All jokes and memes aside, how does someone actually survive a nuclear war...

All jokes and memes aside, how does someone actually survive a nuclear war? Not only the initial blast and fallout but afterwards?

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Read "Nuclear War Survival Skill".
How to survive the blast?
Don't be where the blast is. The targets are pretty well known.

All jokes aside youl work it out at the time or not...

Well that's a given, but what about if the bomb explodes airborne?

>wait until it happens then work it out, cuz muh games and movies.
Just plan to die. If your in the UK, it pretty much doesn't matter anyway.

It's all covered in the book.
Surface bursts are unlikely except for hardened nuclear missile installations.
It's mostly air bursts, because more destruction. And if you're under it, not much is going to save you.

get Jow Forums
don't drink water unless it's filtered
high testosterone kills cancer

Is there anything more recent I can read? I don't like reading material that's dated
I asked how to survive a nuclear war, not how to become a gymfag

>I don't like reading material that's dated

'Nuclear War Survival Skill' is not dated.

It was released in 1987

That is dated

The physics doesn't change.
Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places, 3rd Edition by Joel M. Skousen and Andrew Skousen will tell you were you should live to not get bombed.
But Nuclear War Survival Skills tells you how to survive in a fallout area. The physics is the same and not much has changed.
Here's a NukeMap...
You can see how fucked you are from the map.
Here's a wind map.
At any give time, you can see where the fallout will blow giving the winds at that time.

Then don't read it.

not be in IS RA EL

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Watched Threads to get in the mood. Don't think I even want to survive.

Oh you mean you want a book that was published at an undefined date? Sure good luck with that.

pure luck, determination, being in right group of people

Yeah, atoms and the energy they release when split have changed in the last 30 years so you definitely need a newer book.

Fucking idiots

learn to be okay with killing to survive.

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Also, some of the old "dated" fallout shelter designs are pretty good as well. Don't read those either; written in the cold war era; by the generation that lived through events like today several times a year and didn't lose their shit over it.

By dying slowly of leukemia

What is it with you people? This isn't your fucked up "Fallout 4".


That would be about 20 years after the nuclear event.


watch this:
best nuclear war movie

Get brahmandastra. It is antimatter bomb/shield

what is wrong with you? You would not kill to keep yourself or your loved ones safe?

If you're unlucky enough, without proper pain meds, you'll off yourself much sooner though

you don't. Thats the joke. But then there's japan, land of faggots and virtual GFs

hey poo do you think all your ancient gods were just space aliens, just like ours?

What's wrong with wanting something more up to date? Would you read a programming book from the 80s too? This is suppose to be information relevant to today, so why would I want to read something that's 30 fucking years old?

That's not the way it will go down.
Keep in mind the population is going to be in Red states. If you decide to go land pirate, expect to die.

I'm good with your decision to give up and kys.

Nuclear war is not the same as computer programming. Bad analogy fallacy.
Survival of a Nuclear war is not something you do on your fucking iPhone.

Careful with that edge badass underage friend

You get out of the jet stream patterns. Altitude also helps as much of the fallout settles on the earth within days or weeks if it doesnt escape the atmosphere. Somewhere like southern chile or Argentina wont see great impact provided they can provide their own domesticated animals and agriculture. otherwise urban areas will starve while rural hunters wont be threatened with extinction

By living your life and not worrying about it. Because mutually assured destruction it is in nobodies interest and it will definitely not happen in your life time.

Programming is a field where there is constantly new shit being invented and discovered. Not much has changed on the topic of how to survive a nuclear war.

Which religion is yours?

Are you actually this retarded? Obviously the physics behind a nuclear detonation hasn't and probably will never change unless there's some new mass destructive weapon that nobody knows of in case we're all fucked anyway.

Kewl. You want to pretend I'm underage.
I remember the Cuban missile crisis. You have no idea how close we were then... Fallout shelters and this stuff was what I grew up with.
If you want to bitch because you think it's hopeless, you're pretty much fucked

keep in mind I live 100 miles from civilization, after the war I will shoot first then ask questions.

also if you live in or near a city, expect the drug lords and roaming gangs to murder your family.

keep a stock of potassium iodide handy

They survive by learning how to survive fallout themselves and not telling others so that there are more supplies for them to salvage...

You survive nuclear war by not being anywhere near detonations.
There's not going to be any "nuclear winter". That is just myth created by the KGB in one of their numerous "active measures" campaigns.
Fallouts aren't going to be that bad either. Life doesn't end in the world even all the nukes would be detonated at the same time. Remember, 90% of the info about this is aimed to pin down the masses into constant fear. It is ruling method.

Cities can be rebuilt. Some very localized areas would be contaminated, but they can be avoided.

Don't panic.


We are all going to die anyway. Probability of death is always exactly 100% in this world to every human being.

>anyone pretending you're underage

The rope that keeps on giving.

