How do you feel about Addicts and Alcoholics?

How do you feel about Addicts and Alcoholics?

Should we ban all drugs and impose harsh sentences for users or legalize everything and try to regulate?

Most people dislike Crystal Meth users and Heroin addicts. but a person who drinks too much or smokes weed everyday is a little more acceptable.

I have heard the opinion that we should take these homeless criminal hard drug addicts and just put them all into the cattle cars and send them to the ovens.

I have little respect for a person in "Active Addiction" but a vast majority of these people can become productive and useful to our society again if they are willing to do something about there problem.

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I am a recovering addict trying to improve my life and the lives of people around me. God-Awareness and Honesty are a big part of my life now.

>38 Days

Drug use itself shouldn't be illegal, most of the people just suffer from genetic tendencies towards addiction and assuming research into treatment methods could be legalized and expanded most of them could likely recover without too much trouble and lead healthy normal lives.
Drug dealers should be dealt with harshly, as they are the ones who introduce the problem in the first place.
Not all drugs should be banned and there should be somewhat of a practical approach, even though I hate weed I don't really think it being illegal actually changes that much or makes a society that much less degenerate if at all.
Additionally, certain drugs like mushrooms and LSD are actually not even addictive and are very useful in many instances, can be used to lead to mental breakthroughs, increase creativity, etc. and are an extremely positive force in the right context.

I think regulation/decriminalisation will work better than continuing the 'war on drugs'. Manufacture and sale (of large quantities of drugs proven to be consistently harmful (i.e. not psychedelics) should remain illegal.

Addiction needs to be treated as a medical problem - especially addressing the fact that many (though not all) addicts are actually prone to addictive behavior genetically. Isolation in modern life (despite information overload/saturation) is likely another driving factor.

> a vast majority of these people can become productive and useful to our society again if they are willing to do something about there problem.
I agree with this.

>38 days
stay strong mate!

a fucking leaf wanting to be a giant cunt and attack anyone that might be trying to cope or get a buzz goin
wat a surprise
you suck as a human being and I would gladly push whatever button sends a missile your way

treatable with Mushrooms funny enough

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The police here in Canada are really only going after the dealers and distributers. The stereotypical guy in the alleyway who just wants to fix and then go get something to eat at the soup kitchen is generally left alone. Im not proud of this at all but I used to live downtown in a major city and would use drugs openly right there in the street, the cops really would not arrest you they would tell you to "put that away" or "get out of here" and occasionally tell you to throw your pipe on the ground a smash it. Again Im really not proud of all that. but I think its Wrong that people are allowed to smoke crystal meth or shoot heroin in public places. its disgusting.

>Addiction needs to be treated as a medical problem

Exactly and in time we will learn more and more about the disease and the best way to treat it.

Addicts don't simply have few morals or are all weak minded and stupid. Its a Disease that stems from having mental health issues. Much like self harm you have to have something wrong inside to want to stick a needle full of drugs into your arm.

Please come and annex my country!

You can break anyone's addiction, it's just a matter of how much resources you're willing to dump into it.

Care to elaborate? Sounds Interesting

I think modern day internet addicts are worse. Staring at screens thinking its social. They should be sent to a training facility where they have to interact with other human beings instead of waste electricity and be behind a screen all day. Worse than drug addicts.

you dont need to announce that you're op you have a visible unique ID you fucking retard

I kind of understand addiction now having had a bout of alcoholism, and a high likelihood of going back.
When you have depression and discover life sucks, and you don't have anything to look forward to. Then you know alcohol is a common way to deal with your sorrows and give it a go. It becomes the only thing you look forward to and you can't stop because you have nothing else happening in your life and can't imagine a night stuck with your own thoughts. The only reason I'm not on the piss now is I have to get u for class every morning and still have a sliver of hope in a girl I've liked for some time

Still things like alcohol, and by extension just about every vice you can think of, are tools for Mr Shekelstein to keep us as good goys chasing that dollar so we can chase that high

Some people are complete fuckups. If it wasn't alcohol it'd be gambling or something else where they can get a cheap high.

There is nothing that can help these people other than institutionalisation.

The first step is for the addict to admit they have a problem. you can try to help people all you want but if they don't want to change its a waste of energy.

I think we need more Detox centres and Rehabs for sure.

I don't make threads often. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

also hurr durr look at how retarded I am

Its very true that addict behaviour will manifest in different ways once the drugs are taken away.

