Other urls found in this thread:
>It's another /leftypol/ tries to troll our glorious fashwave episode
More like this.
>somebody doesn't like my tasteless "art"! quick! into the panic room! engage defense mechanisms!
na id rather just redpill you dumb cucks
The left can't meme.
Fashwave is fucking gay tho
>being this triggered by fashwave
Are you upset? You seem upset. Is it because of your shitty memes?
I already explained it to you. I find this "art" cringeworthy, tasteless and talentless.
Kill all the kikes and niggers you want, but don't stand there and tell me this epileptic spastic shit is cool.
>different tenses
Why not just say Nazi, racist, anti-semite, sexist
But you've gone to so much effort to save these images and compile a collection. Or did you make them? That alone tells me that you're really upset about something. So, what's the problem, big guy?
If you want to take a piss at this, at least do it right, Chaim.
A normal person just ignores the threads.
Only a faggot like you would save and upload all these pictures.
You're acting like a fashwave kid fucked your wife and taught your son how to play baseball.
I saved them with the purpose of displaying my dislike towards this shit art. Completely natural thing. Same thing why people here save pictures of niggers behaving like niggers. I'm not upset, I'm disgusted.
I'm not the one making those
I've ignored as much as I could, but these clowns keep posting it everywhere.
Anyways I'll express myself whenever I feel neccecary, go fuck yourself.
centered the text
good job
Fashwave us unironically the gayest shit you faggots have ever come up with
Jewish banking families (Schiff, Warburg, Rothschild) are subordinate to the black nobility, but your average faggot fash larper is too busy rereading the Jesuit written protocols to actually do any real research
i actually think some are good
OP and his friends are NEET morons who have nothing better to do but sit in paint and photoshop all day and make parodys of others work
now post black panther pepe
>someone makes a thread to me mock fashwave
>triggered teenagers flood the thread with their butthurt
You're doing God's work user, keep it up
as if this image doesnt look aesthetic as fuck
>posting in a discord raid thread
thats why u just drop redpills in them. mostly.
natsocs are just as cancerous as /leftypol/
good to know, faggot larper
You're autistic if you think it does.
It's basically soft porn, and isn't porn degeneracy according to stormcucks?
You do realize OP is ban evading, right?
You are defending someone who resets his IP just to bump his own shitty threads where he projects his butthurt lmao
The absolute state of you faggots
you realise there's this thing called dynamic IP?
>ban evading
jesus christ the absolute state of Jow Forumscucks
if he was banned his thread would be deleted
>soft porn.
u irl
identifying subversives
>being this much of an politiksfag
It's legit an art category, some of it is shit, some of it is good, OP crying about it is just cringey, especially when him and his discord go through all this effort to make low tier value memes of art and ban evade
Anyone defending ban evaders need to be gassed
reminder that you're a degenerate according to your own political ideology
mass reporting on proxies just make you look like the real butthurt crying faggot
>It's legit an art category
This one made me lol
OP and his discord have made the same thread 4+ times a day for the past few days you retard
OP made thread
OP changed IP to bump thread
These threads are constantly being prunes because of discord raids
Stop being a ban evade apologist you nigger
wish I had any photoshop skills, I'd do an entire set of minion edits in the fashwave motif
That was another Russian
this post isn't even worth a serious reply
your faggy little hugo boss wearing fedora faggots post your little white trash tier larping everyday circlejerks. who cares how many times the thread is posted. doubt you even have archives to back up that statement.
>OP changed IP to bump thread
I bet he will say you changed the IP back lmao
Этo жe /пoл/тapд. Hичeгo yдивитeльнoгo.
Kek wills it.
>defending ban evading
wew lad, keep posting boys, great things will happen to you lmao
we make something serious for once and in come the leftyshills to shit all over it
why do kikes feel they have to ruin everything nice and pretty?
sven natsoc isn't going to bring back sweden
not like the loss of pagan norse are anything to cry over though
>1 minute in PS is effort
>A normal person just ignores the threads.
>posts in the thread
nice digits
Keep posting lmao
>all this projection
>Jews did defocate in my pants
Is this really comedy to leftist faggot shills? Jesus
niektóre nawet ładne, ale większość faktycznie chujowizna, tylko gównofiltr, zero napracowanka. powiedz mi, co ciebie z tymi feszłejwami gryzie?
>pol iz a nasi board lulxD
>ppl here cant have different opinions unles dey from disc-ord or facebeer
m8 youre a total loser. kys desu senpai
least his posting is OC, unlike your shit meme
amirite hitlrepedes? XD
Reddit tier mindset is now a part of Jow Forums.
No wonder everyone thinks this place is just 1 tiny step above Jow Forums
and you're first in line to the showers you helped build
Original Content
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So when do you guys admit autism, no matter how coordinate d, does matter for shit when there is no message besides butthurt?
These aren't even memes, they have zero affect on normalfags.
How long will you dedicate to ban evading and discord coordination for something of so little actual consequence?
No one besides your group saves these tripe, your OC has no value to it.
You are wasting your lives anons criticizing other anons for wasting their lives, that's peak retardation lol
made me giggle
>not like the loss of pagan norse are anything to cry over though
Yeah it is something to cry over. For Sweden at least.
nigger I'm further right than you are, just not a bootlicking cuck