210 IQ nomination - the highest IQ ever recorded, goes to Chris Langan. He was officially tested by the way

210 IQ nomination - the highest IQ ever recorded, goes to Chris Langan. He was officially tested by the way.

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Woke asf if true

> Langan took a string of labor-intensive jobs for some time, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, Forest Service Ranger, farmhand, and, for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island.

Exactly why he understands the issues going on. Academics with zero true life experiences with nature and the public will never get it.

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This guy reminds me of myself.

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Go die, fag.

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his tweet sounds low iq though

He worked in AI and high tech firms, too. He has a very well-balanced work portfolio. He now has a ranch and mostly works for himself.

Need links to these facebook posts, or archived version of them. Potentially shopped pics are no good as proof anywhere and I'd like to share these to hopefully turn them towards the right

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Because he didn't use $2 words?


I hope he has lots and lots of kids. High IQ whites need to get fucking like rabbits.

Here you go:
Add the facebook domain beforehand.

I was aware this guy existed and was rightwing, but I had no idea he was a through and through Jow Forumsack.

short and simple summary why we are all here

I wonder where he used to be a bouncer at on Long Island

yeah, but we know all this. you dont need a 210 iq to have a basic understanding of reality.
You can have a high IQ and be as delusional as any schizophrenic in the psych ward though

Where did you get this?
Is there a way to follow him on fb or something?
This cant be him.

>you dont need a 210 iq to have a basic understanding of reality.

t. someone with less than 30 iq

Some videos feauturing this man:

This man is based. Incredible intellect while being a working class man of the people. This is the hero we deserve.

I hope this guy is seeding children or atleast donating sperm, white blood like this needs to run deep again.

>just 210
no wonder he sounds like a boomer

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how do you know this is actually him?

His post comes off as mildly autistic. I cannot help but wonder how 210 IQ produce such profanity. Maybe americans use a different IQ scale?

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What? Theyve already updated the highest and its some Asian dude.

>He now has a ranch and mostly works for himself
This is where I'm trying to get to right now.


Dude, autistic would be the forced use of academic language. If you cannot prove a complex point in easy words you're the retard.

a 15 year old with 150 iq is dumber than a 30 year old with 100 iq

Incorrect, the difference is wisdom

no the difference is age
IQ is a weak correlated intl ratio between your age and your knowledge.

Gotta admit, a lot of supposed child geniuses appear to have shitty entry-level jobs later in life.

there are two ways out, through the bottom or the top.
The bottom is a much easier ride

Maybe you're a moron


the mad man, the fucking mad man

Yeah I bet those war mongering kikes think it's great their war mongering stooges are in a position to fuck everything up for us.

>implying iq means anything more than retard or non retard

International banksters
>International banksters
International banksters

real wealth is time, time to do as you wish, not as others desire
real freedom is not only freedom to do what you want, but freedom to do what you want without considering not only the opinions of others, but the opinion you might hold of yourself

if your time is all used up working for another, and your opinions are constrained by your programming compliments of conditioning provided by society how are you either wealthy or free?

t. dumb cunt

Need moar SAT power words

If he's so intelligent, why does he sound like an autistic hysterical faggot?

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I just want food and sex. The survival of my larger genus would also be nice. When you're secure enough in your own intelligence you no longer feel the need to larp as anything more than a genetic creature. This is probably why Jow Forums is so obsessed with the survival of the white race while normies are playing semantic word games and fapping to Dick and Shorty.

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Extremely based. I wonder does he come to our refuge online also.

i have the proofs

The 140-acre horse ranch that Chris and Gina Langan bought in 2004 to escape the bustle and expense of the East Coast spreads out from a front yard of dilapidated vehicles.

The couple keep to themselves on the roller-coaster hills of Highway P. And like the bulk of their neighbors, they support Trump.

Read more here: kansascity.com/news/politics-government/election/article107625962.html#storylink=cpy

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mah niggas

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I only have one question: fucking HOW.

How can one man get this based.

now figure out if he’s selling his sperm

This is true.

Chris "Fuck off we're Full" Langan strikes again with his common sense political philosophy.

i imagined and wrote about these oppositional singularities years ago on my own.. does that mean i am on the same wavelength as he?

I was thinking about the moon the other day.... Come to think of it...Isaac newton also thought about the moon... Am I the next great physicist?

Chris is based, although his ideas on eugenics are kind of out there, but his reasoning behind it is logically sound. Morally and ethically though? Ehhhhh....

His CMU theory is proving to be true more and more everyday though as new discoveries are made.

>210 iq
>could have done theoretical physics
>could have done pure maths
>buys a farm and shitposts on facebook all day

Yeah, think we should declare this guy an autist and not our guy.

brevity is the soul of wit, concision is the soul of intellect, etc. You are a brainlet

>not buying a farm and shitposting
this is how i know you're not even in 130's..

yeah, to not realize that true value in this world is what you can provide for yourself- not what you can leech off of society, is pretty sub(urban)human

>I have the same opinions as the smartest man in the world


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not sure what you mean
but i fail to see how Mr. Langan could be described as "leeching off society"

he got off the boat, and hes going all the way...

he has cast aside just about every so called "conventional truth" and starting exploring this world through his own eyes, something very few people ever do, let alone the extremely brilliant, he is imo what is truly missing in modern academia ... a willingness, a desire, to truly go outside of set boundaries of (((polite))) society, and really take a look at things

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checked. this guy is a fuckin legend. definitely /ourgoy/

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you definitely did not understand what i meant. i meant he is living a life of real value as opposed to trying to win at society’s game

(((international banksters)))

Communicating to the crowd is it's own talent.

