Literal 2018D chess. Based God emperor. So deep, he's unknowable!

Literal 2018D chess. Based God emperor. So deep, he's unknowable!

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So within a week he'll attack?

Viable strategy: just make no sense and do whatever you want


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He re-enacts crazy Nixon like a retarded boomer thanks to Jewish tricks being played on him.

just dont be a dumb slave media drone and get gamed by POTUS twitter a hundred times a minute. Youll come around

12th Dimension Reverse Inverted Chessgammon

>tfw Trump cannot be predicted because even he doesn't know what he's going to do

>shooting down missiles

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He's gonna bomb then when he's in a meeting with gook nukem .

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I guess its ok to use chemical weapons now that Blumpf won't do anything about it.


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russians probably said some not very nice things to him on the phone.


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inb4 SHTF for May 1st

If it's strategy was to reveal how many EU leaders will follow the war, making them losing popular support, it worked great.

This man is either a fool or a genius.

Step 1 - inject chaos
Step 2 - lord over the chaos
Step 3 - win
Step 4 - repeat

People will never learn that Trump is the Lord of Chaos

The entire world is laughing about your president. Who changes his mind with every tweet he sends. Even a housefly would do a more consistent job than him.

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Not shure if it stratagem?

and your own Chancellor hates your country. I much rather have this idiot that seemingly cares rather than the bitch who welcomes the destruction of national identity.

A housefly would decimate ISIS within a year, make China heel on trade, and secure Rocketman de-nuking? Well I'll be damned

>I-i-i n-never said when !!
>Anyway did you guise see how much America destroyed ISIS ? (Even tho ISIS would be fucking destroyed years ago, perhaps never created in the first place if America wasn't there at all).
>Comon Magapedes, we did a great Job didn't we ? What did you say ? I almost fell for Israeli lies ? D-d-don't be so stupid little pede. It's all 498158943987561D Chess ! haha


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at least the 233 dimensional hurrrr blah blah faggots have been laughed off the board by now

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Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Bad Luck For Jews.

Great advice Brazil

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Fuck you!

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A real insight into how this situation will unfold.

>Russia vows to take down missiles
>Trump: get ready Russia, they will be coming
>they will be coming
Who is he referring to here? He implies missiles are coming but doesn't say from where.

At least people think about our president :o]

yugi i...

>well I DID show tax returns
He is so clever, even more so than his supporters!

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It's kind of like if a fucking moth was in the oval office, that sort of comedy worldwide.

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Trump takes this to the next level

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retard alert

This is it, it's over

Anybody else really regret voting for Drumpf?

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Yeah right, i still waiting for proof that 7d chess is taking place.
It seens far more likely that is just stupidity and flip-floping.

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Jew alert.
Don't even have to directly say it and you fags come running in to discredit.

No because i'm a faggot lefypol poster.


Trump also never said who would be attacking Syria.

So basically, he could’ve been warning Russia to be weary of Israeli Deep State attacks.

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See for details.

Was gonna post this. This is actually an extremely American strategy.

Think about it like this: You can tell a lot about a country's politics by what games they play.

Asians: Go. High loss is part of the game. One move can change the entire board. Asymmetrical, ultra-logical, absurd number of options, requires extreme intellect.

Europeans: Chess. Highly tactical. Limited number of moves. Losses cannot be replaced easily. Extreme planning. Standardized moves, very formal openings. Encourages ridged thought.

Africans: Dice. No skill, no interaction, blind luck. Hope you roll 7s.

Americans: Poker. A game that consists of 1% playing cards and 99% reading and bluffing other players.

In this mode, Donald Trump is the greatest American politician to ever live. If you attempt to judge him by your country's standards you're an idiot--he isn't you. He's one of us. He doesn't play 3d Chess he plays VR ultrapoker. His game isn't making complex moves it's bluffing people into doing what he wants.

If you look at things this way suddenly everything about Trump makes sense. Oh you think he's dumb? Okay dude you try the Slav Defense in a game of 7 stud and tell me where that gets you. Trump's power is that he projects the American game onto other countries' politicians, and you're all fucking awful at it. Remember when Theresa May tried to bantz Trump? Who won that engagement fag? The Brits are still our bitch but now he doesn't have to go to their shit island and eat their shit food. Trump won.


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Trump respects OPSEC. He also wants his enemies to think he's an unpredictable madman.

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Well, he succeeded in convincing his own people and his allies that he is an unpredictable madman.

