That's right goy. Stop having white children

That's right goy. Stop having white children
Be a good goy and don't reproduce

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Other urls found in this thread:

be with someone?

No, goy. Be alone. being alone is cooler.
you can get hookers and alcohol.
and a fast car.

Seriously though men who fall for the marriage meme today are retarded, hell just being around women is dangerous because women stick together and men will do anything to throw other men under the bus for a whiff of pussy

Only deal with women if you're legitimately so powerful that roasties can't gang up on you particularly in the MeToo, social networking era

There's barely any such thing as a 1:1 relationship anymore because Uncle Schlomo, Facebook, Tinder, your local feminist group, the police and an army of beta white knights are in the bed with you two at all times

It's literally a dystopian nightmare made real


falling for the society meme is retarded

stop being such a good cattle

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Buy cryptos
Buy young bitch that still moldable into a half decent wife with trainging

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And you fell for the "fight for our freedom" meme and now you fight for Israel.
TOP Good Goy

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>shit arguments

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I mean why aren't you guys just going to abuse the loss of Jew banking power to the fullest?

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Regardless of how bad it is surrender is not an option.

Why would you marry and raise a family when you can play our last video game?

Julien sd here

Children are only viable if people get wages for them. Any other way is unacceptable.

He is coming

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dont marry a wicked woman

MGTOW is the best

MGTOW are not typical virgin nerds, stupid

worse, they are bitches who were burnt by pussy

>mgtow is virgin nerd beta ugly fat losers who never can gt a hf anyway
>they need to man up and save the white race though

What are my options if I have things wrong with me genetically that I don't want to pass on?

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play video games, fuck hookers, travelling, keeping my money for me, having free time etc...

That's right goy
Children and women are evil. Why waste your time in them when you can consume our media?

Please support us on Reddit and Jewtube

>arguing with holes

>was beta, but not fat through work at home
>lived in a small village
>no friends
>got a car (out of prison) but no idea
>got to know a girl through my dad
>she is in free church
>"come visit our youth group on friday evening"
>believed in god, so ok.jpg
>got a guy to know in the group, others are on distance, the girl, too
>was a good time for me
>got friend with him and other guys
>no girl here for me
>got way more action in life, thanked god for it
>slowly got alpha
>got to know a girl through internet
>she is christian
>got friends
>got fiancee
>got wife
>got pregnant
>got sweet little arian girl
>bought a big home

Best Life I couldn´t imagine in youth.
always thankfull to GOD

marry a widow

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>you can get hookers

funny how quickly antimgtw fags refer to arguing with holes

>i am silly!

your option is to not be needlessly bitter and spiting healthy, young americans thinking about getting children

quite honestly, a loss here and there is so little of a problem, it would be barely noticeable.
But when the general consensus has this negative attitude, it starts to eradicate the entire population.

Don't leave your genetic heritage that will go in the future cause the future don't belong to you, goy.

>worse, they are bitches who were burnt by pussy

it's because we are not virgin like you

You can be MGTOW and still have children, just impregnate some stupid roastie and dip

Thing is your woman has to be more than "not wicked" to be worth the risk, she has to practically be a fucking angel because virtually the entire world will be whispering poison in her ear to get her to betray you

I'm not saying "give up" what I am saying is that it's YOUR STRENGTH and not "finding the right woman" or whatever that will save you in the end

Become Chadest of Chads or die trying (rather than chasing women or looking for a needle in a haystack)

If you become powerful enough, you can do as you wish. That's how Trump, Clinton, the 1% etc. do as they please.

>woym+kid is evil, now fuck off

He's a hack

>Thing is your woman has to be more than "not wicked"

It is easy to guide a woman down the correct path

it is because you are such beta fags, every woman takes advantage of you

must suck not to be with a South American girl.

I will settle down with a woman when I find one worthwhile. Unfortunately modern women are completely worthless.
>Can't cook
>Won't clean
>No maternal instincts
I would be better off making a test tube baby and trusting a dog to raise it.
>Dog can't cook
>Dog will clean up food you drop on the floor
>Dog will die protecting a baby

>Why would you marry and raise a family when you can play our last video game?

and go to restaurant every day

>it is because you are such beta fags, every woman takes advantage of you

looser, LOL

He looks like a LOSER!

Literally no one cares if you have white kids or not. No one. Stop being a paranoid little tramp. White genocide is a myth.

Since most men dont want a woman that wont put out it has actually never been easier to get a tradwife

He works in porn industrie and make money like that

The general population deserves eradication. We're in this shitty state of affairs because of it.

>He works in porn industrie
so hes a degenerate

because it is the best thing i could imagine for me, and i wont change, for nothing on earth

>it is because you are such beta fags, every woman takes advantage of you

you need to get laid at less one time in your life, yes I'm talking to you.

