1D chess folks

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That was his strategy all along you idiot. He even said on the campaign trail he would push for aggressive re-negotiations of our existing trade pacts.

Jesus, you're practically glowing.

>I'm a globalist and a nationalist. I'm both!

This week his nationalist side must have been on vacation.

>He even said on the campaign trail he would push for aggressive re-negotiations of our existing trade pacts.
This desu!


TPP isn't an existing trade pact. Trump abandoned it, remember?

I can already see his 2020 campagain going like this:



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That's called politics, retard. Trump just negged China.

>This week his nationalist side must have been on vacation.

His "nationalist" side only exists for Israel

>He's only pretending to be retarded

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

>re-negotiate the TPP
>for just the US because all other countries have already joined it except the US

lmao are you serious?

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I can already see your sick disgusting faggot traitor ass hanging from a lamppost, faggot.

Kill them all! MAGA


>you don't support the president doing things he ran on not doing
>I'm gonna hang you for that you're a traitor

I'm even a liberal but how do you even be this dumb come on bruh

>I can already see your sick disgusting faggot traitor ass hanging from a lamppost, faggot.

I'm the traitor for supporting the biggest traitor faggot in world history? Trump has betrayed every person who voted for him and you still want more ass ramping?

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You do realize that when the US pulled out of TPP that the other countries went ahead and signed a trade deal very similar to TPP without the United States, right? If the U.S. were to re-enter it would be from a point of weakness, not strength, given that we'd have to negotiate within the existing terms of the agreement. It would have been *much* easier to get what Trump wanted had he stayed in the original TPP, and negotiated from there before anything was signed.

But of course, continue your delusion that this absolute moron is playing "30-D Chess" or whatever to make yourself feel better.

Trump voters don’t realize this because, on the whole, they’re not well informed.

you don't even need to be "well informed" to know that leaving a trade deal to re-negotiate is a dumb ass move

it's just basic fucking common sense that anyone who isn't an idiot could tell you


he's literally sitting in the rose garden right now talking about rejoining the TPP


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nigger, have you been fucking asleep during his presidency and how he does shit?

None of the kids that post angsty shit here are old enough to vote.

Holy shit the shills are out in full force today.


Half you niggers dont even know what you're angry about.

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Israel #1

Holy shit, how do you fuck up TOPKEK so bad? It's not a fucking triforce you dipshit, it's very simple and straightforward. Even someone who's illiterate and has an understanding of the shape of letters could pull that off. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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> it's another episode of being retarded was his strategy all along
You brainlets do realize that the TPP memberz now have an upper hand in renegotiations because they have something that he needs?

>He even said on the campaign trail he would push for aggressive re-negotiations of our existing trade pacts

Those are tough, PR-y words that basically spell "we will bend over to the globalism, but act like a condescending douchebag about it as a smokescreen before the voters".

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Also this. Friendly reminder that Israel is our friend and greatest ally, as well as the only democracy in the region.



Trump is so amazing, did you see the way he triggers da libs. HAHA! Locker her up amirite?

Trump the billionaire from New York truly is a messenger for the american working class blue collar worker. I can't wait til we build the wall and Mexico pays for it!

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That was the purpose of TPP, to box out China with worker impact a tertiary concern.

Every 'globalist' policy is meant to secure your country a geopolitical advantage.

Merifatties just realizing this>?

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Trump very specifically said he opposed bilateral trade deals, trade deals with more than one nation.

Do you fucking door-knob humpers even realize that WE NEED trade deals in order to continue thriving as a nation in any ecomony after the 1800's? The problem is that USA didn't like the terms of the TPP and it wasn't very benficial for the country (or as much as it could be.). He's renegotiacting the TPP so it benefits the USA more, using its economic power as leverage.

its like the bluetards are blind or something.

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That reminded me to check how Zyklon Ben reacted to the news of large-scale intervention against Assad's (((chemical attacks))).
Even Trump's most dedicated cartoonist is less deluded than most drumpftards.

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i can't believe you retards actually think that leaving a trade deal is how you renegotiate it lol

That's not how you negotiate you absolute bottom feeder. You negotiate while you're in a stronger position and see eye to eye with your potential partners, not when they went ahead and formed a contract without you and you now come crawling back to face them off all by yourself
Jesus fuck no wonder Israel plays him like a fiddle

You have to show that you are willing to walk away from a bad deal if you want to get a better one. That or leave the stinking thing where it is if it works out purely.