He can't keep Trolling successfully unless it's on purpose.

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Not his own people. We all expected this. There's a reason there weren't riots the last few days.

You morons are used to Mutti Merkel telling you she's going to fuck you in the ass for six weeks and then doing it. We're used to the president trolling idiots like you. Same thing last April, the president making a threat is just an excuse for everyone to talk about why we should or shouldn't carry out on it. This was even going on when Clinton was in the white house, like that mess in Serbia.

Pretty straightforward.

>Announces "withdrawal" from Syria
>Beautiful babies suddenly getting gassed, just like prior to every other announcement of US withdrawal even by Obama
>US can't lose face so it has to stay but can't start WW3 with Russia either
Trump is being played, just llike Obama.

>dindu neurologist
the absolute state of muttica

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Why do you think Kim Jong-Un wants to negotiate? He thinks Trump is fucking crazy and won't hesitate to nuke him (Kim).

Madman theory. Nixon 101.

I'm not sure if he really believes it was Assad. Only he knows what goes on in his head.

Did people think Trump is going to fall for an old stupid psyop? Even if the attacks where real, who were the perps, Assad? Fat chance even Assad is not that stupid. CNN was praising Trump last year to the date as Presidential when in reality the military attacked on purpose an empty parking lot with patriots missiles.

>“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

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>A country whose only two relevant leaders were a Corsican and a Cardinal who betrayed the Church

lmao please don't talk France.

Unironically this, Trump is good at bluffing and making people confused at what he's actually going to do. China trade war is an example. He called for 50bn tariffs, China met his ante, Trump went for 150 and called the bluff because Xi doesn't doubt he'll do it. Would he? Who the fuck knows.

He’s a genius. He uses his personal twatter to distract everyone while performs the important shit behind closed doors.

you forgot
>nice and new

Implies intimate knowledge (almost as if ((( they))) are his).

>be coming
Implies knowledge of control/or control of their itinerary (as if ((( they ))) are his to control).

If you are going to over analyze this shit dont fucking leave out details to suit your bias.

Why are half the french people I meet traveling non-whites?

Tell me about this jewish magic that we are all presumabky brainwashed under, or our leaders are.

Obama, as a complete idiot, announced that US won't touch Syria unless gas weapon would be used by Assad. Every time ever since when US announces it's "withdrawal" from Syria British White helmets appear and "gassing" starts

Do you often laugh at moths? Is this the famed british humor?

Yeah, it is. Americans dont give a shit if ragheads are mean to their people.

You dipshits keep defending that crazy person.
I say one of these days he'll send a tweet that will raise so serious doubts about his sanity that someone will be forced to relieve him from command. And it'll be all nice and legal, too.

Raytheon price UP

Locheed Martin price UP

Boeing price UP

Northrop Grummam price UP

General Dynamics price UP

BAE Systems DOWN

Conclusion = America First

Probably waiting until April 19th, to switch over to Moloch w[a]rship

We voted for Chaos (capital C) and the destruction of the Deep State. We've gotten 1 of 2 so far.

China blinked and now Trump knows their magic number.

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I don't think Trump is dumb enough to believe it if we don't believe it. He's not stupid, despite what the fake news says. He might attack Assad anyway to help Israel, though, even though he knows it was a false flag.

whether intentional or not the fact that people think he'd be willing to start a war with russia is a powerful bargaining chip, putin probably couldn't have outmaneuvered a trump administration in syria the way he did obama

>Viable strategy: just make no sense and your idiot followers will call it '4d chess'

He'll attack next april at assad's annual gas event

It's obvious he is being pushed by the establishment to go to war in Syria and saber rattle with Russia but stupidly realized that if he does this he is essentially stabbing his base in the back. The most he will do is fire on a chemical war factory with minor casualties and more of Assad waving his fist in the air and Putin frowning.

Again, you're not an American, so you clearly don't understand what you're saying. Someone already brought that cringe stuff up, it was disregarded out of hand.

He's not insane. He knows exactly what he's doing and he just steered us through some fucking dire straits. He took the barnacles off the hull without touching the paint, Hans, you should be doing backflips because if he hadn't, it'd mean another 10 million Syrians for you.

Eurofag here.

Care to elaborate a bit on the trade wars?
For all the laughs the orange ape delivers, i do respect his alpha business style (even if he was severely endorsed by daddy money).

What if Trump goes along with it just to help Israel?

