"mornin cleetus, me and jim gon set up a militia to overthrow the gubinmint. you down to ride?"

>"mornin cleetus, me and jim gon set up a militia to overthrow the gubinmint. you down to ride?"
*sets of into the sunset in a fleet of F150's*
*stops at a mcdrive*
*drive to washington*
*halfway there a drone kills everybody*

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Other urls found in this thread:


We have been over this threat times before...

why doesnt anyone understand the fact that a large part of the military along with civilians would rebel too?
also enjoy your 404

As I say every time:
I don't have to worry about shooting tanks and planes, drones or defending against bunker buster style weapons. I just have to keep the unprepared soy neets and niggers at bay when the grocery store runs out of food. I only need to shoot people trying to steal from me. Welcome to the wild west motherfucker.

Also, why are gun grabbers okay with disarming people but also depicting the government killing its civilians.

Meanwhile, the military are the most conservative people in the country. Whoops there goes this garbage argument yet again.

Wouldn't happen that way. Ever seen Red Dawn?

Someone has a bigger weapon, therefore you should not be allowed a weapon at all.

> Give up your rights because the government will kill you

Sounds like typical leftist persuasion.

>hold my beer
-Vietcong and Taliban


Yeah, cause, as we all know, all the terroist groups in the Middle East were taken care of years ago. They didn't stand a chance against overwhelming shock and awe tactics.
Oh wait....

Attached: IMG_3591.jpg (478x1024, 119K)

Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.

1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.

2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?

3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.

4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.

Prove me wrong bitchlibs.

They aren't going to overthrow the government, sweetie.

They're going to kill people like you.

How many fucking times are you faggots going to shill the same argument?

Attached: IMG_0913.jpg (872x886, 350K)

Also, 1 post by OP, clearly a slide thread.

most are masochists and like the idea of being killed or enslaved by something much stronger than them. its really fucked honestly its why most of these soyboys and proto bugmen used to like stuff like space and black holes so much and would always talk about how "dude di you know that one day the sun will blow up and engulf the earth and kill us all have a nice day xddd!!!111

they want to die and and be humiliated and killed by something much more powerful then themselves. They get a little tingly feeling in their prostates when they think of it. most leftist ideas are borne of this feeling in some way.

Was about to post this, based Japan breaks it down for the idiots.

I live in Texas...this is actually a real thing - these rednecks are idiots. Your post is spot of hilarious.

Attached: 1776.png (1396x748, 55K)

Its a valid argument to make but i would bet a majority of the citizens would support the government, its takes a special kind of person to rebel against authority like that.

A government is willing to drone its own citizens? Well, guess we better give up all ability to defend ourselves then.


You killed 100 people with drones, great, all the fools are dead.

Now the smart ones will come out the woodwork & kill all of you

Fucking tired of you fucking shill faggots, WE THE PEOPLE will get WHAT WE WANT when the bombs start falling on us. Prepare for savagery & vengeance the likes of which nobody is prepared to experience.

A rifle behind every blade of grass? Yes to say the least, but add an IED or two for each blade of grass to boot.

Fuck you all, say what you want about the hijacked sections of America's government, we could only agree, but if these shills, faggots, & queers insist on taunting We the People, well god damn you're gonna lose your head the moment rule of law capsizes.

Why do they applaud a depiction of the government blowing up it's own citizens?

Rhetorical question, I know it's because the modern left has become a totalitarian thought-state bent on complete Marxist homogenity.

Attached: 1523380113294.gif (392x241, 1.48M)

The military had a hard enough time dealing with sand people living in caves using weapons from the 70’s

During the Malheur occupation I saw leftists all over the place saying shit like "just use a drone to bomb them or send in tanks." Despite the fact that the people hadn't harmed anyone.

good luck collecting taxes after you have turned the country in Iraq

This is true. Even a lot of Cold Dead Hands gun owners are actually pussies who would surrender immediately. And I'm opposed to all gun control.
This is true, but now the MSM is using "veterans" to shill for gun control alongside kids. Can't assume all of them will automatically be on our side.

Jesus Christ it's amazing people are retarded enough to think the government could take on the source of its power and win.

