"How to politely deal with white people wanting to talk to me about racism/race issues"

how does Jow Forums feel about this question?

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I do not give two flying fucks what race someone is. It means absolutely nothing to me. All I want to be left alone.
When someone comes around and says I am directly and personally responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, the Holocaust, gerrymandering, etc., I immediately tune them out. My grandpa didn't crack the whip, I didn't deny anyone service at a lunch counter, and nobody related to me carved up your voting district in a retarded manner.

Whether agreements or disagreements may arise in a conversation between him and myself, I do at least respect and appreciate the fact that he might actually want to have civilized discussion, which many seem to have a hard time doing. I've had good dialogues with black people on racial subjects, but most avoid the issue, or act bitter towards me as if I have more control over circumstance than I really do.

This is a great way to alienate white "allies" and set them on the right path.

The nigger should get the fuck out of the white country.
They vote for leftists and the leftists will force you to work for the shitskins until you keel over.

Checked. Yeah I time out blacks who try to make me out to be responsible for the past. I am willing to have civilized discussion and try to understand their perspectives if they engage me in the same manner. But yeah, when they get in my face, I don't give a fuck.

I feel the author is a gaynigger who ultimately understands he belongs to an inferior race

Tune out*

Why the fuck would I want to talk to someone black?

fuck niggers

psycho-tier leftist detected

Nigger hate thread.

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It's not our job to fucking understand your emotions.
If you don't want to explain it, don't expect us to understand your bullshit point of view.

>Nigger hate thread

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Explain to him that this is all emotional defensiveness from a race that has not accomplished anything in its history but feels entitled to our concern.

Tell him there are probably fewer racists back in Africa. Be the Kangz you want to see in the world.

Check out my new blog article, "How to politely deal with stupid fucking niggers"
It's real great

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>how do you feel
Leftist detected
I don't feel anything, it's a question asked by a subversive inferior. The only response needed is "Liberia is a nice place to be a frontier for blacks, they should go for it." If they think racism is a problem, they need to leave, not think they have power by guilt tripping those who don't know any better.

>disproportionate emotional work required of me
stopped reading there

>bitter or resentful
Says it all. God help us if we allow ourselves to become a minority and lose power to these people. This is suicide.

I don’t talk about race either because there’s little to discuss. Blacks are foreign people and shouldn’t be here (although white liberals, globalists, and (((others))) are making it to where whites are the foreigners). They have a completely different view of this country and multiculturalism wishes to eliminate racial tensions through miscegenation when the truth should be admitted that race=culture and culture=race.


>talking to non-whites
>Spending time voluntarily with non-whites
Fuck off

The only answer.

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>wishes to eliminate racial tensions
this is the opposite of what they want