>you have to marry to make a family

How do you autists even function?

>White genocide is a myth.

"Britain" is a myth

after the girlfriends come the pornstars, he is the winner... ( and a MGTOW )

He's a manlet.
He looks ridiculous with those chains and stupid glasses.

Lol chilean nigger talking about having white kids.
What if white males wanna have mixed children. What than? Better mgtow? Anyway fuck the kids they are anoying

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yeah but instead of an effective cleaning, spics and niggers multiply while whites shrink

Yes goyim, marry me so I can have 50% of your wealth

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>after the girlfriends come the pornstars, he is the winner

your not even white so who cares what you think. maybe if you niggers would stop reproducing you wouldnt have so many people living at or below the poverty line

That's right goyim, you just need to MAN UP™ find the perfect unicorn.

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>dont reproduce
>nothing in mgtow says you cant have kids
>tons of mgtows are divorced parents

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

for a french like me he is funny, who care, kept calm and go MGTOW

better stay alone and get more defensive year after year

you dont even desserve a (You) kys

Show me one example of a man getting a divorce that was not a complete failure

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you talking to me ? you talking to me ?

This is everything Jow Forums fights against. You people are soyboy degenerates.

get back on the wagon and stop being a bitter manchild cause you got burned once due to shitty choice in wife material user


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You don't need to marry to procreate.

>b-but muh civilization

Your civilization is shit and I'm laffin as it burns.

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MGTOW actively campaigns against marriage and children, they are a threat of paying up alimony

if anything this proves MGTOW is for bitter rejects

>better stay alone and get more defensive year after year

never get laid ?

To have the money to do what i want. Yes

I have 2 questions and the mgtow crap?
#1. How the hell can any nigger claim to be mgotw with a straight face? It stinks of a possible psy-op
#B. Why are anti-mgtow guys not rushing out and marrying Tyrones single mom casualties to lead by example but demand others to do so?
If I was a mgtow guy, I'd still get a white woman, just not one from America or Canada. No one should have to put up with that shit.

cartoons are not real people

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It doesn't even matter whether you marry or not, you are subject to crushing social and increasingly legal pressure to be a cuck and do whatever the woman wants.

You can resist this, but you need money and/or other forms of power to do so successfully over time. Just be alpha bro, just hold frame bro is a nice idea but it doesn't really work. Again I'm not saying give up, I'm just saying the path to success or at least not totally losing and becoming a slave involves acquiring as much power as possible more than it does a romantic-sounding but probably futile quest for the perfect woman

r9k spillover

>This is everything Jow Forums fights against.

/pol is for sad men and losers.

girls don't let me to fuck them

That is a good advice for us spic, my araukANO friend

>whites die out
>jews are left with muzzies, chinks and nogs
Yeah, good luck with that.

>lead by example but demand others to do so?
Nobody is saying to marry a single mom

>Why are anti-mgtow guys not rushing out and marrying Tyrones single mom casualties to lead by example but demand others to do so?

are you retarded?

Jow Forums never would support such crap

>le 56% becomes mostly mgtow
>becomes brazil-tier economy and nation
>Israel loses greatest ally as well as free shekels and military protection because muh welfare take precedent

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how old are you, 22?

they both had affairs
they failed as husbands

>eres un imbecil tradicionalista caballero blanco mangina
i'm colombian and MGTOW south american women are gold diggers you retard


>Reproducing while being a subhuman mongrel
Fujimori should have finished the fucking job all the way to Lima

While calling yourself MGTOW and being a sperg is pretty gay, I don't recommend watching Preger U videos or shit like this and then doing something stupid.

If you fuck your life up, no-one is going to help you I'm afraid. Jow Forumsacks aren't going to buy you a new house when your cupcake takes it away from you or you get sent to Nigger Rape Camp because she lied and said you were "abusive" just because you couldn't get it up anymore or just because she wasn't haaaaaapppppy.

In before JIDF accusations, I'm not saying absolutely do or don't do anything, I'm just saying be careful, watch your fucking ass, remember that relationships with women cost you big time even when they go well so you shouldn't get into one if you're an underemployed loser or she'll suck the life out of you.

this is good advice


Their lives must be a hell
kids = problem, unironically
Also the world is full, fuck off

Hey, dumbass!
Go to college!
Get that expensive degree!
Get a wife!
Get a McMansion!
Get two cars!
Make babies!
Get divorced!
Get taken to the cleaners!
Do it all over again!
Good dumbass!

women jew the jews and everyone else, also women support commies naturally, when artificial wombs can be affordable and substainable we can kill of those female parasites or sell them to use them for fun or cattle of course sterilized so they can be safe for consume and free of tyrone sperm
