What is a reason why I should still support Trump?
Is MAGA still a thing?
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trump vs putin thing is a theater to divert the international attention of the Palestinian massacre caused by the Jews.
the Jews used the same strategy in 2014 when they killed 3,000 Palestinians in 2 weeks. at the time the ukraine vs russia theater was used.
>Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Unveils Red Army WWII Victory Monument in Israel
>Putin donates month's salary to Jewish museum
>At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires
>Putin criminalizes holohoax
>He excuses Stalin and construction of a new monument
>He sees Lenin as a sacredrelik:
>He cooperates militarily with Israel
: http: //rt.com/news/israel-barak-militar Serdyukov /
>First Jewish University to Open in Russia
Iran has accused Russia of giving the codes for Syria's anti-aircraft missiles to Israel, a senior official in the engineering department of Iran's Defense Department told the Kuwaiti daily Al-Jarida on Monday.
I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
cuz hes funny
>t. Former Trump supp-
You never know what's a troll and what isn't. I have a similar take, but I'm more of a small government libertarian. Trump worries me because he's not. However, the sheer ridiculousness of the media coverage and 'deep state' makes me think that he has to be supported. I can only imagine someday I get my guy in (Rand Paul) and have to see a corrupt system. The trump people won. They deserve their victory, as I would expect to have mine if ever I get someone with my actual political beliefs elected.
You're supposed to elect a president then LIVE YOUR FUCKING LIFE.
why are so many of you looking for meaning in stupid shit
This is the wrong place to ask that type of question.
Evolution of Trump supporters from 2015 to 2018.
You burgerclaps will bend over to Israel no matter what.
USA is nothing but a tool for the rest of the world to take advantage of.
Wot the fuck you up to?
Unfortunately yes.
>hurr muh WWIII because Israel took out the trash
When I grew up, Russia was the enemy. You fucking dipshit kids who praise "muh based Putin" have no idea that they are out to get us. Great move by Trump to throw off the Deepstate too. We will make America Great Again with or without you.
>When I grew up, Russia was the enemy.
Kill yourself boomer, your kind ruined this place.
t. kike
Israel needs to be nuked.
You can nuke Russia if you want, just ensure the middle east gets nuked too.
You muslim lovers still haven't addressed the central point. Nice try though deflecting, my President Donald John Trump will prevail over the evil forces like you deepstate spooks
Yes my beloved goys, you can't dislike both groups, if you dislike the Chosen People and USA's greatest ally, you are a muslim.
The entire middle east, both muslims and kikes will be nuked, much to your desmay, scum.
Shoo shoo... go watch some TV good goy
We are raided by shills. Remember: Peace through strength!
Stil trying to D&C?
At this point Hillary is looking go... NO ARRGH REEEREEREEEREEEE! Can't believe I almost said that, Thanks Drumpf!
cause the alternative is fucking way way worse, you dumb fag
I think this is a troll, but this.
The MSM needs to cool its jets and let the investigation play out and stop speculating at every thing. Muller is a bronze star recipient with a untouchable record in public service for what he has done in his carrier. Just let it play out.
I want us to talk about Trump and policy going forward. The GOP just passed a Obama dream bill and mass tax cuts. We need to get the deficit under control at both ends and we are just buying both sides off.
Ryan's retirement means no one is driving the train in the house. 2018 will be a blood bath and I see a recession coming with how the markets are acting. We are also looking at going into a no win war and Trump is looking for no congressional approval.
I will support the president but I do not like Trump.
This is going to get bad fast. The last year were the Trump good days.
No wall.
Syria bullshit.
Hillary still free.
Obamacare still exists.
But he did deliver the kikes his promise to move the embassy.
We got jewed. Democracy, the system where a liar rises to the top.
retard. Drumpf will be impeach no matter what
>no win war
>I approve of your decisions, Mr. President
If you love Israel you should.
I honestly don't give a fuck what they do in the shithole of the middle east.
As long as they fuck off away from here
"Is MAGA still a thing?"
Don't worry, he'll win in 2020
maga was always a meme. a lot fell for it, the rest of us laughed. there's no reason to support trump. there has never been a reason. just sit back and enjoy the entertainment. stop trying to engage.
Make Anatolia Greek Again?
If you’re a neocon and love Israel it surely is.
ANYONE that shills for the interests of Israel do not have Americas best interest at heart. America is not Israel. America has its OWN problems (especially south of the border). The middle east on the other side of the world is not relevant to American interests. It's Israel.
If you're going to support someone, support someone that actually is about America first, and not Israel. Be brave and find someone that says No to Israel and Yes to America.
Yes…as in
you shouldnt you are a leftist larping fool that thinks people actually fall for your shit lol