Here is a man who wants extreme gun control

Here is a man who wants extreme gun control.

Do you notice anything about him in this picture?

Attached: 123.png (420x315, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He sure does run with a lot of friends.

Surely they're .. organic friends, right?

Attached: 321.jpg (634x413, 69K)

he runs like a woman


Why the fuck does he have such a soulless look in his eyes.

If you were a billionaire with around-the-clock 5 man armed security, would you want guns to be banned? I would. But I'm not a billionaire. So what does that tell you about the anti-gun movement? It's almost like the upper 1% want to increase their safety by disarming society so they pose little threat to a small PMC-caliber security force when they're out slumming it with the rest of us unwashed scum.

What do you mean? He looks perfectly normal to me.

Attached: 333.jpg (420x315, 17K)

He has killed people.

no since it'd make people want to shoot me even more lmao

You sound like one of those ... angry poor people.

Attached: 222.jpg (750x500, 48K)

> holding their phones in their hand

fucking hell.
Is this how people end up with broken screens all the time?

Mark, is that you?
Don't lie, I have your data.

Are you refering to his uncanny valley smile and what I can only assume is jewbalation or the 30 gaurds defending the little traitoris kike?
i see he meet the diverse gaurd quota at least.


He has a very punchable face.

I would enjoy watching his head get cut off with a knife.

>why is this ((""VIP"")) surrounded by Capitol Police while he's in the Capitol Building

Attached: 1448602875339.png (235x191, 109K)


I would leave the telephone at home rather than risk carrying it like that. Sheesh'd out.

that he is a billionaire who owns one of the biggest companies in the world whereas you're a poor redneck no one cares about?

nobody NEEDS a gun.
*Hires armed guards with AR-15s*

Hmmmmm....... This doesn't even touch on the more important point of defending your country.

He has a large penis?

>Zuckerberg trying to take muh guns

Zuckerberg was just an autistic computer nerd who founded something that grew beyond his comprehension. He has no agenda, at worst he's incompetent but when he founded Facebook he had no idea about all the political shitstorms his site would get involved in.

He actually seems like he has social anxiety and a lot of awkwardness, I feel bad for him.

Attached: 1522104218413.png (250x241, 72K)

Attached: 6-Gazillion-Likearinos.png (632x429, 99K)


Surrounded by armed men, surprise surprise tyrants want and unarmed populace.

Attached: 1522757516106.jpg (1179x825, 347K)

What a useless gay boy. If you use Facebook, FUCK YOU.

His serious.exe file hasn't properly executed yet?