I hate Americans so fucking much.
Those brown goblins seriously think they are white and European.
Stay out of Evropa, ugly mutts!
I hate Americans so fucking much.
Those brown goblins seriously think they are white and European.
Stay out of Evropa, ugly mutts!
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't even think about you.
You, are an idiot.
You actually believe yer own mutt memes.
Exactly! Germany belongs to us now!
SalAllahu allehi wa salam
You're going to be a mutt country in literally 1-2 generations, sorry user but you're about to become what you hate.
They are disgusting. I feel a little sorry for them.
They have made some good music and film though.
>Inbred Anglo on cuck island talking shit about anyone
Do I need to report you for accessing a right wing propaganda site?
You know the Amerimutt meme is just that, right? A meme. Yes we're 56% white, but the 56% that are white are basically 99-100% white (in-line with European percents).
I love how you call us inbred but when you post threads about your European bloodline asking if you are white, you take great pride in having high percentage English DNA.
"WE might only be 56% white, but our white people are white".
What the fuck are smoking you fuck up?
>wanting to be in yurope with Hajis running around killing people
>Germany wants to call other people mutts while letting their citizenry get rapped by Muhammad.
Kek I don't give a shit about any of that, Anglo blood is cuck blood anyway since all you guys know how to do is "stiff upper lip" while "Asians" are raping your children.
>asian rape lul
>murder rates of a 3rd world country
>incarceration rates higher than any other other country in the world
>school shootings
>gang problems
>they're asian
>Niggers cause problems
Wow shocking, but at least we don't have to deal with those problematic Asians that you have :)
5% Muslim
>56% white
pick one.
I can see where OP is going, although I'm currently packing my bags up for Russia. I'm fully European however that can't be said of a good chunk of "Americans"
Check the birth rates of those Muslims versus native white British birth rates, your gonna be in our shoes in a few decades. Let me guess your plan is to move place with "good schools" and hope you can economically segregate yourself away from them? Nope, your government will just ship them in to where ever you are just like they did to us.
>People think this guy is actually German
Hilarious, ignore these shitty bait threads and go post in a real one people.
Oh it's this thread again. Same autistic krautposter?
Only liberals from the US travel to Europe.
So your country has been around for what, 300 years? And we have been here for thousands of years, and you openly admit to fucking your country up already, and our country might head in the same direction as your baby country if we don't get our shit together?
Honestly it's hard not to be angry at these posts. Not because they're incorrect but you won't ever feel the pain of being surrounded by these Wal-Mart Golems. They're fat, dumb, lazy, and don't think. Imagine Jow Forums but there is a country full of them.
American damage control in these threads are always fun. The only thing that matters is the demographics of your country and America is in a really bad shape, far worse than Europe. Not only are they less white but the whites themselves are far less homogenous than us in Europe. We know who is Swedish, German, Italian and so on. Americans have no fucking clue what actualy makes you American. Are Italians Americans? Are the Irish? what about the Germans? How long does your family need to be in America to be considered American? This is why so many of them believes in civic nationalism whereas here in Europe we are not as prone to such idiocy.
Americans may have Trump but he is just a civic nationalist. We have had real nationalist parties here for decades now and they are gaining momentum. Europe will survive beacuse we have strong national identities whereas Americans have no idea who they are and have no unity whatsoever.
As for the usual Amerimutt damage control
>B-But you are the white homeland
not an argument and no one cares. You are still less white and a bunch of euromongrels.
>M-muh gun laws
Better than in Europe for sure but there is no shortage of guns in europe. Anyone who lives here knows that.
>M-muh free speech
The biggest danger with speaking out against mass immigration have always been that you may lose your job. This happens very frequently in America where SJW's rule most of your insitutions and have taken over most of your pop culture. So you do not really have free speech. Actualy getting arrested for it is very rare even here.
Maybe but also irrelevant since ethnic displacement and cultural genocide is the main problem. Getting invaded is bad no matter who is doing it, be it Chinese or Somalians.
>You are more leftwing and therefore more cucked!!!!!
We are more socialist definitely but SJW culture is an American phenomenom that you exported to the rest of the west.
