Why do the kikes hate him so much? The jew-owned media are running 24/7 attacks on him labelling him an anti-semite...

Why do the kikes hate him so much? The jew-owned media are running 24/7 attacks on him labelling him an anti-semite, surely that means he's doing something right.

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For the many not the Jew

>Based commie amirite fellow redditors xD

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A Corbyn government is our best hope. Either it forces a genuinely conservative party to emerge or it accelerates our decline and the process of fixing shit can start sooner. Tory supporters are the biggest fools around.

If Corbyn fucks it up, mogg will make his move and end up with a majority.

Based Jeremy is our best hope.

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because literally everyone hates him, communist scum

Because he is a long time supporter of Palestine and does not approve of Zionism and refused to change his stance.

I personally think he is a fossil surrounding hiself with useless nutjobs but I respect that he stands by his beliefs.

Because the Jews underestimated just how much appetite there is for left wing populism in the UK. And I mean real left wing populism, the "TAX THE KIKES, CLASS WAR NOW" kind, not the Tumblr SJW kind. When Corbyn shat all over Theresa May's majority and then made it clear he wouldn't play ball with Israel and he was coming for global bankers' shekels, that was it, he had to go. Especially after Momentum started Shoah-ing Blairite shabbos goyim using their own rules.

Problem is, the far left is becoming every bit as red pilled on Jews as we are. "He's a socialist, be afraid, be VEEEERY afraid" doesn't work on anyone under the age of 70 anymore, so they tried "HE'S A FUCKING WHITE MALE." This didn't work either once Corbyn's base followed the money, so now they've resorted to calling him everything from a former KGB spy to a Putinfag to oy vey an antisemite just in the last month alone. If that sounds familiar, it should. It's the exact same playbook they used on Le Pen and are trying to use on Trump now.

Basically, the Jews created a monster, and they know it. They're having enough problems fighting off right wing populism as it is. If left wing populism - REAL left wing populism - becomes ascendant too, that's it, that's game over for them.

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Did you even read my post? That wasn't fawning, that was a fact. Kikes hate him because he's coming for their shekels and doesn't support Israel.

they are scared of him

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Because he's anti-Israel. But he's also anti-white and anti-western culture. He's an international socialist.

What is left wing populism? Describe its traits

Can I get a rundown on what are corbyn’s views on immigration?

Why the people who use the fascist flag always retards?

Pro open borders. Wants to import millions of niggers and sandniggers to wipe out White people

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Watch the porn called BLACKED. Labor is hoping to do what us democrats did. Create an unstoppable brown voting black in the next generation

Right, no shitposts.

Corbyn gets railed by mainstream media because he isn't a part of the establishment, he wasn't even considered to win the Labour leadership and only won because loads of shitlib students got membership to vote for him. His support base is far removed from Labour so he is easy to rail into.

Or the media just likes to stir shit to get clicks.

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you believe that absolute shit? was the TV your primary caregiver or something?

what makes you so malleable?

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nick griffin endorses corbyn

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I didn’t know that africa and the middle east had joined the EU.

>Pro open borders. Wants to import millions of niggers and sandniggers to wipe out White people
So do the Conservatives though.

>A Corbyn government is our best hope
He will destroy our economy with his insane socialist ramblings, it would be an utter disaster if he got in

i thought you said yu were smart

Can you cringy commiecuck lefty/pol/ tankie cuckolds stop trying to shill for this old anti white commie piece of shit and present him as "redpilled"? You have been doing it for months. Nobody believes you

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haha not gonna call me russian?

I haven’t made my mind about corbyn yet, but your retardation seems like a strong argument for him.



the conservatives and labour here are just two different colours of the same thing. they both have the same agenda which is ultimately the eradication of our islands native population and culture. voting for either of them, or any of the other minor parties for that matter, will not change the end result. there is no political solution for britain. on a side note, meme flags were a mistake

I bet you are the same meme flag sandnigger that starts all those pro Corbyn threads every morning

You are that neobolshevik mongoloid lefty/pol/ tard stop pretending and feigning ignorance you vile sneaky commiecuck

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>He will destroy our economy with his insane socialist ramblings, it would be an utter disaster if he got in
Again, is it not a disaster NOW? Why do you not preserve the status quo, exactly? It's terrible.
If anything, the prospect of destruction of the whole thing is actually tempting, because then at least you could rebuild afresh.

>ou tards thought 4D chess is a meme

I dont get the rush to communism/corbyn
yeah may is a retard remain traitor but if can make mogg work he is more or less perfect for this.

Lmao, how the fuck does one left wing populist trigger you so much? Who pays you for this?

>A Corbyn government is our best hope.
>"Better vote for the guys opposite of what I think is right"
Jow Forums logic.

>a communist forces a genuine conservative party to emerge
lolno this keeps them centre left.


Feminist communist old senile anti white boomer is not populist you fucking retard

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I agree, just because I am anti Corbyn doesn't mean I am pro conservative. All of our realistic options are shit, but he is one of the worse ones. The status quo is better than open borders, a PM who advocates seizing private assets if it fits his narrative, and throwing money about with no regards to the repercussions of such reckless action though.

Loves non-whites and wants them in the majority asap. He is only good to annoy (((them))) and red pill lefties on Israel. We don't want him in power.


You are just as bad as those commie redditors who were trying to convince Jow Forums that (((Bernie))) was "based"

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He's right though, they must resist this pointless war in Syria.

It does seem to be this way.

Is there any evidence for that? To me he seems very ambiguous on immigration, probably because he doesn’t want to lose support.


>surely that means he's doing something right.
He's a Muslim loving communist.

Everybody who's sane hates him not only Israel.

Pol would vote to be put under communist slavery as long as the head communist hated Jews.

the rumor that corbyn is antisemitic was made up my sargon and others like him. it's a pretty good strategy actually i think, basically using the left's tactics against them to greater effect. sort of like when CNN made up "fake news" but it ended up describing them so well that they are known as fake news now. this is the best way to beat the left: steal their symbols and recontextualize them. like we did with pepe and other memes

I want the BNP back

Why would they hate Tchaikovsky?

Thanks for your input, Momentum.

>antisemite = therefore good
Papers talk shit
And the maths don't add up

I seem to remember him saying something along the lines of "too much immigration drives down wages" which seems about the kind of stance he takes. Doesn't care what colour they are, he's an old 70s leftie, but he wants good conditions for the workers. He seems decidedly lukewarm on open borders and quotas and such, but a Labour PM can't say anything that might be perceived as hostile to diversity unless he wants another "you didn't oppose a mural seven years ago" scandal.

This is the image I also got. Seems much better than all the other possible alternatives, although that doesn’t mean necessarily much...

Is Ken Loach /ourgoy/ and which of his movies should I watch?

Id rather be a cuckservative than a commie

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It's who they control. Kikes and cryptokikes are basically the central nervous system of the British conservative establishment.

populism = goyism = anti-semitism