When will whites apologize to blacks for Tuskegee?

>The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study or Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (/tʌsˈkiːɡiː/ tus-KEE-ghee) was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the United States government.

White people are clearly evil! Institutional racism like this still goes on to this day!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Never. Wh*te people are subhuman. They are incapable of feeling empathy for other races. That's why I support Trump. With all the wh*tes nuked, Africa and Latin America will inherit the earth.

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When will negroes apologize for being such a pain in the arse?

but we are willing to send them all the jews they want in africa

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Educate yourself.

They won't. You must be a fucking Kike, trying to exploit Blacks, like some friend of the Black Man, saying all Whites are evil. That is a blatant lie. Like saying all Republicans are racist or all cops want to kill Blacks.

Whites will never apologize for this, the Algiers Hotel massacre, James Byrd Jr., Emmett Till (Who was later revealed by Caroline Bryant herself, to have done nothing, not even wolf-whistling at her that day) and a few other atrocities. But if we fucking retaliate like that time the Blacks kidnapped and tortured a disabled White boy, (which happened because of the Dietrich, Idaho sexual assault and torture of a disabled Black boy on their football team by three racist White boys who made him sing Moonman songs and later received not guilty verdicts.) then people see every time they attack us, we will retaliate, blood for blood. When someone sees you can fight back, they start to analyze whether it's worth it to keep pushing someone. We've been pushed for fucking 400 years. They are lucky niggers have so much internal fighting and flawed culture that glorifies nigger ignorance. Because if we were an Asian or Jew-like race in our purest forms, this shit would have different outcomes and we'd fucking force an apology out of someone and prevent shit like this from happening again. Niggers aren't respected. And thug ass chimps who are traitors to the Black race make us look bad to other races and make us persona non grata.

Either another kike or reverse psychology agit-prop Methfronter.

If they ever evolve enough to reach our level they'll understand why no apology is necessary.

They didn't give them syphilis, they just didn't treat them for it either. Niggers brought it on themselves. You know what kind of nasty holes you've gotta fuck to get the Syph?

Whites are hilarious to me.

We were slaves, nigger!

We were American freedman, nigger!

We were segregated so we made successful communities like Greenwood in Tulsa, OK.
>Nigger! Burned the place down, prevented rebuilding for the longest time. Lie used? Rape of a white woman, the classic inciter in places like Rosewood, FL and Elaine, AR

Want to fight for our country, nigger!

Want to sit where others can, nigger!

Wear suits and march, nigger!

Make funk and rock and roll and disco music, nigger!

>You niggers are inferior apes. You are criminals and savages. This is literally what has been fed to Black Americans for centuries.

Make rap and start chimping the fuck out, nigger! Why don't you niggers act civilized, like the Blacks wearing suits in the 1960s
>the same Blacks they called animals, niggers, and thought nothing of, having no respect for.

White Americans are hilarious to me. They can't make up their fucking minds. What the fuck did you ultimately want from us? Nothing we did was good enough for you people and you were never satisfied.

All of this coming from mongrel ethnically-ambiguous, inter-tribally and interracially miscegenated Alpinized-Germanoceltics, having Mestizo, Asian, Amerindian and in some cases even Negroid racial admixtures, on stolen Amerindian land, with inadequacy, insecurities and no true purity, desperately trying to blend all White tribes on Earth into one American racial-nationalistic Utopian movement and oppress other races in America because they fear they are not comparable to their European bretheren.

Bullshit. You can ultimately believe what you want in your cubby with your helmet and juice box but this was a known U.S. Government experiment with documentation and evidence behind it that can still be seen to this very day. It was a known fact they saw AA Armed Forces pilots and others as some perfect guinea pig candidate to use because no one cared about them and no one would miss them if they turned up dead. It saved them the racial ethics concerns of possibly trying it on fellow brethren and gave them a vector with real world data to gather in what happens to the human species when infected, so they tried it on Blacks, with great success.