>be american
>be upset after your dad has a heart attack
>go to jail
>be american
>send a text
>go to jail
>be american
>tweet the word "nigger"
>go to jail
>be american
>throw bacon at Muslims
>go to jail for 15 years
>be american
>write a poem about the Muslim negro that rules America
>go to jail
>be american
>say there are only two genders
>go to jail
>Having a Black president is OK
>Having 40 million blacks is OK
>Having 55 million hispanics is OK
>Having 30 million illegals is OK
>Being 56% white is OK
>Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK
>40 million interracial marriages is OK
>putting blacks on your money is OK
>inventing affirmative action is OK
>imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK
>giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK
>fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK
>losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK
>having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK
>the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK
>banning the American flag from schools because it upsets Mexican illegals is OK
>cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK
>losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK
>making it a crime to misgender someone is OK
>making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK
>jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK
>destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK
>America is based as fuck and totally not cucked
Let us all appreciate that while us Ahmeds in countries like Sweden, Germany, UK and France are all "cucked", done for and should "be nuked" and "genocided". At least we still have America, the great uncucked white haven of conservatism, strict immigration laws and common sense.
Yes, lets appreciate and ponder on that for a while.
I had the misfortune of being in a wallshart for a prolonged period of time and it was pretty fucking brutal. 5' 5" spic's everywhere, barely any english being spoken and nasty landwhale hicks. Truly
the lowest form of human life all collected into one building. Fuck Wallshit.
Here is just a sample of groups working to catch Britain's worst Muslim paedophiles preying on young British children.
We are doing more to save our country than 99% of the Americans on this board.
How dare you fucking say us English men are spineless cunts.
Why are Americans constantly trying to turn Europe and the world into the 30-52% face? Every NGO funds migrants, every American foreign policy in Europe and all American interests are to create multiracial market 'democracies'. That is all they've done in Europe for the past 70 years, promote multiculturalism, markets, consumerism, and 'democracy'.
Let me enlighten you.
This video is from 1943. Listen to the narrator. There was no great, secret conspiracy. Everything was done in the open. They were going to smash the Old World and supplant it with a unipolar world order with America as the master and everyone its slaves. This is what Americans dreamed, and planned and made happen.
Of course, Americans didn’t expect to be supplanted by Jews and other subhuman minorities, but ultimately they didn’t care because Americans believe anyone can be an American so it’s meaningless who comprises America as long as America swallows up the whole world
America was very eager to destabilise and bomb North African and ME countries and then shill for the refugees and economic migrants they themselves had created.
America and it’s people deserve nothing but contempt, and don’t let them off the hook by saying they good bois who dindu nuffin. They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism
>1 Post by this ID
Lazy and shitty bait thread is lazy and shitty. 2/10 for making me respond.
German-American checking in. Thanks for always treating me like a local whenever I visit. Your ladies are not too shabby in the sack. Cheers!
>Stay out of Evropa
>Implying Americans wan to stay in Europe for any longer than 5 days
Europoors really make me chuckle.
Were gonna split up into a bunch of smaller countries most likely once demographics tip to much but since we have guns and can defend ourselves it's unlikely the government will be able to stop it. You guys on the other hand have no arms and have a government that hates you AND is shipping in a faster breeding out group, so yeah you're fucked like us there is no such thing as "assimilation" and the people you have brought in are plotting to kidnap your children as we speak and to try and fight against it is hate speech.
If I crossed you on the street you'd think I was german until I said something.
Who the fuck wants to be European?
I dunno why anyone would go to Germany now. If I wanna see a bunch of niggers speaking gibberish, I'll just go to Cleveland.
The beer is just as good there.
No, the meme says you are a kike, not a sand nigger. Get it straight, Ahmed.
Ah right. That makes sense now. I'll get my shit together then and take to the streets. Thanks bro.
>Be American
>Be lucky enough to survive till your tenth birthday. Only two pre-schools in your area were completely executed as you grew up.
>One day, there is a knock at the door and your dad goes to answer it.
>It's the fucking police. Somebody has swatted him again. The police are losing patience.
>He is given a bizarre set of instructions to follow. They are screaming at him. "WE WILL SHOOT YOU WE WILL SHOOT YOU"
>He is doing the hokey pokey on the porch now whilst a gang of heavily armed men point fully automatic weapons at him.
>They demand that he sings "I'm a little teapot" and perform all of the actions in the style of the Elephant man. Your dad begs "PLEASE DON'T SHOOT I'LL DO ANYTHING"
>He starts to sing "I'm a Little Teapot" and as he says the line "Here is my handle" a torrent of gunfire tears him to pieces.
>Have to watch your dad bleed out and gurgle in agony right in front of you. As he twitches a death spasm they open fire again and turn him into a paste.
