Is Richard Spencer and the alt right in general a Russian plot to divide the US?

is Richard Spencer and the alt right in general a Russian plot to divide the US?
why was spencer on RT who are filled with russian propaganda so much before he gained notoriety does anyone truly know his background?

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The plot to divide America is the demographic transformation.

do you think spencer is backed by the russians?

>Russian plot
Lol no, its a deep state diversion. Notice how the movement keeps fragmenting? Classic divide and concur

>divide the US
you don't want a race war?

Spencer hosted an event for Ron Paul. He's weird but he's been around for longer than you think.

i want a democracy i dont want what putin wants


>divide and concur
Who benefits from white nationalism going mainstream exactly?
I don't understand the whole Alt right is controlled opposition
>Control all media
>control the government
>force mass immigration and the displacement of whites
>white nationalism and white supremacy are viewed as the same thing and is only associated with Hitler and skin heads
>create mainstream white nationalist movement
>See years of work get fought against

>Muh Russian propaganda.
Literally what is the entire Jewnited States of America industrial media complex?

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you mean the thing that enabled politicians to be bought out in order to make america non white?

holy shit what
I don't care about Spencer at all but this is big if true

The FBI likes to create extremists so they can arrest them and justify that division. They've done it many times

His wife (or ex wife) is from the FSB.

>muh russians
you're all psychotic

Don’t care. Spencer is “all good” if you’ll pardon the ebonicism. He’s the leading non-Christian in the movement and he’s kicking ass.

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He used to be a libertarian, and RT's staff had a big overlap with the Ron Paul 2008 people.

ron paul is someone who the russians would back since he a non interventionist libertarian
i think spencers might be putins boots on the ground

no but if it were it wouldnt change anything.
there would still be demographic replacement happening
non whites would still be stupid, unproductive and violent
whites would still be dying out
russia would just be trying to save us

This is very easily explained.

Richard Spencer wrote for The American Conservative, then Takimag, then started He was basically a race-aware libertarian. A lot of early Ron Paul supporters were, the Lew Rockwell types.

If you were a libertarian or conservative activist type during the Bush or Obama years, you might see him at some reception or something, along with various other aspiring politico types.

Then he started the H.L. Mencken Club. Again, mostly edgy libertarian types and paleos. It still exists, still does stuff. The main thing everyone was against was the Iraq War. Those are the types of people who appeared on RT (remember that show Adam vs. The Man?)

Richard Spencer became more devoted to race and gradually became more marginalized in the established political circles. But then you had the grassroots rebellion against amnesty, and then Trump. And you had a political force that was, generally, anti-war, anti-immigration, anti-Bush era conservatism.

An "Alternative Right" if you will.

Gee, who started a site with that name? And who had been writing and speaking about these things?

So the media, being the media, looked for a kind of spokesperson for these ideas. Richard Spencer, being Richard Spencer, decided he could be that person. And so the media said he was the "leader" of the Alt Right.

Of course, there's no real "leader." But Spencer didn't come out of nowhere, he's not some Russian spy, nor is he CIA, nor is he even implausible as a spokesman. He's a guy who, because he started a website with the right name and spoke about a lot of relevant ideas in the years before Trump, suddenly became relevant when Trump ran for office and neoconservatism was seen to be discredited.

Recent events have made him less relevant. But now, with Syria, I think the people who call themselves Alt Right will be relevant again because they're against the war and willing to oppose Trump.

but the Fbi aren't arresting the Alt right and the Alt right constantly talk about being presentable and non degenerate. Why not create a group that's actually actively engaging in violence?

Fuck off with this civnat shit for god's sake. I hate you motherfuckers. Fuck all non-white americans. I would holocaust you all.

Look up Yuri Bezmenov, America is being killed by the poison the now-deceased Soviets have planted

nothing suspicious at all about his russan wife he dont live with who is a putin cheerleader.

advicating for the demographic replacement of your own people, nice try Pablo

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Spencer is generally pro-EU (not under its current practices, but in theory); in fact the idea that probably causes ethnonationalists to disagree with him the most is his preference to have all of Europe united as a white superstate. Those things go completely against Russia's desires.

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>I want a democracy

Then you should move to one. The founders of the US feared and hated democracy, and every time the US has stepped further into democracy it has declined.

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thats stage 1, stage 2 is people like spencer (but more credible) proposing sensible plans to divide murrica, than murrican power shrinks, ruskies rejoice. I know most murricans here would rather secede from non-white states of theirs, but you gotta admit, this chain of events is very beneficial for Russia and China.


The chain of events as it proceeds now is perfectly fine for Russia and China. No division is necessary, shitskins and spics are already a burden on the State, once they form a majority there is literally no way we'll be able to run anything except a deficit at our current spending.

The first thing to go will be the military. The USA is finished unless things change NOW, and that's just a fact.

In light of that, why do the Russians care about guys like Spencer? If the USA were half the size it is now, but White, we'd be more of a threat than we are now--except also less because there'd be no reason for us to go to war with Russia.

he is CIA. Russia and America are allies against the EU.

His wife is Russian lmfao.
