>This triggers the amerimutt
This triggers the amerimutt
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you have fag in your city name, you lose
hello texas
You have a leaf in your flag.
by what? the fact that your country looks like a noodle dick?
No it doesn't.
Canada shits Chili on burgers and beans?
Isn't Chile the part of South America that no one else wanted?
At least people don't get his flag confused with another country's state.
Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, tuff stuff?
Not really
>This triggers the ch*Lean
Argentina should take over Chile by force
why wold we give a shit about some skinny spic country that mines copper to sell to china, and then implements communism to become the next venezuela, only with uglier women?
Being attacked from multiple sides never ends well. No way to defend.
>america is like a fat manlet
It's beanerspeak for "before the faggot's ass arrived"
Chile is a cool country. has a lot of observatories for some reason. Uruguay and Chile seem to be the only South American countries that can be considered "European" in that you could actually get into the EU based on how well run your country is and its not fucked up with drugs or political instability.
how could hogging so much coastline to yourselves be legal?
How long does it take to drive the width way? It is very mountainous?
Why did you draw an amorphous red shape that nobody's ever seen before connecting Mexico City to Winnipeg?
>a fucking worm
Chilean women have to be the sluttiest women in the universe. I had a chance to bang some but I chickened out because they were really dirty and I had just watched a documentary about this new disease called supergonorrhoea
sksksk ur country look like a doodoo
Not really, they are ugly AF but they still think they are pretty so they only look for chads, even if they look like dogshit.
America has existed for almost 250 years, which means we've got Catalonia beat by almost 250 years. Suck a dick, memeflag.
chile what are you on about? also i liked you guys when i stopped there as a sailor and banged a bunch of your women. why are you not cool all of a sudden?
Why no Minecraft merchants?
salty mapuche BTFO
>80% mountains and jungle fucks
Checked and thanks doc...
uh? who keeps doing all these touhou reaction pics?
where do I find more?
Qué tal, masisi?
What now????
Isnt that a vegetable
Off topic, but I visited Peru and I hated how you guys have houses made of concrete
nia FTFW
Isn't that entire country just a mountain range with small brown monkey people? Also since when did Texas get their own flag?
You forgot something turbocuck.
>when you have so much land unkown countries make fun of you for it
Why don't you make fun of how much money we have too?
>mexishit thinks we care about his shitty lanklet country
How can you even defend a country shaped like that?
TFW your flag is less recognizable than Texas.
Why do i still recognize this ffs
>I hated how you guys have houses made of concrete
why does texas get a flag?
ITT: Amerimutts being PROUD of their ignorance.
its joke :)
This is some abstract shitposting
wrong projection
im not triggered, if anything I think that's pretty cool - I never realized how long you guys were
Looks like the Mexican immigration path.
shut up texas
Sort of. It's the part no else could readily access due to the mountain ranges.
I remember The onion produced this satirical "world factbook" that had a page on every country and Chile's was the best. They had this FAQ for Hikers segment that gave required provisions for traversing the country; if you are traveling East-West then you need a light snack and a bottle of water. If you are traveling North-South then you need an industrial backpack, snowshoes, hiking boots, 45 pounds of non-perishable food, a portable water purifier, etc.
if you want to trigger me you need to type that in english because i have no idea what it even says.
south america = subhuman monkey continent
t. Abdul-Ghafaar Abdallah
pencil land
Shut up cuck
I was thinking bird shit on a car windshield.
subhuman monkey detected
we've been here too long.
i am supposed to be triggered by a pathetic strip of garbage land that is taped onto south america’s ass like an afterthought
>gets trigger because of futbol
Whats up cholo?
No seas un weon po
Your bait thread bring shame to our ancestors.
Infant blood desu
It's like if tapeworm was a country
your tiny little dick nation doesn't trigger me at all. see how small your country is when measured in sq miles!
>US: 3.8 million square miles
>Chile: 291,930
Sad! Not even 1/10th!
your ancestors were mostly white
the ones you like to think of as "muh ancestors" (aka 10-20% of your genome) were uncivilized savages, and their descendants are the scum of the earth: just look at the Chiapas!
....? Why?
All that bothers me is being so skinny gives you guys a disadvantage, a determine foe could split your nation in half, you guys should conquer Patagonia and build some east coast ports
What’s this thread supposed to be?
This triggers the chile
>Amrica is like a manlette
Mfw, this doesn’t even include our territories, Hawaii or Alaska nor our vassals like Spain
Whats that esse? Your entire COUNTRY has a fraction of a STATE's economic output?
I'll be in Santiago next week, where can I get a good steak without getting killed?
Andes much?
it's a good thing your ancestors didn't do that, of if they did, they still got CREAMED out of existence
Because they have the motherfuckung Andes? My bet is its not Chile per se thats building them, but international investors.
South American subhumans throwing leaves and beating their chests
>irrelevant country thinks americans care about them
Come back when your incompetent miners fuck themselves over again.