>Wake up and find that you have been sent a letter from the federal government denying you any aid and/or assistance due to your father saying he was going to boycott Israeli products on the internet.
>Go to school, on the way there you have to run from cover to cover as another lunatic has ascended the nearby radio mast and is now taking pot shots at passers by. Several people lay face down in the street. Eventually you're lucky enough to get out of line of sight.
>Once in school you wander down the hallways. Your fellow students are giving you strange looks.
>It's the monthly school shooting and you forgot to bring your backpack shield. Oh fuck.
>Nobody hit the Active Shooter Alarm button in time...
>Unable to properly form Testudo as the gunman barrels down the halls.
>You cause the defense formation to break and you and all of your classmates are shot dead.
>A new family of Mexicans move into your empty house the next day.
Baka laka Dhaka street
You are an American. Period.
Haven't you got some Bull Juice to chug down?
whatever nigger. german women have been burning coal since long before it was fashionable. glass houses.
It’s literally a fucking coin flip if any amerishit on this site is even white.
Its okay if you hate America but I’m still gonna love it to drath.
>a fucking leaf
When I get a EU passport from my future Polish wife I won't be. Have fun with the mexicans who will flood Canada if Trump fails.
Stop projecting the downfall of your country on me, bong. I'm as pure as the driven snow.
Doesn't your wife have some bull juice to guzzle down?
*breathes in*
I am Greek.
t. Muhammad al Zaqweeri
idk how I should feel about Americans.
I'm quiet fascinated that there are some "Swiss" cities in the USA, such as
Berne in Indiana or New Bern in North Carolina. So this a plus, hehe.
Why would anybody take pride in English DNA?
Irish/Scottish/Spanish literally any fucking white is better than English in my book. I'd rather be part sandnigger than English at this point. I'd at least be slightly whiter..
>and European.
You take that back right fucking now
>He likely already is part sandnigger and nigger and spic and slav and turk all rolled into one.
YES! DEATH TO THE AMERICAN SCUM! I would feel nothing if I were to kill any American, regardless of their value. I just want America to be destroyed. And I want them to suffer for the pain they´ve caused to the modern world.
Fucking what? Our music industry is terribad, and I'm sure I don't need to talk about (((Hollywood))).
I think the emphasis here is on "Swiss" towns.
They'll take your culture and attempt to make the tackiest, gaudiest mockery of it whilst claiming their new invention of it is original (and better than yours)
Don't judge unless you live in my city. It's fallen. Every morning I turn on the news and see another person slain by blacks. The whites all live in suburbs that eventually get overrun. Those who try to live among them become addicted to drugs to cope. The mixed kids are likely to fall in to either trap. The mexicans who are moving here are actually helping by driving the blacks out of some neighborhoods. The MS-13 types, so far, are either tame in comparison or more low profile than the black gangs.
This is a divide and conquer thread. It's working.
>A bunch of Muslims screaming death to America
Same shit, different day.
>screencapping europoor falseflagging with a proxy
The English really are intolerable. The only people I see enjoy living in England are usually in a foreigner bubble and rarely have to interact with locals.
At least we're not being raped by ragheads.
White Americans are WHITE.
But you're not just by ragheads, oh no no no...! But by Mexicans and Negroids too!
We will overrun you, your arabo somali african shitskins will be replaced and butchered like pigs, you'll embrace quasi aztec catholicism and taco stands will spring up from every corner of Germany and perhaps the rest of Europe too.
You have had some good artists in the past.
Nice oxymoron.
Thanks another gold post that I will spread that around.
> are usually in a foreigner bubble and rarely have to interact with locals.
What the 95% none Muslims?
what makes us america is the ability to fucking decimate your puny existence. Europe is the most cucked. You run and hide and watch us fuck the world XD
Amerimutt BTFO by 100% white European.
Notice the physical differences, the European is strong, muscular and well dressed.
Whereas the Amerimutt is bloated and disgusting, barely able to dress himself and wailing like a bitch.
> be half white and half mexican
> 56% meme actually applies to me
Had to open up a quick memeball blitz. This is the second day in a row these fucking limeys have gotten on my nerves with their stupidity.
Yesterday, I had to listen to you faggots tell me how easy it is to "professionally disarm" a guy wielding two knives without shooting him. Then you fucks had the audacity to tell me kicking an attacker in the solar plexus was too high of a kick. I've had enough of you toothless dicksuckers.
It’s not too late to kill yourself
Nice meme flag. Why fascist though? Too squeamish for the Nazi flag (((friend)))?