That argument is a complete non sequitur and proves the intellectual ineptness of gun lovers.

>Even a lot of Cold Dead Hands gun owners are actually pussies who would surrender immediately.
if even 90% of surrender and give up their guns how long do you think this country lasts with 10 million people killing the families of anyone that collaborates with the government?

lol....hopeless. Your kind will be the first to die (not that you would ever do anything against the gubberment anyway)

Modern military vs Rice moles

Attached: 450-vietnam-cu-chi-tunnels.png (450x350, 358K)

You don't even understand what a humorous analogy is so yeah , go fight the gubberment lol

They had to shut down boston looking for 2 retards with pressure cookers

how long do you think your revolution would last with 300 million people fighting back against the gun owners? Gun rights in your country live and die with the constitution if that goes there will be no civil war there may be some isolated incidents but a vast majority will give it up without a fight. The first and last line of defense is the second amendment.

how about this argument:
you're a fag and all your shit's retarded

It retarded to think idiot rednecks would ever do anything at all against the gubbernment. Gun nuts are the most cowardly people on the planet - thus the reliance on their precious guns and thier fantasies of overthrowing a gubbernment with a handful of back woods douchbags.

If the 2nd amendment was being used the way the founding fathers meant it to be, we wouldn’t be governed by Israel.

There are a hell of a lot more gun owners than libtards.

what a bizarre comic. How is this supposed to persuade me that gun control is okay?

>t. retard who put a bernie sign in his parents' front yard

This. Also the military and law enforcement would largely be on the side of the rebels so large scale war devices would likely be removed from the list of options on day one. Hard to get a blackhawk to take out a rebel nest when the pilot voted for Trump

>300 million people fighting back against the gun owners?
then who is working shopping and paying taxes?

It doesn't matter how many guns you have it comes down to if you are willing to start a fucking civil war over it. Which like i have said over and over a majority wont want.

It doesn't take a majority, achmed.

And this is for something that was a relatively minor issue

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What exactly are they going to fight back with?
libs are noguns.

They think the government is going to protect them.

Attached: lol1.jpg (400x400, 28K)

>it comes down to if you are willing to start a fucking civil war over it
you should know better than anyone nigel


>majority wont want.
It doesnt matter eve a few thousand people could throw the country into chaos

Change this cartoon to one of a redneck ambushing police and that’s what radical gun control would look like.

Less than 15% of the adult colonial population were engaged in active rebellion against the British. The rest maybe were sympathetic but they stayed out of it. By the pentagon’s own estimate it would only take a force of ~10% of the adult population in active rebellion to overthrow the government.

This. They dont realize theres an entire subnation of nutjobs that spend their free time learning defense tactics and practicing shooting. I am a nut job and my preteen kids can shoot better than most leftists

I'm loving the optimism lads but Jesus Christ you guys haven't thought it through at all. I like the idea of this small band of people taking down the tyrannical government but that doesn't fucking happen in modern civil wars they are bloody and long and at the end of the day it will be a up hill struggle the whole way. But hey maybe I'm wrong i guess its up to you boys to prove me wrong.

Attached: steel rehn.jpg (1920x1080, 103K)

>projection: the post

>civil wars they are bloody and long
And that would mean the american economy and federal government would completely collapse

maybe it's just supposed to be... funny? if at all the message comes across more like you should own even BETTER and BIGGER guns if you are to fight drones and shit. Do libtards seriously think it's better to bend over and get fucked than having a fighting chance? ffs

I find it interesting how in comics, it's usually very clear who the author disagrees with. When done well, I don't mind it at all, because that's the nature of political commentary. But then you've got stuff like this. No tact, just "everyone who disagrees with me is a fat lunatic".

Its not a fucking capture the flag mission where you have to occupy the White House to win or some shit. If the government turns on the people the people stop paying taxes. Then it becomes a waiting game and people are much better at waiting than behemoth governments made up of people. Armed citizens only improves this calculus for the people. Clearing out a city of armed insurgents going door to door taking fire? Good luck with morale on that mission. You could nuke the city, sure, but what do you rule over when the war is over? Radioactive glass.

