previous bread:

There is a /pol group

HAs grown over 100 users in the last hour alone.


Attached: 1522755737706.png (640x1136, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Will never sell data))) prove it

on there twitter


They can’t possibly be any worse Facebook or Twitter. I’m not saying to go there cause it could be a scam, but twitter IS a scam so

Don't use ""social"" media at all you fucking peanut.


Websitw fucked?

Look in the last thread, it was already proven to be a huge scam. Either that, or the owner (confirmed to be the OP in previous and this thread) is just severely retarded. Either way, anyone joining this site is going to get fucked.

OP is a faggot

Attached: eric hoover.jpg (450x800, 146K)

Attached: faggot.jpg (707x499, 61K)

looks gay

Attached: faggot2.jpg (649x555, 97K)

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>honey pot

in case you wanted to know what this faggot was up to

Attached: voice anything.jpg (763x505, 101K)

>more than 200 replies
>a fucking social media website other than facebook wow!!1111
>implying this hasn't been done before
Wow, not (((suspicious))) at all
Totally you can trust this goyim
Give us your data, it's valuable for us

Attached: gross.jpg (640x640, 82K)

THE site wasn't working (((They))) were censoring it

Attached: hello fellow goyim.jpg (1005x547, 134K)

Reminds me of gab
Boomers posting about Q

Attached: twatter.jpg (481x629, 101K)


can't get over how ugly his wife is

Attached: ew.jpg (476x440, 24K)


Yes Goy. Facebook is bad. Now come to our new platform specifically for the right where you can share your private information like an idiot. Don't worry goy, we won't control the narrative

Attached: 1472807660003.gif (214x199, 590K)

Jow Forums is social media

neck yourself eric

Yeah, I love talking to my friends and conducting my intimate relationships with people I know on this site.

>an openly partisan facebook
>helping the Jewish divide and conquer operation
Yes, totally smart goyim.
Keep the left and right divided and away from each other. This is totally the most interesting thread at this moment and totally isn't being bumped by kikes in favor of other threads like which is being slid to death

In case anyone wanted to know exactly who OP is, his name is Eric Hoover. His birthday was yesterday and I'll bet paid into this site with the birthday money his daddy gave him.

Attached: Eric Hoover voice anything.jpg (800x450, 81K)

Attached: dgsdgszdsgdgs.jpg (259x194, 13K)

This isn't a transparent attempt to dox us, no sir.

>that nose
Nice, he looks just like his brother

Attached: 1802349812.jpg (361x475, 39K)


My only complaint is that the title of the site betrays its political motivation.

How sad is that though, that "Say Anything" is an extreme-right phrase by the standards of our culture.

remember to report advertisement threads

Attached: 1508117568072.png (454x453, 73K)

This is a honeypot, with the hearings on FB they will have to relax the censorship they wanna move us off to our own pond to avoid redpills spreading to normies

Attached: 28167715_10214898686330031_7121387468580331575_n.jpg (960x510, 47K)

right wing honey pot.

its a trap

Jews Detected


Why did you make a new thread when the first thread hasn't even hit its bump limit?

not jew, just cautious about something claiming to be 'right wing facebbook'. anyone encouraging 'right wing' personalities to sign up for social media under the guise of 'right wing' safe should be scrutinized.

social network sites are ghey. young people dont use them anymore. your just some geezer running from the fact discord is monitored by the FBI and you no longer feel you have a echo chamber you can feel safe in

Also, get in on

Israel will die this month


it's also interesting to note that he likely married someone named Erica and they both live in South Milwaukee. She's even an Elementary schoolteacher.

Attached: Eric and Erica Hoover.jpg (800x600, 55K)

why are all of the users on your site are friends with the same 4 or 5 people? did you just make multiple accounts to deceive advertisers? by the way, your entire family is disgusting.
>pic related

Attached: muttress.jpg (800x1421, 129K)

sorry shitty name and shitty design, who tf picked that orange red color?

also, charge your phone dumbass

I want reddit to leave

How does that prove anything?

because the other one was slow


you want the company owner to say it on camera???

or just in the TOS. I CAN MAKE BOTH HAPPEN.

Reported for advertisement

Also botnet

This. They deliberately tweaked algorithms in a way that only shows you posts from people who are in your paradigm of thought. They are just splintering off new groups and balkanizing the internet so it will be easier to control.

Realniggas shitpost on facebook because we're so woke that we know that datamining doesn't even matter, you're being tracked either way. If you wanna rattle the bars and REALLY become a subversive force against the NWO you'll denounce stormfaggotry and ally with the blacks. You guys need to make propaganda posters with both blacks and whites united together against the technocratic elite

You need to start a propaganda campaign exposing both the alt-right and black lives matter as being a CIA trick.

Make sure you cut out the "antisemitism" because the Jews themselves are literally pushing the overton window further right to make you guys look like the hollywood neo-nazi caricature you aren't. If you guys wan't to throw a wrench into their plan then you need to go incognito as good goys.