Going to an Institution is a way to rehabilitate. I will take a chronic gambler over a chronic alcoholic any day. Its expensive to house all these people though. Cant exactly set-up communes for them. Recovery Houses and extended care facilities are a good way to transition people back into living a normal life

33 days clean for me. Trying to stop being a degenerate. I dont do AA or NA because I'm not a cult kind of guy. I do S.M.A.R.T. recovery myself. I dont have anything against NA or AA even though they weaseled their way into the mental health system and only has a success rate of about 8-13% and I believe it is very commie like.

I hope that school and the girl both go the way you want.

If you ever want to take a break from drinking for awhile you should look up local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in your area. Those people have figured out how to do it and are happy to help

That's awesome man! I heard a bit about S.M.A.R.T. while I was in rehab. I think the low success rate is understandable because a lot of people don't follow the steps all the way. or approach the steps half-heartedly.

Its totally a religious cult though... I like that though

Im sure there are rehabilitation centres for this. Im an internet addict for sure

Thanks. I think alcoholism is more a symptom of my problems than a cause though but if I do regress I'll keep it in mind

It was hard for me to identify what my problems were until I stopped drinking. Life Improved a lot but the reasons I had for drinking and doing drugs were still there.

Being an alcoholic is an admission that a person has to make for themselves. It was up to me to decide if I really had a problem or not.

Death sentence to dealers, as for users offer them a chance to change while they're in prison, if they fail then they deserve anything that's coming their way

Legalize and regulate. Users should be given medical treatment and rehabbed.

We need to reserve prison space for violent offenders. Legalization cuts off funding to the criminal element. Regulation provides money to the government that can be used to fund the rehab programs (tax the degenerates to pay for treating the ones that get addicted). Make it a law that money spent by the state to treat drug addicts shouldn't exceed revenue collected on drug sales. That way they won't be a net drain on society.

I have little sympathy for addicts but this is the most pragmatic solution.

Addicts must be beaten with a tire iron. They are degenerate and can't survive the fascist power of natural law.

Death to all addicts. Kys.

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Make it semi-legal to use it indoors like we do, users amount supply is okay. We have the least drug problems in Europe as far as I know.

Prison is a great time for an addict to think about recovery. Addicts need to get there brains clear before you approach them. you cant talk sense to someone who is high on drugs about stopping drugs.

We don't Death Sentence here in Leafland. but I agree. Dope dealers are addicts too but there actively destroying other peoples lives

Thanks for a good thread guys.

I have to abandon ship now!

good for you OP. also a former addict/degenerate here. i didn't have the best upbringing so ended up on drink and drugs wasted my teens ruined my life. but now i go to church every sunday and enrolled in education. as i know how hard it is, i have great respect for anyone who rejects degeneracy and seeks self-improvement instead starting by facing their various addictions

I consider everyone that can't hold a security clearance to be an animal.

Prohibition does not and has never worked.

Legalize everything.
Deregulate most of it.
Put the known side effects & hazardous ingredients on the box.
Let private charities & pre-existing welfare programs pick up the rehabilitation.

Don't get too caught up in the 12 step program, some people replace a life of addiction to drugs/alcohol with an addiction to that cult, but it can be good as a crutch in the initial phases of quitting. I hate to use the Peterson meme, but you need to sort yourself out, figure out what the underlying cause of your addiction is(the mental and emotional aspects) while simultaneously developing new habits, start exercising, drop old friends and hangouts, make goals for yourself, do some soul searching where you want to go in life. Work towards the future and personal betterment.

Yes, alcohol is vile, just as cigs. Once people stop drinking away from reality, they'll realize what the hell is going on in the West and will at least try to fix it.

True. I was addicted to WoW, then alcohol and cocaine.

Of any drug that fucked me up, it was Benzos that did the most damage to my life. Turned me into a complete mess.


God dammit, newcomers say the cringeiest shit.

38 days on the fucking bright and everybody else's using is your topic of discussion... that and being some sort of monk on a spirit quest.

Worry about not sticking a spike in your arm today and don't get so hung up on any of that other faggotry they tried to pump your head full of in rehab.

>22 years

>figure out what the underlying cause of your addiction is

Spoken like someone who has never had a problem. That's like asking someone the underlying cause of them wanting to get a blowjob. You do it because it feels fucking amazing.

I think all drugs should be legal because it would allow for people to get whatever they want through a legal path rather than an illegal one.