Irrelevant. Street nigger crime for non racial motives =/= orchestrated racial attacks at every level.

How long have you had to deal with nigger crime as you know it today? Rap gangbangers who sag, chimping out. What? Since crack and rap came out in the late 80s, early 90s.

How long have we had to deal with White street nigger crime and aggression in the U.S.? Since we got here.

Completely incomparable scenarios.

Niggers who are for the "thug street life" radically overshadow those who do not.

Until we deal with that, we and your kind will have to keep dealing with "negroes that are a being such a pain in the arse." milking welfare, EBT, having 90 kids, chimping out over bullshit, killing each other, raping, robbing, looting.

The street nigger culture issues will not go away for a while because of Whites catering to it. Your people have fed this monster thinking this will balance the scales. White guilt and Zionist manipulation, giving money to groups for "underprivileged youth" that lead to creation of public charter schools full of gang handshake niggers on the road to alternative school, allowing BMWF relationships with the wrong types of Blacks who have sagging pants and beat your daughters or knock her up and leave, allowing Affirmative Action, etc.

Suggestion: Maybe get your own house in order first before pushing overt condemnation on others. We have our work cut out for us but we try.

Your job isn't over until you can say you have globally eliminated all White-on-White crime. Do your job and let us focus on ours.

I implore every semi-intelligent Negroid and every triple digit IQ half-Negroid/part-Negroid hybrid of non-Semitic blood to lurk here and soak in the ideas here. There is a lot to be learned.

And remember, the Jews are NOT your friends. The Jews are the enemy of our racial collectives in perpetuity. I'm going to fuck off and wait for more WW3 happenings on Google.

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*Addendum: those who do not live for it.
Or: those who are not.

I wish your computer could scan your race and identify your racial makeup in the form of a race flag because this isn't a Black thing. You are either a White trying to trigger other Whites with this "Why have/When will/How can wh*tes/whiteboiiis/wypipo ___ ?"-tier bullshit which gets nigger hate thread-tier replies, giving you the reaction you want to see for the Methfront agendas, or, you are some Neo-con/lib Kike, Black-cube wearing, Saturn-loving, Moloch worshipping, Zionist Kabbalah reading motherfucker that Hitler missed at Gasapalooza '43, '44 and '45, trying to start shit on Jow Forums.

I'll apologize the day blacks apologize for Haiti, Zimbabwe and South Africa

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They fucked themselves badly. Apartheid was fucked and so was colonization. However, Rhodesia was a stable country. Rather than swallow their pride and let the people stay who can make the place the only successful African country in history, they went full retard on a racial crusade and had to start digging for rats.

South Africa will likely not see the same fate. Jow Forums fearmongers too much at times. Boers should be concerned for their safety a little bit more now but that is always. These people invading SA are not even the Bantus so their invasion of South Africa under some Zimbabwe-pride bullshit and land-grabs will fuck any and all the South Africans and whatever the thieving rat-eaters will be renaming their future non-arable farmland and destroyed infrastructure. But I digress, as is the case with full Negroids anyways.

>no informed consent.
>effective treatment MAY have helped them avoid tertiary syphilis since some of them did die of organ failure eventually
>Their privacy was invaded and not for their own good.

It's less a story about racism and more a story about bad medicine. Even the most optimistic version of the story falls way short of modern standards. I'm sure white's were equally experimented on then too.

Syphilis runs a different course in blacks than in whites. You need to run the experiment twice to have all the data.

When will whites leave all the retard minorites to starve and die on their own and stop handing out money to verfiefied subhuman useless garbage that just hates us anyway? The biggest mistake the USA, no the entire world made was engaging with black people.
Leave them in their own fucking misery and they will stop complaining about whity BUT when they scream for help we should from now on always ignore them fuck them two faced pieces of shit cowards leave them to their own idiocy and misery.