>Decimate ISIS in a year
Trump didn't do this, he just let his generals continue the plan enacted under Obama. The SDF were storming Raqqa while Trump was congratulating himself on winning. Now he wants to stop because Putin and his (((friends))) want a pipeline through to Turkey. He's an incompetent cuck
Sage for off topic

Nah there's plenty of empty parking lots in Syria, pick one. Trump 4D always!

Reagan did it all the time and it worked.

>t. delusional faggot
go back to whatever shithole subreddit you came from

>be old and senile
>yell at people
>wake up and be friendly because you have no idea what you did yesterday

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He basically just told the Russians and Assad that they can go on, he won't do anything about it.
Which is good, because fuck Syria, they deserve it. At least Assad and the Russians are fighting ISIS and not supporting it like the CIA does.

No, retard. It makes perfect sense as long as you aren't a rube. I've spent the last five days saying "there's not going to be a war, he's trolling you give it like a week," and everyone on the fucking planet was going HUU HUU HUUUU HUU HUUUUUU WE GONNA DIE FOR ISRAEL HUU HUUUU! like it was the end of the world.

Why was I so sure? Because it was an extremely obvious bluff. Oh they do another gas attack almost a year to the day after the last one, two days after we announce we're leaving? WOOOOOOOOW GUYS, I'LL BET THIS ONE IS GENUINE.

So he does some dick waving in cartoonishly grandiose terms, then he starts talking about how bad relations with Russia are and how they could be better, then he rolls the rhetoric back. No shit. Literally no shit, did anyone think he was going to start WWIII in an election year? Did YOU think that? If you did, congratulations, you're a fucking retard! You're dumber than his "idiot followers" you low IQ smoothbrain!

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Trump made a billion on his own before inhereting his father's money

They technically did for the dead pharaohs, among a bunch of other shit for the afterlife.

We can disagree about *why* Trump is fucking up and acting retarded (jews), and we can make up different excuses (it's the fucking jews) but we should be united in getting him to stop (the fucking jews, faggoy)

There is no 12d connect-four or 7d guess who? going on. It's just Jewish tricks.

We call it 4d chess because his inscrutable methods almost always inexplicably work, at least in foreign policy where he has actual power.

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What he told the Russians and Assad was, "Holy shit did you niggers just gas those kids," followed by "I don't think you gassed those kids but seriously if Assad gassed those kids we're in deep shit help", at which point someone in Moscow confirmed via Turkey that no, they didn't gas those kids, at which point he said "okay great I'm not going to blow you up."

There you go, there's the translation.
Also Trump withdrew CIA support of the FSA and therefore ISIS. That's over. That was an Obama policy.

The plan enacted under Obama was to bomb the desert and occasionally hit local Al-Nusra proxies while funding FSA units that would them mysteriously defect to ISIS the next week. Trump didn't do much heavy-lifting himself but cutting off support to the FSA will be a boon to the Russians who are actually doing the work--but he can't say that. What Trump MEANS when he says that someone should thank America is to signal to Putin that he's trying to help him win, but can't actually DO anything because the neocons who run his cabinet will interpret any strike order as an excuse to blow up more Russians.

Elaborate on China specifically or in general? He knows that we have a huge trade deficit with China and we're alone almost 20% of their exports. We can hurt them for more money than they could ever hurt us because of that, so he could win by just saying he'll fuck him harder and because he's a fucking madman that doesn't care about temporary market dips and Xi gave in. That's how he operates, similar to Kim because no one knows if he'll actually push that button and no one wants to find out.

There will be hell to pay.

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Trump isn't fucking up you moron. He's just doing the same shit he always does, pay lip service to an idea he doesn't believe in order to get those who support it to overplay their hand, then backing out.

Trump and the US military may be having second thoughts because there is a real possibility that this could turn out real bad, real quick. Can you imagine how his presidency would look if Russia managed to sink a US destroyer or shot down 5 or 6 planes? There would be calls for his head within minutes. As one Russian commentator pointed out, "American soldiers have a lot of medals but who have they fought to get them? Not a real army". Russian has a real army, well trained and well equipped so they will have to earn those shiny medals.

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Imagine the amount of mental gymnastics that it takes for Magapedes to explain Trumps decisions.
Even tho it can easily be explained by stupidity.

He's a loose cannon!

>“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

/ptg/tard and Jow Forumsthe_donald users need to off themselves.
>Make Tweets about taking military action.
>say Assad reign of terror can not go on any longer.
>Move assets into the area and ask allies to the same.
>Russia calls your bluff