The thing is, there are several million red blooded Americans.
>with rifles
>former military, law enforcement, hunters, sportsmen
There I'd no comprehensive registry of long gun owners.
They can't pin down millions of people, spread across every county and city in America.
This is why they push for rifle bans.
The elites are terrified of their constituents coming to get them.
It's not like they can all retreat to protective custody for the rest of their lives.
More teenagers die in car crashes every day than at the Parkland, Florida shooting.
More Americans die in car crashes every 4 hours.
More people die from fist fights than mass shootings (or even all long gun homicides combined), every year.

Our politicians can only push so far without having to worry about one of their constituents blasting them.
Possibly from a half mile away.

And in the case of actual insurgency, our military and law enforcement have a shit ton of idealistic patriots among them.
They'd have dissent within the ranks.
Individuals that would rather shoot their commanding officer, chief of police, mayor, governor, etc, than their fellow Americans.
Obama tried to purge many of them from the higher eschelons, those that were more loyal to the constitution and our people than to their chain of command.
But plenty tow the line in word until they hit a hard line.

>Muh drones
There aren't nearly enough of them to target 100,000,000 gun owners. You forget, we don't cluster together in cities with the pavement apes like libkikes do. Drones also require large amounts of maintenance, and they're kind of a bitch to maintain and keep flying. How do I know this? I was a crew chief on Predators for 8 years. They're just not feasibly possible to target that many people.
I'll give you another fine example of why they don't work.
Afghanistan. We have tons of these deployed there. Sure they might kill a few people here and there, but the Taliban's numbers aren't even remotely touched by them, and they're still alive and well regardless of how many bombs or missiles we fire at them.
Plus, bombing a third world mud hut is much different than bombing the mainland US.
Why would the government destroy it's own infrastructure? How would the government maintain a semblance of being the "good guys" when they're blowing up their own people and destroying neighborhoods? This would only serve any sort of "rebel" group by driving the moderates to their cause. It happens every day in Afghanistan and Iraq.
You're delusional.

If any military in the world could do it, it would be the US military. You kicked the fuck out of the Vietnamese, Iraqis and the afghans you only lost because you gave up. In a war where only one side comes out on top they wont stop and just quit. And i get that you guys are armed but so are the Syrian rebels and they are getting their shit kicked in how many revolutions have failed throughout history.
There was a complex political situation back in Britain at the time that didn't actually want to fight the war it was 3000 miles away and took months to get there plus you was being supported by many foreign powers don't pretend like the american militia won the war by themselves because that is far from the truth.

>critical thinking
Comics like this just PROVE the government is dangerous and we need protection from it. Not the other way around.

>haha, stupid conservatards, you have no way of opposing the government
>that's a good thing :)

You have no clue what you're talking about

Attached: Marx on weapons.jpg (1268x90, 31K)

>Vietnamese, Iraqis and the afghans, Syrian look at the state of these countries
If you do that here who is going to pay taxes?

Who do you fucking think? How does any country function in a civil war? by your logic all revolutions are easy because when it starts people just stop paying taxes. At least the other Americans had proper arguments, yours is actually autistic.


They're too dense to grasp such things.

>How does any country function in a civil war?
name one that has functioned?

the nippost is an absolute must is shit threads like these.

So why didn't drones win the middle east and bring freedumb in less than a year? They're going to use this shit on their own land and people now? And leftists would fucking cheer over this too. Bunch of bloodthirsty fucks

These tactics wouldn't work if used by americans against the american military in america.

Not to mention the economic outcome of OPs comic.
>waste $500k on taking out Cleatus
>Cleatus paid more taxes than soyboys they're protecting
>a few thousand Cleatus' fucks up what's left of the military econ and budget
>.gov can't sustain cost and sentiment loss from vaporizing rednecks
>3rd world shithole from .gov
>total population now wants new .gov

Assad and the Syrian government seems to be doing pretty well in their civil war. In fact any country that has ever fought and won its own civil war you tit. It doesn't matter what state the country is in at the end. If the country has got to the point where a war is going to happen it doesn't care anymore about damage to itself. An american civil war would do irreparable damage to your nation but if a war happens that is obvious.