Counter-question: If Jews colonized your continent and countries, would you be happy to have Jew/Black/Asian Rhodesia and South Africa equivalents popping up in Europe? Wouldn't you want freedom from occupation? Alright then.

Still, I agree kicking the Whites out who had nowhere to go as they were African Whites native to Rhodesia, was a dick move. This is inverted, with similarity, when compared to the Liberia situation, antebellum. They should/could have worked something out with them and the Boers in South Africa and the French descendants in Haiti. Short term fun, long term none.

The Black problem is not even Austria's problem. Your problem you need to worry about is 16 year-old boys from Steiermark, raping their own nine year old female cousins after their fathers are no longer around to defend them, turning them into blue haired goth girls that get bullied into becoming anorexic by a bunch of bimbo blonde roasties and abused by their alcoholic mother until some untermensch like me has to contact LPD Steiermark and convince her to report it. Some racial protectors you people are against non-Whites when you haven't even eliminated the problems of Whites still harming their own. Kek.

I am sure. But we will never know now. The U.S. is never going to re-allow it. "MUH RACISM ND ETHICS" cries the left at this sort of thing. If it's any consolation, Blacks have a lot of STDs in higher rates because they have sex way too much.

i can admit, as a white american dude, that my grandparents were pretty racist. and so were most old white folks when i was a kid.

since then (and most of them have died off) there are still racist white people around, but they hide it. [hence why trump and his kin need to rely on 'dog-whistle' messages to summon the still-present white american racists]

anyhow, i would apologize for it, but only if i were responsible for it. however, that would mean i'd be falsely admitting that i am one-and-the-same with my grandparents and the generations before them. but (not speaking for /pol, those fuckers are mad racist) i'm not racist and i don't feel the need to apologize for my grandparents. they were fuckheads in many respects and my generation (or at least me) knows better.

times change, and apologizing for your grandparents' mistakes doesn't make sense. do you think everyone in the US should "apologize" to the native americans? do you think I should apologize to the women who died in the salem witch trials? should I apologize to the french and german soldiers who died needlessly in WW1?

anyhow apologies are cheap and anyone who really wants or needs one is deluding themselves.

What are you talking about, everyone is vaccinated. We're all being experimented on equally. Some groups more then others.

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No we do know. Black's get heart failure and whites get brain damage.

You should be thankful for the help that you did get, rather than complain about the fact that 0.0000001% of all niggers did not get treatment.

Who do you have to thank for the diagnostic techniques that let you know if you have a disease? Without white people, you wouldn't even know what the illness is? Who created, and produces the antibiotics to heal you of your std's?

Who gives you medical treatment for free, even though everyone else has to pay?

Why is it that everything that has been done for niggers is taken for granted?

If niggers are ungrateful that they get help, then all free medical aid to niggers should be stopped. Even the paid for medical help should be stopped because niggers are not grateful for that either.

Woah thank you based moderate white goy- I mean guy. Civic Nationalism is the perfect system and is somehow different than left-wing multiculturalism. The result is the same, but at least we’re all on the same terms. Democrats are the real racists now anyways.

You b additive you seem awfully close 2 that fabled based black man

Honest to god. As a white man, I will get up on national TV and apologize for all the wrongs whites have committed when a black guy gets up and apologises for all of the wrongs blacks committed.

You b addictive

>White people
(((White people)))

honestly bro I have never heard the term "Civic Nationalism". Is that something out of the anti-semite dictionary?

Unfortunately as a roman catholic i've never perused the antisemite dictionary

Hatred of blacks is a socio-economic terminology. They hated blacks probably because they we're even dumber in their own time, more violent.

However in a long term macro economic scope its better for there to be individual liberty and a respect of the productive powers of men. Ergo a necessity to tolerate them, as a long term macro economic principle encompassing freedoms socio-economic, because the inverse is extremely degenerative.

However that does not distract from certain realities.