Except there are concepts used in programming that are even older than books from 80's. Not everything old is invalid even today and not everything new is good, look at all this degeneracy around us

>Probability of death is always exactly 100% in this world to every human being.

>mutually assured destruction it is in nobodies interest

You seem to think that those in power have the same properties as those tiling the land, to them nuclear war is about depopulation while drinking expressive champagne in their bunkers, to us is just depopulation.

It's situational, but you're going to die. We're all born with a timer counting down to 0. It's just a matter of living to your timer's end or being offed before then.

Read Siege by James Mason.

where or how can I find the map of potential targets ?

Every major capital (in white countries)


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what about smaller cities?

it's in Israel's interest, if they start losing influence.

That's nice. And there are very few targets in Canada, so it's likely you'll just get arrested for murder as not much will change there.
Yeah.. No. Put the video game down..

Unlikely, why waste the time for low impact

Citys and important structures brainlet. Its does not matter nuke war would cause all of the world's forest to burn down at once we are all fucked. No point in worrying about it.


That's in this book.

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>nuclear war is about depopulation

Is that due to the vast amounts of personal experience you have in nuclear warfare? Or the tomes of recorded events of nuclear warfare in our history? Warfare is a little different now that it was 70 years ago.

You do realize that it's not strategic or beneficial to anyone, dropping the biggest nuke you have on the largest populated city. It's just a scare tactic to make deals and maintain the sovereignty of your land. The general public is not holding their fingers on nukes, they are not a threat. Your beef would be with your oppositions leadership and military force. They will most likely use localized tactical nukes to disable any strategic locations to stop the resolve the conflict as fast as possible.

Can you describe any scenario where nukes would ever be used?

My plan for for post nuclear survival is relatively simple. I live 2 miles away from a major US research and development facility and air force base. If I survive the initial blasts, I have lots of experience hiking, camping, fishing and surviving in the mountains 10 miles away. I'll grab my camping gear and head up there.

Who knows maybe there will be some other way to participate in my post nuclear city. My point is, you don't know what that world will be like, and we have limited data to work with to make predictions. Yeah, prepare by honing your outdoorsman skills, but really lots of survival will boil down to luck.

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having said that, I remember hearing that there are enough warheads to hit every city on earth with a population over 20000 people. not say they would, just saying there are enough to.

Location, location, location. That, and own a farm and have access to wells. VERY DEEP wells.

Attached: Places where NOT to live in the US.jpg (2559x1619, 725K)

>It's just a scare tactic to make deals and maintain the sovereignty of your land

You can only bluff so much until no one takes you serious and none of the current world leaders can afford such, xi in China will lose all power if he bends the knee specially now that the petroyuan is in full effect, Putin may back down and he is the only hope because trump has full green light from his supporters to do pretty much what he wants.

2 miles is in the blast radius of a 20 mt air burst.
Your plan to live out in the fallout by going hunter gatherer is a very popular one, but there's not enough land for that. You'll end up eating each other.

You can filter the water, you don't need a deep well.

>Not only the initial blast...
you need to train hard and a few hundred feet between you and the blast vertically helps if your well below it

Duck and cover.

They'll keep bluffing until they come to an agreement. Until then, your government has an excuse to tax the shit out of it's citizen into spending on all kinds of military tech. They worked their shit out real fucking quick with North Korea, as soon as there was a perceived threat of nuclear strikes. You can never take the risk of calling someones bluff with WMD's, regardless if the chance anyone will actually use them is near 0. Avoiding death is a hell of a motivator to work things out.

>Trump has green light to do anything he wants

Yeh okay, keep slurping on that propaganda. Not even Trump is dumb enough to actually fire nukes at anyone, let alone strike first. It's all about espionage, destabilization, subversion, etc. But money is still the strongest weapon. The US will posture and throw it's toys out of the pram, blame Russia for it, giving them an excuse to put more sanctions on them, until they can reach an agreement.

First, anything beside the exact implementation can be learned from 80's programing books
Second, nukes and humans don't change like computers do

You ridicule it because you have this meme that duck and cover was meant for ground zero. That's bullshit. There is a much larger area where you'll be subject to a 1 psi "Air Blast", which will break windows sending glass all over the place.
For this area, duck and cover is a damned good idea.

Everybody is betting on your prediction, those are the ones that will not survive for sure exempt through dumb luck.

WE hope that's the reality of things but the truth is that mad it's always a possibility and the world has been on the brink of it more than once since they were developed.

You keep thinking that having a bunch of expensive to produce, expensive to maintain, expensive to developed and expensive to delivere missiles are nothing but scared tactics.

I am gon keep quite searching how to store food and water in the place I know I will be hiding after the shit hits the fan.

porta john

>I am gon keep quite searching how to store food and water
The mormons had some good books on how to keep a Year's supply.
I don't see those books on their website anymore.