Youtube pushing underage girls

youtube putting clearly underage girls in trending and on start page

>channel 2 month old
>clearly underage 10, 11 or something
>does this perverted asmr shit
>already about million views

usually channels this old have few hundred or thousend fews and don't end up being on start page or trending. This happend selveral times in past.

is youtube pushing the whole pedophile thing or is youtube just full of pedophiles who unironically watch this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuxck yeah! non degenerate fapping material.

Attached: Download.png (208x242, 7K)

worse than pedos and worse than feet-faggots (which are also worse than pedos)
you should all kys

Asmr is for people who wanna relax. It's not sexual.

She said in a video I just watched that she is 16.

new thread "is it pedophile if she is above 16 but looks like child"

also prove with link

jew tube is run by pedos

err... do you even know about the home gym videos?

the what? i have seen some girls that were to young in past but "home gym videos"(?) idk what this is

the shit you see on the russian side of youtube is disgusting, dont even go there.

>and on start page
Because you've been looking at underage girls dipshit

Attached: EBE4C493-8222-452D-8064-442EDC34D519.jpg (906x1024, 122K)

hundreds or maybe thousands of videos of preteens/teens flexing, stretching, bending in skimpy ass clothes usually recorded by themselves and uploaded on youtube for pervs to watch. idk why its not regulated yet.

what the fu-
>see's flag

Your 17/4328th morrocon side is probably speaking.

you've watched 9 of her videos

>i-its just research, guys!

Fucking YouTube better check the fucking news

>blaming youtube, a video hosting site
>not blaming the austrian parents of that girl

Attached: CantCuck.png (630x565, 261K)

>little girl just makes innocent ideos on youtube
>Nu/pol/: reeeeee ban her she's making my peepee feel funny!

Right. This is what happens when you think about children constantly. You see it everywhere.

Fugg, how do I get myself a lolly that will do something like this?

gib me best grils links pls

> Perverted
There is literally nothing sexual or suggestive in her channel.

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what the fuck is ASMR?

im convinced pol is gay

This thread is making me really uncomfortable, this world is too sick to bring children into

Relaxing sounds.
I don't get why people call this degenerated.

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Thanks for the really great channel OP. I subscribed to her.

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found a huenigger pedo

> Nepal

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Oh so you're also a fan of her. Nice, I mean, you've watched 9 of her videos after all. Did you also fap to them, for research purposes?

Only a nonce would think those videos are sexual. YouTube isn't the problem. You are

That's probably 14. Check your fucking eyes.


She's 16. Whites don't age as poorly as gypsies.

i clicked them skipt in middle of video of her not looking like a kid

doenst want to make a thread like this checking one video and first comment is "sage she is 18 yo watch video xy"

>nazbol meme flag
>german cuck
>youtube bullshit


Attached: 1408843645407.jpg (1552x9363, 2.63M)

i am stalinist and stalin was a nationalist
normal communism is to pussy

Going to need more examples of this happening on YouTube. Please share your links for inspection.

It's alright lad I get it. You don't have to pretend to save face. Here's another channel you'll like

>stalinist and stalin was a nationalist

My little Bolshi can't be this retarded...

Attached: 465 (9).jpg (564x752, 49K)

The sound quality is bad on this channel, You should post a few more.

This is based on videos *you* have looked at, you fucking degenerate pederast.

i watched asmr videos but not fucking kids


But that's a girl.

Just check that nice little bar to the right. Trust Youtubes algos, they're really good.

what the fuck are you talking about you germ pedo creep

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All I see is Joe Rogan clips and a few Hitler videos. wut do?

fake fucking news.

She's 19

Those russian girls... damn....

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kek. Log out, delete cookies

the red bars on the bottom of the thumbnails clearly show that you watched it
and many videos too
ab ins gas degenerate

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Watch the Hitler vids of course

What did you expect from JewTube.

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Chichi's Christ


She doesn't look underage.
She's at least 12.
Her father should have found a suitor for her by now.

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10 anos funk
Bionica dancando
Tic tac meninas

Look those up on YouTube and report. Help the community rid of these Brazil porn.

>is it pedophile if she is above 16
Nope, neither is it if she has hit puberty.

>the shit you see on the russian side of youtube is disgusting, dont even go there.



Attached: FireShot Capture 108 - hqdefault.jpg (246×138)_ - https___i.ytimg.com_vi_P05J5_X-Ddk_hqdefault.jpg. (239x131, 9K)

Based on your viewing history, goy.

They're not making not-left political statements.

Is this from a real asmr video?

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No its porn

>mfw all I get on youtube is DS3 meme stream videos, and music related stuff
what the fuck are you looking at

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Sorry I enjoy relaxing and having tingles down the back of my neck.

ASMR isn't for jerking off, it's for falling asleep to.

Not my proudest fap...

I prefer the vids where they make the lg read lewd stuff while she wiggles her feet. Usually JOI stuff

is that a shop or were all oompa loompas midget mexican inmates in a prisoner work program?


good taste.

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also got this channel recommended to me by Youtube
what the fuck

W-which video? Asking for a friend

weird i never get such recommendations

kill yourself




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ASMR isn't degenerate you guys are just watching the wrong shit

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Related to this, go to the Photo section on PornHub and look through pics. Won't take you long to find illegal pictures of underage girls. I've reported the photos, and they do get taken down after a while, but the users NEVER get banned. They just upload more material. Why is PornHub allowing this?????

Probably arent underage

But the Spaniard is the one who already fapped

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>No ASMR roleplays
Yep no way this channel should be getting million views.

>site run by kikes

why are they allowing it , quite the mystery isn't it

Probably took you longer to report than it will to switch proxy.

Are you triggered by how cute she is ?

What is ASMR?

No, I've been on Jow Forums long enough to see what gets taken down from /b/ quickly, and it's the same material.

Maybe Jews aren't so bad after all

What the fuck is asmr?
Anyway, these kids are going to be fucked up adults thanks to social media. The internet should've stopped at "kids, don't give out personal info"...

Look up kitty Jung. There was a court case involving her where people didn't want her to doing porn because she looked like a child. Iirc she was like 28 at the time or something.

No idea what she looks like now. This was some years ago.

I never understood ASMR. Apparently people get goosebumps when listening to someone click their tongue into their earbuds or something

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>38 million views

ASMR is for autistic incel INFP faggots.
>muh girl blowing into a microphone
>muh goosebumps
>muh crinkling paper sound
>muh trigger
>so satisfying
>I'm so alone

Attached: 1508105289043.jpg (510x540, 37K)

this is nothing compared to the shit thats out there