If a company you work for gives you 15,000/yr are you just going to smile and take it or are you gonna show them your willing to walk away?

Like fuck nobody gets negotiations at all.

>economic power as leverage

That works best when you are a part of the pact you are about to renegotiate.
For if you pull out of it before renegotiating its conditions, the remainder of the pact will likely adapt to account for the lack of your presence. Voids do not last in global economy, regardless of how big they are.

>You have to show that you are willing to walk away from a bad deal if you want to get a better one

that is the complete opposite of how diplomacy works

>If a company you work for gives you 15,000/yr are you just going to smile and take it or are you gonna show them your willing to walk away?

that's not how you run a motherfucking country, that's how you run a business. they are not the same at all.

We need to stop kicking the can down the road and get serious with any Southeast Asian country that will unite with us against the Yellow Menace of Chyna

and everything is subject to change.

Everyone else in that situation benefits more for USA being there.

>He broke the agreement in a puffy way, but after a long time he has now come to realize he needs it more than others need him, so he is ready to humbly negotiate it again
There, I fixed some things in the story for you

>If a company you work for gives you 15,000/yr are you just going to smile and take it or are you gonna show them your willing to walk away?

This is why analogies between everyday life and global politics don't hold much relevance. On the scale of global powers, whole wide world is a small and finite place.

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Moron, a country is run just like a large scale business. We push our leverage as far as it will go to get as much as we can.

Money always talks and feelings are irrelevent.

That can only be true if he comes out with a deal that was worse than before.

He won't

if you truly believe this then you have absolutely no idea how diplomacy works

breaking a deal is the worst thing you can do in a diplomatic situation. it shows that you don't stand by your agreements, so other countries are less willing to make more deals with you because of it. and if you try to negotiate a deal, you're at a disadvantage because you're the one on the outs, so why should they even give a shit about you when everyone else has agreed to this deal just fine without you?

Magapedes were calling me a faggot for predicting this. It was dumb to even attempt to get into a trade war with China AFTER we had pulled out of a TPP that would insulate us from potential retaliation. TPP was designed to hurt/curb China's influence in the first place, and Trump pulled out because "muh free trade" because he is indeed, a brainlet.

You have to remember, the TPP isn't a deal being made with DOnald Trump, its with the USA. The rest of the leaders could give a fuck about Trump, hell be gone in a few years anyway.

Zero D chess.
He has been turned.

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>We push our leverage as far as it will go to get as much as we can.

And everyone else will do just that, as well.
You seem to think that the USA is the sole shark in the pond of tuna.

it is still the biggest economic power, until China takes it over anyhow.

I will never be satisfied until these shill factories are exposed and the ring leaders arrested. What is being wrought upon this sacred place is worthy of death.


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Just a floated idea. Has no policy implications whatsoever. RELAX

Diplomacy has shit all on money. The USA has alot of it. You want to make deals with the biggest spender its pure and simple.

with Donald Trump as president other leaders don't want to do business with the US anymore because our economy is becoming unstable because of all of the rash decisions he is making. tell me, if I am the leader of a country, why would I want to invest in a country when I'm not even sure what their foreign policy is? or if their foreign policy is basically "fuck everyone but the US"? why should they even bother?

That's how Trump stole this election. Russian shills. He is a traitor. The day of the rope is near.

i don't know if you know this, but other countries have money too, and they don't have an idiot for president like Donald Trump who breaks trade deals in a rash decision out of nowhere

the biggest factor in diplomacy is TRUST. if you can't trust a leader to stay to their word and keep a deal that you've made with them, why the fuck are you even going to bother making a trade deal with them?

Fake news

You got something g on your lip

Remove trumpfags

How many companies have to deal with big clients who are run by an asshole? Probably a lot.

If they are a big client that makes you lots of money, you still work with them, foreign policy could eat an ass.

Even war are predicated on the idea that there is more money to be made invading then it costs to invade. That and whether or not the UN or the target country's allies would allow you to get away with it.

The EU is the largest economy on earth

Why do magapedes unironically post shit like this as if it's actually scary?