Nazism itself is pretty gay and larpy. We need to make sure our movement is open to everyone who is anti-government. This means we should try and recruit the following: Alex Jones fanboys, soyboys from reddit who are against war, magapedes and other useful idiots, anarchists, or anyone who is even moderately concerned about orwellian surveillance. We can easily recruit worldstarhiphop shitposters into our movement too (the blacks love their conspiracy bullshit)

We need good optics and no more agent provocateurs seig heiling with tiki torches. Just dtone down your hate and think about the possibilities.

it's an ANTIFA doxxing ambush.

People do anything for ego.

I say, next riot ANTIFA shows up to, right-wing death squad rounds up them up, de-hoods and terror-masks them, and takes pictures for police. Sends photos to feds.

Terror watch list. No fly list. FBI list (no decent job).

Catch-a-faggot-and release [no harming gay people unless they are ANTIFA] - simple rules.

Just have the entire right-wing death squad deputized in an ambush like function. Let them get close, loud speaker the elucidation they are actually NOW law, and break up the riot.

Take a swing with your rainbow-flag shield, I can now legally punch you if you attack me - "in the performance of my legal functions as a representative law official . . . "

I mean, if this is a type of 'idea war', we better get creative with our ideas on crushing anarcho-communists lemmings.

tfw I find myself in agreement with a poo

>admitted shilling
>spamming multiple threads before the first even hits its bump limit
it's like you didn't even bother reading the rules of this site before you posted. we know you're an outsider that doesn't belong here. we don't want what you're selling. we don't want to join a site that is obviously run by sketchy retards.

>you want the company owner to say it on camera???
FUCKING DO IT! Make sure he's wearing a shoe on his head or else we'll know he's a complete fake.

Attached: doitfaggot.jpg (640x480, 77K)

>Realniggas shitpost on facebook because we're so woke

I was having a rough day until I read that comedic theory.

>shitposting on facebook
I remember when i was 13

Attached: winnied.jpg (968x681, 110K)


Except for the soys.
Fuck them, they go into the oven too.

Attached: 1984Fdm.gif (500x267, 1018K)

Lol. Think about it though! We have boomers, Alex jones types and virtually every single controlled opp alt media site telling us to jump ship.

Protip: they wan't us to jump ship and fall into the next honeypot. Why the fuck do you think they took down all the gun channels and now they're flocking to pornhub??

Israel has done this type of shit in the past with Palestinians to quell dissent. They shoot porn through the airwaves and use it for control.we're already on fucking Jow Forums for fuck sakes, that means we're knee deep in psyops. Constant flood of demoralization/porn to make you depressed, it's not a coincidence. They're gunna promote the youtube alternative, steemit, GAB, and this thing that the faggot OP 8s shilling rightnow. All of these are honeypots.

I got IP blocked immediately.
the fuck?
I'd stay away for now guise.

Honeypot for the glow in the dark cia niggers

You could be a Jew shill tho.

Work 9h rs
commute 1.25 hrs
work out 30 min
Jow Forums 20-35 min
Screw wife 2.8 min
Read 30 min
Schedule of Champions

Attached: 1984_It_Is_Happening.jpg (573x577, 55K)

>over 100 users

>50 russian bots
>25 alt-right bots
>12 zombie accounts

dont lie

I'm not, your shitty site is broken. It only works on my phone. After I made my account and did 1 refresh, It blocked my home IP.

I don't use kikebook or any social media for that matter we've I won't use this either.

don't forget his hideous family and the other boomers

This guy writes like a retard.

Attached: literally loads of semen.png (480x480, 112K)

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You are so fucking jewish it hurts.
Serioisly, you are literally glowing in the dark rn.

>they haven't blocked my IP: proxychains
>you're a goddamn fool
pic related

Attached: Screenshot_1488.jpg (1919x1009, 433K)

Attached: 1412210389182.gif (200x145, 640K)

dude its not us. It is definitely the JEW DNS provider

They use google analytics though. Does any user here know how much information google analytics or mixpanel stores on you?

i've been IP hopping for a good 10 minutes now and no bans. < is a jew nigger

Attached: 1522940691126.jpg (600x450, 51K)

clearly a shill thread

Why would I need that when I have Jow Forums?

stop spamming
delet right now

Same here brother! I just sent you a private message detailing my family's next party

Public Group
58 members

pot of honey it is?

Attached: chrome_2018-04-10_09-37-24.png (423x564, 592K)

Why have you accepted my friend request yet? :(

Why does every site I go to work perfectly fine, as did voiceanything when I first made an account - but ever since 1 refresh after I made my profile - it has only given me Error connection timeouts and not allowed me to access the site? Genuinely wondering, I'm trying to have an account you nigger but so far it's been painful.

Are you in Germany or Great Britain?

OP mentioned somewhere in the last thread that he had originally set up something to block access unless you were using a VPN, but supposedly removed it. You can't trust this dumb fuck to even set up their site properly

Did you read the faq? The guy can’t write proper English. You think he knows how to write a website? He’s even paying out referrals. He’s clearly just looking to monetize the site. There’s also no point to the retarded website. It’s literally another forum.

It's not you, it's me.

this, anyone who disagrees is a data mining kike

look man its a new site the JEW DNS providers are blocking you guys not us


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