Is he going to speak to plebs on his level? All they would see is 0010101010101010101

Think it's the same issue with the Donald so he doesn't relaly bother. He's beeting the glowers at their own game - Good Guy.

Read what you just typed and ask yourself if it might be characterized as hysterical and autistic faggotry. Contrast that with the opinion of your peers (lol, I know, Just roll with it) on the same subject.

Wonder what he thinks about ayys


Modern IQ tests attempt to measure the g-factor. Only really old and shitty IQ tests attempted to measure mental age.

Maybe he is one

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that’s what i was thinking. or they’d at least talk to him instead of us

I guess it is save to say that he is


>self-tested for 210 IQ
>actual top-bar for IQ is 160

It was 0-300 last I checked.

>society's game
i never really understood why would people want it in the first place. i am either autistic or a different specie. when i was kid i was attending church with parents - i never unterstood why would people ask for forgiveness with specific 'poems' memorized beforehand. to me money was colored paper who someone is printing en masse and people use it because of same magic why they talk to priest and tell him what bad things they've done past month just to repeat it next sunday.. people are retards
the only goal in this society should be self-sufficiency. why would anyone want to be dependant on retards is beyond me

>unironically believing in pseudoscience


No, IQ is pretty limited in use without wisdom, thats why facefuck fallout is so bad now... they could so they did without thinking of the long term harm ... wisdom my man is what tempers ego and foolishness not IQ

High iq people fighting for sand niggers

He's smart "on paper" but that doesn't make him right

He's a serial liar and sociopath if you have actually watched the documentary on him. He rationalizes his lack of success, drive, and overall mediocrity in life as literally "tfw too smart to be successful"

The only reason he is relevant is because he was propped up by evangelical types that use him as "proof" that "DUURR THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD IS A CHRISTIAN". He's claimed that he can prove the existence of God through mathematics for years now. He's a con-artist.

excerpt from an actual genius with real credentials on Langan:

>Let me see if I can clarify why no intelligent, educated people can think of Chris Langan as anything except a fool, a charlatan, or, possibly, a prankster with a somewhat eccentric sense of humor. His CTMU masterpiece consists largely of undefined jargon, not known to real experts and not explained by Langan himself. That is the sure sign of a crackpot.

>The other problem is that those of us who have some real expertise in some of the fields about which he pontificates find his musings to be nonsense.

>I have a Ph.D. from Stanford in elementary particle theory: I know a great deal about quantum mechanics. I also am co-patentholder on several patents that apply information theory to various problems in computer and communication systems.

>Quantum physics and information theory are two of the subjects Langan appeals to in his CTMU work. Part of the point is to make it sound as if you would recognize the profundity of his writing if only you understood all of the technical background as he does. Well, in those two fields, I do understand the technical background, and his use of those subjects is a sham: it only seems impressive to people who are as ignorant of those subjects as Langan is.

>Personally, my guess is that it is all a big joke, like Mencken’s bathtub hoax: Langan is running an experiment to see how many gullible fools there really are in the country (answer: hundreds of millions – just watch the election!)

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how much does it blast the liberal ass (and European asses too) that the highest recorded IQ goes to a christcuck from rural America?

funny how nothing you quoted attempts to refute the fact that he had the highest IQ score in history. him being wrong about anything does not undo your blasted ass from that single fact.

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>tfw too smart to be successful

He's always struck me that way as well. I don't care if he does have the highest tested IQ in the world, I'll take actual accomplishments and success over "potential" any day. Reminds me of this vaguely schizo guy that I met a few years ago who tried telling me about his "theory of everything" that he submitted to Nature and Science but the editors of the journal "didn't understand it". Ok pal.

So he doesn't have a 210 IQ?


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More Langan redpills:

Should I start dropping some Langan redpills?

>His IQ has never been officially measured by a third-party. It's all self-reported
>He's never written a mathematical paper despite claiming to have mathematical proof of god
>He got banned from editing his own wikipedia page because he kept adding false credentials and getting into fights with wiki editors
>He shills for himself online and instructs members of his CTMU social media pages to defend him on places like Jow Forums, facebook, and wikipedia
>OP is likely the potatonigger Langan fanatic or Langan himself on a proxy, LIDF is real

>210 IQ
>Fully redpilled on the JQ

I couldn't be any less surprised.

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>oy vey!
*hand-wringing intensifies*

Would be a disservice not to desu.

>a fucking MISSOURIAN
Feels fucking good, y'all
>t. KCMO

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How has he duped media/TV shows for decades then? The kikes wouldn't want to promote a White Christian man as the most intelligent person.

Langan isn't a schizo though, he's actually pretty smart. He's a con-artist/sociopath that uses schizos for free shekels though. See pic related. Langanshills used to be rampant years ago, now I've noticed they are making a comeback for some reason.

If you're reading this Chris, you are a dumb fat faggot, go shill your books somewhere else.

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>I cannot help but wonder how 210 IQ produce such profanity.

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I am too, just want to know how.

Current plan is to work construction, get certified as a contractor, make enough to buy some land and put a trailer on it. From trailer build home/farm on land.

Dunno if it will work, I can make good money in south florida working in the construction sector, but it is killing my soul and so expensive that I can't save much. I also know nothing about farming and can't really learn while I am working and studying to pursue financial success.

>promote pseduo-intellect night club bouncer as smartest man in the world
>whites see it and become content with their lot in life that they are just "tfw to smart too be successful"
yeah (((how)))?

His use of imagery such as "money-feathered vultures" and words such as extremis demonstrate this was composed by an intelligent person. He did a good job summarizing a complex topic in a short post, and made it understandable. He also did it without sounding pretentious.