You just exposed yourself as a fucking shill. Prove to me that Russian bots have effected anything. Look thru the articles, and point it out to me. Have you ever thought the Russian bot narrative is a way to stifle an opponent and delegitemize his points of view?

Idiot, there is no trust, even amongst close allies. What kind of candyland fairy tale are you living in?

Not for the purposes of TPP.

And EU is not a country.

you can't just willy nilly break business agreements and contracts, they are binding legal contracts

you can break trade deals whenever you want at the discretion of the leadership of a country

they are made entirely on trust, so if you betray that trust, you are at a disadvantage if you try to then renegotiate that deal because:
a. why should leaders trust that you won't just break the new trade deal?
b. why should leaders trust that you won't fuck them over again like you've already done by breaking the trade deal?

this is the difference between diplomacy and running a business

He's not a client. Are you retarded? The TPP isn't just about buying Asian shit or it would indeed be a terrible deal

It's a single currency federation

they day Bannon left was the day the MAGA presidency died.

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what do you think the TPP is predicated on? do you think it's a legal binding contract?

The fact that you don't understand the analogy is proof that your cognitive ability is pleb-level.

So? No shit sherlock.

You actually believe this?

TPP is another globalist move to fuck all the worker bees of the world even more it's not going to effect China at all and you are a fucking idiot if you support it the projections for TPP for America was that it MIGHT increase GDP by 2% in 20 fucking years. But it would be a huge profit maker for (((international finance)))

Shut the fuck up before you end up as a lampshade!

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what the fuck, I hate Economic Sovereignty now

To be fair if tweaked right it could be a huge opportunity. As it currently satnds, without negotiations its exactly as you say.

>Washington Post
>Trump article
Why even bother reading? Link me 3 positive articles about him from this year from washington post, you can’t.

Are you saying Washington Post are bluepill shrills?

a bilateral trade deal with India is preferable to TPP

Your analogy doesn't work brainlet. He's not a client. A client is someone a potential service provider is interested to attract. The client is in the stronger position. He's in the weaker position. They have something he wants. They're the client and he has to plead his case before an already established club. And they know exactly why he needs them too

>stayed in the original TPP, and negotiated from there
How do you know he didn't try that first and took his ball home when they declined his offers?

TPP could function as a bulwark to China if renegotiated properly

this is an interesting quote I found on a Vietnamese law site or some shit

"Specifically, Vietnam now enjoys a longer roadmap for fulfilling some difficult obligations, with some even being postponed until the return of the US as a member. These obligations basically are related to intellectual property, labor, trade union and investment provisions, according to Thai."

They know the US is eventually going to sign into it?

Well you see it as the opposite that it really is. USA has a large market potential for the other members, hell, there barely a point to even have a TPP if USA is not involved. Trump knows this and is using it as leverage. Now I am not a big fan of trump's policies, but when it comes to aggressive negotiations, the man know what he is doing, shit he's benn doing this his whole life. How else do you think he built Trump tower in the middle of Manhattan AND got the government off his back for decades in taxes. It's underhanded and dirty but it works, he knows when he has leverage and takes full advatage of it. He may be a prick, but in business he's not stupid.

>implying those poor countries don't want the world's strongest economy in on their deals
Why do you fucks even speak up? Keep drooling into your drool pan, fagboy

> there barely a point to even have a TPP if USA is not involved
They already have it my deluded underage friend. And Canada and Mexico are part of it

underage LOL, if I was GEN Z, I would be a blind bluetard like you too.

I know it exists already, it just dosen't do that much for either without USA involved.

> everyone who's not an economic illiterate votes Dem
The cancer has spread to your frontal lobes

That explains why we get submerged in debt everytime a dem gets in office.

Look at Canada, most liberal place you can find run by a 14-year old girl and has the 4th largest debt problem.

Leftists cant handle money...

Japan isn't run by leftists but is number 1 with a 250% of their gdp large debt. You're a mental child, there are lots of different factors at play that determine this shit

Do you even understand Japan's Politcial environment? They don't abide by the same political make-up as the western counterparts. There really is no left or right in there case, if anything they are kind of centrist.

Also weeb detected.

Op is a nigger

Says while Trump increases the deficit to over a trillion dollars.

fuck you cuck

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