jewish

hmmmm... what a coincidence

give me khazar milkers to breed with

You had a good run Jews, give yourselves a pat on the back. You will be remembered.

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Mexicans wouldn't care anyway since most Mexicans are already racist and hate Jews.

The forgotten city of GOLD my fren.

If you haven't seen any gold there, it's because the Jews took it all.

>Be me
>Believe in holocaust whole life
>Weep during all 6 gorillion academy award nominated holocaust movies made in the 90s
>20 years later, the jew is still guilt tripping me over it even though my grandfather saved them while their grandfathers laid down and died like cattle.
>Get tired of the whining and guilt trip
>No longer care about human cost of holocaust
>Enjoy the jokes and take every chance to mock (((them))) over it.
>Still believe in holocaust

Better than Costschwitz, the land of price and tax hikes. Fate worse than death for the Jewish.

when you consider that anyone who immigrated here from a third world country would have no reason to know, and anyone ages 18-25 are legitimately so young that the holocaust is this unrelatable atrocity like the salem witch trials. If you were born in 1995, then the holocaust ended 50 years before you were even born.

For me, looking back 50 years before I was born leads to the great depression. Ask anyone in their mid-30s if there know fucking ANYTHING about it and you'll get a lot higher than 40% not knowing jack shit.

no one should expect any adult population to care about something that happened, and was stopped, 75 years ago. Literally no one they know has memories of it.

fuck kikes

Oy Vey!.
Holocaust class must become compulsory!


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The day of the rope will come in 2019.

It's probably 100% of whites and Jews that know, and the 41% that aren't white don't know.

Jews are fucked. The non-white hordes don't give a shit about jews or israel.

Funny how jews never mention the Armenian genocide committed by Turkey years before the holocaust.

Oy vey! Don't look under the curtain, Amerigoy!

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>Mandatory Camps
oy vey the visions are starting up again.

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We have a higher average IQ than Israel.

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and that's a good thing.

This is actually brilliant. If a normie brings up the Holocaust

>holocaust? what's that? 6 million? Don't be ridiculous. that sounds absurd.

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This is bullshit I have been seeing these claims in the (((media))) ever since the mid 90s on a regular basis. It is just the kike media making this up so they have an excuse to shove more of their bullshit down our throats. And the goyim fall for it every. Single. Time.

Around the time swindlers list came out in my school they were crying that 40% of young people did not know who Hitler was. It is made up bullshit, literally everyone knows Hitler and Auschwitz.

And on a similar note, in the mid 90s the (((media))) also regularly claimed that the millenial generation was the most conservative and racist generation yet.

See a pattern here yet soyim?

Looks like Blockbuster WW2 movies getting shit out of Hollywood for the next 5 years.... Buckle up Knee-grows.


Polish town i believe. Theres probably some tourist attractions there

It was a beautiful Jewish Spa retreat until the allies bombed the railways. Then it turned into the last Rabbi standing.

Fuck the Jews. We have bigger problems

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I guess breeding us murricans to be dumber and more ignorant is a double-edged sword

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What's an Auchwitz?

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Wow, it's almost like only gaslit white people ever cared about the Holocaust.

It's an old lamp shade factory that had to close due to problems in the supply chain. Or was it a compliance issue?

What do Americans know though, they must be the worlds most braindead people, third worlders can be excused for ignorance with the whole no electricity thing. What excuse does the average American have for being so ignorant?

The buildings are all still there fucktard. It's a fact. I know because I saw the pictures when my teachers taught me about the Holocaust.

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Statistically speaking the "Average American" doesn't exist. It's like talking about the "Average European," America is basically 50 countries with wildly differing levels of education and resources.

Come again? We don't learn about this "holocaust" in sheep land either

Hey, man, who's got time for ancient history when I could throw heavy anvils from tall towers onto old appliances

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You mean like "Red Tails"? The Tuskegee Airman movie?

fucking kek

Soon there will be mandatory Holocaust classes for all in the US. Better add something about Israel to your anthem too.


please use the term "lie"

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In USSR we just mixed all civilian loses under "soviet victims". Jews are super bitter about it, how dare goyim mix chosen people blood and human cattle blood under one number. We have campaigns here to remake WW2 memorials to mention jews separately.

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

literally this, the kikes blew their legs off by diluting, dumbing down, and demoralizing the American population