>black majority anywhere in the US, city state such as Memphis or Detroit, they cause mass degeneration of the social economic framework

It also does not remove the threat of violence, because blacks are extremely tribal and the only stable systems that are safe and productive for them are in micro tribal units, not exceeding a 1000.

In an ironic way the sorry state of Africa is the White man's fault. The introduction of these economic systems allowed their populations to explode outside the confines of their tribal existence at a speed beyound their ability to adapt, and beyond the intelligence to operate functionally a macro society(a nation).

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Dam you b addictive 2

When niggers apologize for selling white people your dumb assed ancestors.

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did they learn anything useful?

Tick times thats it tho .

They gassed San Francisco with serattia in the 1950s.


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Wtf reported

I didn’t mean to offend anyone of course. I think the government should be censoring that kind of talk. Anti Semitism is a big problem in the world right now and I think we should stand up to it. There’s about to be another Hitler in Syria and I’ve been thinking of joining the cause. You should sign up too man and help fight racism.

Out newfag.

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And FYI, since I have personal experience with Austrians, allow me to be the first non-White, part-Black American to redpill you. You have no full context or experience on the American situation so you can't really speak on it from a perspective, purporting to know the best decision for that problem or what was a mistake. "Different strokes for different folks." The world maybe made a mistake in the long run, helping pure nogs fleeing from Africa asking for gibs in today's time. Austria maybe made a mistake taking Africans and Nafris + other Dune Coons to not look racist in 2018, but, the U.S. did not a mistake in helping African-Americans almost 200 years ago.

The general consensus at the end of the day is that Jews are still the greatest enemy at work here and since the U.S. is Kikesrael's sock puppet and diversity's mutt witch cauldron, they really in a way, deserve failure, even it it was a mistake to associate with Blacks.

They knew what they signed up for when they did it. Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work and White guilt doesn't fix race problems. White guilt leads to being racially extorted by bad factions who want free shit. "Please fuck my ass, Jamal, because of something two dead motherfuckers did/had done to them 400 years ago."

But, the Nogs and the Kikes will not get along, no matter how hard Jews try this Coudenhove-Kalergi-tier, friends of the Nigger, against the Whites bullshit. Over time, even Nigrone with a stolen Glock can see that. And, street nigger savagery vs Jews who can not fight their own instigated battles = Dead Jews. That will actually benefit the U.S. and American Whites. Maybe even Blacks and Whites can come to a succinct mutual understanding. Or Blacks may finally give Whites some "I'm sorry's, thank you's, or credit." for the shit they didn't have to do after slavery was all over and do something collectively to better themselves, starting by having accountability for their own actions and not blaming Whites.

Uhh not my fault you post disgusting s*** , BTFO of this thread now

That doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to use reverse psychology to get me to stay?

Yep you b additive alright I can tell .

How didnt it make sense .

How can BTFO be read as a directive to leave?

Well. I've never had sex so I wouldn't research STDs anyways. Interesting. Very interesting results.

BTFO = Back The Fuck Off .
Out newfag .

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When will niggers apologize for existing?

Are you an additive shill or just new ?

Why do you idiots always forget? Being a retard for a laugh, is still being a retard. Stop being retarded, retard.

Here's what you're looking for.

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t. you ^

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Wtf is that .

An infection of Serattia which is one of the strains the United States government sprayed the whole SF Bay with to see how easily it would to destroy the place with bioweapons:


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When will blacks apologize to whites for being niggers?

There was already an apology. Stop shilling

t. you ^

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Gross, mfw:

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I'm a Eurasian-Negroid hybrid, to be specific. A mutt. I had a traumatic childhood and life. I was never accept by nogs or others so I knew I needed my own identity. I never felt like I belonged. This fueled my hatred and my wistfulness to belong. It eventually pushed me to research why American Negroes failed. I wanted the truth. I found out. In the end, I became a completely different person. My life changed me. An exisentially nihilistic, Alt-Centrist w/ Pro-Facist | Autocratic views. I want to unify my kind (hybrids) against Kikes and ghetto nignorance. ( < Intentional mispelling.) The dream is not a racial-nationalistic state, but an ethno-nationalistic state.