In this hypothetical legal system, it should be required to take classes and exams like people have for driving. Where I'm from, I had to take a short quiz for a learner's permit and then go through a 6-hour exam on driving safety before I was allowed to take a physical driver's test for a license. Despite these requisites, many people are able pass them all and still suck at driving, to the point where they hurt others all the time (texting, drinking, inattention while driving, etc.).

That said, I think the approach should be similar with hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, ketamine, mdma, etc. If you can learn about all the statistics, side effects, death rates, etc. in a 6-hour class AND you still want to use that drug, then that is your prerogative as long as you're 18 or older.

I do think that the first few times, minimum, should only be allowed under direct medical supervision under licensed medical practitioners until they are deemed fit for private use within the home. If you get caught using in public places (e.g. in front of kids) you should be fined, sent to rehab, prohibited from purchasing any more of the drug legally, or whatever punishments are deemed appropriate for their situation. If the bad behavior continues, prison seems to be the only option left, so the idiot could sit there and think about what they've done.

However, this all seems to be a utopian pipe dream. All I can hope for is the opportunity to find drugs like psilocybin, LSD, and DMT through legal means rather than the black market for use in the home or (at minimum) under medical supervision.

For now, I think cannabis should be legal just like tobacco and alcohol are. They seem to be far worse in terms of bodily harm, so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to grow a plant and use it for recreational or medical purposes.

banning shit does not work. The only true prevention is good morals and stable family.

was an alcoholic for most of my twenties, a real bad one too, homeless, in jail, DUI, etc. etc.
so I know what I'm talking about, and no, you don't do it just because "it feels amazing", you do it because you're running away from something inside yourself.

More mental health should be available. That would help many problems. Spend our tax money on that instead of gun control and gibs. I'm a functional alcoholic tapering down to none at all. Quit all the hard drugs that I did in my youth already. Smoking weed has been helping but it has to been seen as a medicine and not some hippy recreation. People go overboard with weed. I've seen my coworkers fuck up too many times because they were too stoned at work.

Same here fag.
I got hooked on Ativan for ulcer treatment.
Spent 20 plus years bouncing between two doctors if scripts were cut off.
Always carried the bottle in my pocket.
Would not allow anyone to see me take a pill.
Had to take one and wait 45 minutes before I could go anywhere.
Basically wasn't e emotionally available for wife and kids.
Lost both.
Didn't feel like a drug addict, after all a doctor prescribed them.
Went through drug rehab 3 times to no avail.
11 months in Prison got me off them.
The seizures were a riot.
Been clean for 10 years or so.
Benzos are a death sentence.
It's easier to detox from cocaine than benzos because they fuck up your CNS.
Sometimes permanently.
I don't "addicts" who use just to party.
I feel for those genuinely addicted to shit.

Scum who'll sell their soul to people preying upon them, eg rehab, mental institutions, education, news, religion, charities. Making such degenerate things more entrenched. Traitors.

Like this coward.

I love drugs and alcohol

Cocaine was easy as hell to quit. I just decided that I didn't want that come down anymore. Spent a couple days in bed feeling like shit and was done with it from there. An old friend that I used to do it with visited a couple months ago and offered some. Saying "no thanks" was easy.

I am an ex addict/alcoholic.
It's a disease. It's up to the individual to control it.
I've been sober for a long time now and its awesome

>you don't do it just because "it feels amazing", you do it because you're running away from something inside yourself.

Speak for yourself. I did it because it was fucking great.... until it wasn't.

It is pretty awesome. I'm still tapering off alcohol and have quit the illegal drugs. Already feel much better and am looking forward to how much better it can be.

Attached: 1509751876134.jpg (793x639, 57K) I talk about drugs in like half my videos, generally nothing wrong with drug use, addicts need counselling and to be forced to go cold turkey and sort out the root of their problems, as far as casual drug use the bigger problem (for addicts too) is the cost and the fact that it is illegal, alot of the crime around drugs is due to its illegal nature, if you could buy it in a supermarket you wouldn't get all these problems with street drug-deals (i.e robbery, muggings and illegal smuggling). The same with overdoses, alot of people die and the dealer drags them away (like 2 blocks) from the drug house and calls the police, the person who overdosed could have survived had it been legal, also countries that have decriminalization see a rise in drug use initially and then a fall overall in drug use and drug-related crime and in overdoses.