Holy shit we did it guys. For the first time since the early 20th century (((they))) are afraid again

Holy shit we did it guys. For the first time since the early 20th century (((they))) are afraid again

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I'm Jewish and I'm not afraid.

do you feel in charge?

Good. Getting in the chambers will be that much horrific for you.

Archive you mong.

If you lived in France you would be.

I'm Jewish and I'm fucking ecstatic. The hype is real. RACE WAR NOW

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holy shit, we need more holocaust survivor holograms STAT

In charge of what?

When/where/how would that happen?

What's it like there?

These are genuine questions by the way.

can't you feel the heat?

>What's it like there?
We are getting floods of new citizens who flee french islamization. I hear the natives are *extremely* demoralized, more so than even you anglos.

Hey kikes, remember this: Down. to. the. last. woman. We are coming. Expect us. Truth is one our side; you know this, you dishonest fucks. You could have stopped this. All we wanted was to be able to raise a family in peace but you couldn't restrain your typically kikish hatred. What's it feel like to know that you deserve this coming genocide?

we did it? no. we're not done yet. regressing is nice but ... let's outnazi the nazis \o,

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Rockwell 2.0 is coming.

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How do we make sure the goys never forget?

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The world has (((regressed))) hundreds of times now. Funny how civilizations keep coming to the same conclusion that jews subvert and cause harm to host nations.


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we have the best goys dont we pedes!

holy kek. Jow Forums the letter

>In charge of what?

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LOL baiting jews into revealing the truth about them
well done whoever sent that

How could this possibly have happened?
>*imports more muslims*

Same goes towards you. You can direct your profanities towards the Romans who scattered us across your lands. Come and get me, we have the same guns.


"We" didn't do anything. This is symptomatic of class warfare amongst the victim classes. Everybody is struggling to be at the top of the pyramid right now. Jew status has tumbled down to the bottom of the victimhood hierarchy in the court of public opinion. Have you not noticed the recent rash of alarmist "media" stories that have been published lately to push the narrative of "the poor Jews"?

Current victim hierarchy is as follows, according to recent media stories:


A few weeks ago it was:

A few weeks before that, it was:

Just follow the trends in the news. We'll see a whole bunch of "Oh the poor poor LGBT" stories pretty soon, I'd wager. Don't you understand that the "victimhood" classes are constantly swapped up and down the hierarchy so they'll stay united and not go to war with each other?

isreal blease...

What a hero, the user who wrote this.

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Not even the browns are tolerating your garbage anymore. The fact that you felt the need to proclaim you are "not afraid" speaks volumes.

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What you call "demoralization" is nothing more than potential energy just waiting to ignite. We are to be that catalyst for the disenfranchised and sullen masses the world over. All good men, kike. Remember that. All good men are waking up and when we decide to act there will not be a single Jew left, except for your children. Those, we'll sterilize and sell into slavery in recompense for your role in the slave trade in the U.S.

They always bring it on themselves. What other group of people always finds trouble like they do?

And just think, Jow Forums hasn't even existed for a decade yet. RIP Jew scum.

Thread theme

You are going to die, kike.

stop using the jewish meme flag
hitler was a satanist who inverted the swastika
use the pirate if you're hard up for a flag

Israel must carry its balls about in a fucking wheelbarrow.

They're neck deep in murdering relatively harmless protesters like it's a sporting event and simultaneously bombing foreign nations in order to start WW3, yet they still cry anti-semitism.




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why bother when arabs and russians are going to kill you faggots for us

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You have all the money and do you think this gives you power over us?

Yes, I agree and am happy for the fact the European people are not yet extinguished. I have a lot of European blood and culture. You might not consider it relevant but your opinion is dogshit - all I care about on dotr is getting as many niggers, arabs and *actual* kikes under my belt. I bet I'll beat your score too faggot.

All of this has happened before.

And it will happen again.

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Nah, they just have really trusty IDF brand diapers that all their soldiers have to wear. Makes them feel like they can ignore the piss slowly leaking from all of their unwashed genitals.

I bet you don't even wear your star on your sleeve.

you are going to be the last one to be gassed

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Maybe if they weren't so left wing we would be more likely to believe their narrative.

You're going to die, kike.

The best option for jews is to make peace and try to just have their own homes. You won't win a race war.

