This just in: Canada is going to survive World War 3. To all burgers who are seeking safe haven...

This just in: Canada is going to survive World War 3. To all burgers who are seeking safe haven, you are welcome to come to our country. Just follow the trail of Haitians who have been walking across the border from New York to Quebec. You get free shelter, food, healthcare and bi-weekly welfare cheques!

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Ohh noes, how will we win now?

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>he thinks opting out of the war excludes them from the nuclear holocaust
Oh dear...

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One good thing this fucko did.
Do they hold your breath now, he might welcome all of Syria here.

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*don't hold your breath

Fuck - sorry, phone posting, boys!

It is true?

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Canada would be steamrolled by whoever gets there first to bend them over the kitchen counter.

A broken clock is right twice a day. And sometimes being a gigantic faggot pussy makes you accidentally do the right thing. Please don't call him based though.

Don't forget the war of 1812 bud. The US lost its only armed conflict that it's ever had with Canada.

>invite burgers to freeload

the fuck's wrong with you, we have enough immigrants

I'm sure all the nuclear fallout will stop as soon as it sees the Canadian border.

Canada has a military???

Yeah, the same one that wooped your ass in 1812

Canada has multiple early warning systems for the U.S. Or did you think that NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) was an American only thing? In the eyes of Russia you have valid military targets and are getting targeted lol.

How inhospitable is the far north? Looks pretty comfy and empty

It's very hospitable if you have basic survival skills. You can disappear into the woods and never see another human ever again if you wanted to.

it really isn't inhospitable, northern Quebec/Ontario is pretty ideal for homesteading

Canadians don't fight but they can still walk into the crossfire and win.

Don't forget the burning of the parliament : )


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Guess he's good for something.

OK, but we need to have a discussion about the spelling of checks, because "cheques" just isn't going to fly.

you mean...the british army? come on guys dont trot this tired meme out. the answer we barely have any armed forces and would be better off surrendering

Just come to Alaska. Were only 50 miles from Russia. When SHTF then we can invade siberia and have a good ol fashioned war against the ruskies. We will blitzkrieg across Russia, the russian womenz will love us.
Fuck Canada.


I know leaf. Our one fucking chance to take over Canada and we send the most retarded generals in American history. Truly a missed opportunity.

Great post

>implying you can waltz into siberia with your Red Dawn crew

no, mountains was all his hard drive could fit. he has galaxies hiding in his private servers.

>hurrr muh 1812

This level of coping is just sad. Canada is irrelevant and it’s telling that you have to go back 206 years to act like you’re not.

You guys will roll over now and you’ll roll over again once the missiles start flying.

Literally the only good thing he's done


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I was going to draft dodge for eczema just like both sides of grandpas for WW2 anyways.

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so if he doesn't kill his enemies, then they lose !

Based Justin

I want a rematch.

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