There is a cultural-influenced faction among Blacks who do nothing but surf on the coat-tails of the achievements of other Blacks and other races. There ideology is "we wuz kangz den dey did us wrong, I'm gettin minez, I'ma get mine. Whitey gon pay me." 24/7.

>Go to school? "You actin' White" to this faction
>Learn? Same.
>Read? Same
>Eat healthy? Same
>Think Blacks propagate problems that Whites don't even have culpability in anymore? Same.
>Talk like you don't have a mouth full of dicks or sagging pants like a sissy
"You ackin white, you gay, bruhhh"

The others just want to be good Americans. jobs, stable families, aversion to vice, etc. However, the stronger faction is the "be a kang and stick yo hand out fo dem gibs" crew. The others try to excuse them or ignore them, never disavowing them. American Blacks are on a thousand different pages now and they are so easily manipulated into street bullshit and Jewish tricks. Until they wake up to some hard truths they don't want to out of shame, they won't heal.

I see that Liberia did well with the first presidents being Mulatto so it proves my theory right on an independant state for mutts, until they let in nogs.

I got a lot of redpills from the American Nihilist Underground Society. Some things I question but Spinoza was 90% accurate.



I'm very tired, I haven't slept for a day. I should proofread more like I do on /b/.

for what purpose? Why not dose another country's people?

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>How long have you had to deal with nigger crime as you know it today?
my entire life. I can't even go outside in my city at night.

How long have you been alive, btw? 20 - 35 years?

Sorry to hear that. Neither can I.

Pretty good experiment, watch holes in negro brains, notice no change in behavior. The negro is immune to syphilis.

>They are incapable of feeling empathy for other races.

Don't you forget it you fucking subhuman. Keep pushing us. Just watch what happens.

They wouldn't get to practice what it would be like to do it to an American city.


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When Blacks face reality that they purport their own problems most of the time and blame Whites. They use this as justification to act like debased profligates, inevitably getting Blacks hated due to nigger experiences and getting Whites, Blacks and society at large caught in the crossfire, all for being zombie agents for the narrative, pushed by Jews and the Left, under the guise of Blacks ending some 500 year-old racial discrimination steak which has long since ended. But that may never happen. Not with the Blacks as you know them. Based hybrids may apologize for it. But then again, 11:59s are the progenitors and the ones most responsible for this issue, integrating it into some Afro-Centrism bullshit with no logic, milking the White guilt cows, ad infinitum, to get out of the resolution of the pride issue. They are ashamed of their pasts so they need your victimhood and gibs and the "wuz kangs." narrative. It's like North Korea projecting to its' people that they are supreme nork-kangz and that other nations pay homage to them when NK is actually failing.

We make no apologies for experimenting on animals before applying medicine to people.

To get the fuck out.

Wilkes Booth fucked that up.

But to be fair they dropped much worse on North Korea and China. They dropped Bubonic Plague, Anthrax, and Cholera on those poor bastards.


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when will niggers apologize for existing?

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look at this faggot

He got baited hard. That was not a Black guy, that was a (((long-time Jow Forums poster)))

Gut nacht und susse traume, Jow Forums.
Schlaf gut, auf wiedersehen! Ich liebe dich so sehr.

Es tut mir leid und dankeschon. Gut nacht. Schlaf gut, try not to get enriched like Deutschland, if you ever go to Graz-Karlau and you meet an Austrian child rapist named Daniel Neuhold, beat his ass because his is a local threat to White children and the future sanity of girls like my online LDR ex, Franziska. That is the first step to protecting Whites. Dealing with people who commit atrocious acts to their own is the first step to dealing with external threats to your people. "The more you know."