>>Cleatus paid more taxes than soyboys they're protecting
in a civil war nobody will work or pay taxes

>Assad and the Syrian government seems to be doing pretty well in their civil war.
because they are getting outside assistance
The Syrian population is not capable of funding their military

Must disagree with you. Nam showed us how proficient the US army is in dealing with civil resistance fighters.

Do you think in an american civil war there wouldn't be any outside influence?

>Clearing out a city of armed insurgents going door to door taking fire?
What, like Fallaujah, which the US, GB and assorted mercs took twice from fanatical Jihadis? I very much doubt you are as hardcore as them.

Attached: fallajuh.jpg (900x505, 101K)

Mostly supporting the rebels

You'd also have to think would there be major strikes at most the defense contractors in the usa? I'm sure most people working at these lean slightly to the right and would hate that what they're making is being used on it's own civs.

You cant be serious, they will be seen as terrorists and insurrectionists, i can guarantee NATO will come to the aid of the government not the rebels. People outside of your country couldn't give a fuck about your constitution, plus why would they support a side that wants a isolationist USA when the world benefits from a open USA?

>i can guarantee NATO will come to the aid of the government not the rebels
NATO isnt shit without America
China and Russia would love to see America collapse

>this presumably left-wing artist literally glorifies state sanctioned murder of US citizens with robots

Attached: General Jackson.gif (480x203, 3.93M)

Sage this faggot shit.

Attached: this thread again.png (425x251, 197K)

>NATO isn't shit without America
I bet them extra millions soldier coming to fight for the government from NATO would disagree. I doubt the Russians and the Chinese could come help you, they still don't have a fleet that could get there.

>poorly funded yuro armies could actually deploy a million soldiers in America
You also forget when the American economy collapse the entire world economy will follow

As a citizen of a NATO country, would you vote to send your soldiers to die trying to prop up the failing American government as the country implodes? Would your neighbors vote for it? Especially given the fact that your presence in particular will be regarded as explosive and convince American insurgents that they literally are fighting the Second American Revolution?

Attached: Bunker_Hill_by_Pyle.jpg (2385x1581, 2.32M)

Personally, I think most are lazy and don’t like taking self responsibility. Self responsibility in security and wellbeing takes constant effort and some practice/training. Mix all that with very real accounts of people thinking x or y won’t happen to them, so why bother, and you now have a big fucking problem.

>they still don't have a fleet that could get there

Name how many NATO countries have substantial navies with more than 100 capital ships.

Europe is used to fighting wars in such a state do you think our economies thrived in the world wars, if the US was to collapse into civil war it would be the biggest even in the century it would mean pain and suffering for the whole world which is why i don't want to see it happen.

>Europe is used to fighting wars in such a state
Your population is not
>think our economies thrived in the world wars
You just borrowed a shit ton of money from America

>goverment will drone their own backyard

Attached: 1521829171586.jpg (618x597, 144K)

lol that's fairly accurate senpai

I wouldn't want to go but i wouldn't have a choice i would be conscripted and sent along with all of my country men and a shit load of other Europeans, your country is really fucking important to the world as much as it pains me to say it, our governments wouldn't just sit on the sidelines and watch, they would do everything they can to influence the outcome, and to the second point the US navy would probably help plus our navies arn't that small we could ship a lot of troops over pretty damn fast, tens of thousands a day.


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Ok even if you are somehow able to get 1 million troops here what are they going to do?

So what this cartoon is saying is that my fears of government tyranny are completely justified? Got it.

Oh I didn't bother to see if anyone else had posted it. Good Job hero.

Also this. Civil war 2 will be brutal but needs to happen at this point. Can’t have an effective nation if half the people in it don’t believe in the basic constitution

>I wouldn't want to go

Exactly, and millions of Britons will thinking the exact same thing. Which is why your country or any other country for that matter would never send anything more than a paltry few soldiers to fight a war to prop up the failing the United States as it destroys itself.

Attached: battle of bunker hill.jpg (1500x999, 387K)