Styx has officially announced his run for govenor.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

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Nobody is going to vote for a weird looking shirtless dude with 666 in his name.

Just saw that kek

sorry forgot meme flag

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kek wtf

I'm fine with this desu. Let's get the meme magic going, senpai.

i can fuck with this

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>take time machine
>go 50 years in the future
>go to wiki and see list of us presidents
>mfw when Styx

I would never vote for this faggot to be pres, but a governor of a state I don't live in? Sure, let's do it!

He would unironically make a good Governor in a 94% white State tucked away in the Mountains like Vermont.
Good luck Styx, I know you're lurking faggot. I'd vote for you if I lived in your state.

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i was just saying it would be pretty funny

Honestly hope he wins

Not in my world lol

Imagine styx delivering the state of the union in a leather jacket without a shirt kek

Dont doubt me.
That is all.

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Wait really?

Not a big Styx fan, but I will say his brand of autism may lend itself well to public office.

d-did you just make that warp....because I was making this one at the same time

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How old is he? Don't you have to be a certain age?

Can we get an image makeover firm in here, STAT?

literally an autistic faggot living in a all white fantasy land

Styx should get a cybernetic eye that records his every thought and uploads it to the cloud, total transparency is the new standard in politics

either eyeball cams or cut their nuts off

ban his patreon and see how many videos he'll post

Stupid, and a waste of time.
He's just trying to expand his name recognition, and nothing more.

Jow Forums hates him because he doesn't talk const about race realism and the joos

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Tell him to put in a shirt!

he said he never will kek

Literally no one is going to vote for a Pagan with 666 in his name.

He's already has a 10.2 lead.

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I'd vote for him, even though he is a hippy faggot

I love this burb

he's a better option than republicucks or democucks
if any Vermont anons want to prove they're not cucked, vote for Tarl Warwick
don't be a bitch

Phil Scott already did his damage. It'll be 50 years before what he signed into law this week is even considered for repeal.
It takes 20 minutes to fuck shit up. It take a generation to fix it. Democracy!

He's a NEET whose never held a job, do you really think he's qualified for public office?

Is that a reference to his dick size? HAHAHAHA, well memed my fellow magapede. Shadilay! With magick like this he is a shoe-in for president of Vermont.

>never worked a day
Literally every politician ever.
Law school doesn't count. Meme degree.

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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>Satanist tries to grab power

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The politicians who completed law school prove that they have moxie. Styx is just an autistic NEET who spends his days on the internet.


Being eccentric will work better for him because e media will be forced to cover it

>shirt hating, leather jacket wearing satanist runs for governor

t. judeo-christian

I'll vote for ya Styx...... if you start lifting

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