Watching the entire globe aim their weapons on Israel knowig ayy’s will stop the Samson Option from happening is going to be one glorious fucking day.

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>larping nazis hate them
>larping commies hate them
>1 billion muslims hate them
once a charismatic leader comes around shit is gonna hit the fan

Tell me something. If you are masters, why do you always attach yourselves to a host?

german news reported about a holocaust remember march at auschwitz today. anchorman said they do it so people remember the 1.3million jews that died in the war. not 3million, he said 1.3million.

you should be

Kek, Jews are protected species here

Shhh. Let them continue. It will make what's coming all the more delicious.

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>do shady shit
>keep getting caught
>oy vey anti-semitic much?

How about not being behind practically every plot to fuck over literally everyone in the world? Is that too much to ask of the jews?

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Can't fight, read a book
You mean the 2+ million Russians living in Israel, phenotypically and culturally Russian? Yeah, I don't worry too much.
I'll do it myself if I'm found out eventually, no reason to beat around the bush and idc. And as far as I know whites you'll like the nigger skulls around my belt more than hate that I'm technically Jewish.


Just a matter of time before these parasites get their shit pushed in again.

Seriously, though, you lads have got to stop Jewing. Just take your ethnostate and be on your way.

>In charge of what?
Just get the fuck out.

Britian will soon rise up, best to avoid the storm that is coming your way. I don't dislike jews but I think some jews like Barbra Spectre are bad.

Mossad used US troops for target practice in Iraq

jews BTFO


What is the definition of a host? A vessel, thrall. It is what makes some Jews the masters of nations, their parasitic tactics. Which I condemn. The flag in the post you've reacted to is Fascist.

Believe me when I say that 90% of European antisemitism comes from Muslims. Which is perhaps the only worthwhile thing about those people.


Holy fuck, even with the holocaust classes. Fucking kek

They knew this shit would happen

Oh hey


No, we need somewhere to put the Jews. A nationalist Jewish state would be fine, we need to get rid of the rootless cosmopolitans.

You shouldn't be, unless you're using the people against themselves to turn the world into a brown blob of retardation.

>In charge of what?
Filthy dumb newfag scum, never mind being Jewish, you're supposed to lurk for a year before posting


> we did it.....

the only thing that we did was wake up and pay attention and not believe the narrative that (((they))) hide behind and feed to everyone.

Multi-cult will also not work cause shitskins will not change , and interactions will only prove that "stereotypes" and statistics come directly from them.

always doomed to be noticed and to blow their chance to change and join society.

>The study blames the surge on “the constant rise of the extreme right, a heated anti- Zionist discourse in the left, accompanied by harsh antisemitic expressions, and radical Islamism.”
so anti zionism is anti semitism? fuck jews

calling out the Talmud and deceitful jewish culture is no antisemitism, it's proper criticism

Those people want us to be quiet on both Talmud and Quran. We are supposed to be silent when we see people who are raised on very dubious moral laws

Jews are raised according to the Talmud - is this pleasant for the local populace?

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I wish I had lots of money lmao

you didn't do shit.

Not the point, I'm not salty about this or about the holocaust bullshit, but they made us a sick fucking disgusting diaspora people like gypsies and rats. Hertzelian, Fascist Zionism is the cure to Jewery and on DOTR we will demonstrate this fact.

Not sure if it’s just the coffee, but I’m getting giddy.

Nice so its 1918. 15 more years until 4th reich

>anchorman said they do it so people remember the 1.3million jews that died in the war.
died in the CAMP you rube

I cracked up at "Dear Mr Rothman". Based as fuck, even if Noah wrote it himself (which I suspect)

you should be considering this same story has played out over 100 times in history. didn't your parents teach you how many times the tribe has been persecuted?

>basically everyone hates the jews

>jew explains why the second amendment is so great

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Oh yeah I control the media and all corporations I forgot sorry

Everything that doesn't further the Jew's cause is anti-semitism.
Stop giving them sympathy for nothing, that's how they abuse you.

Kike pieces of shit bombed Syria to draw us into another conflict over there. Slimy little shits!

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>ywn stay up all night in your 1,000 pound shark jet

I must say ... I kinda like this guy :)

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>In charge of what?
your own asshole

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It's probably all the muslims spreading throughout the West, but no one will say it.

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God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal.
