Lol at the Goyim who unironically believe they are superior to us Jews when we've controlled all your institutions for...

Lol at the Goyim who unironically believe they are superior to us Jews when we've controlled all your institutions for over two thousand years and even killed your God.

>But muh inventions!
You literally wouldn't have any currency to invest in research that even allows you to invent any of your inventions. You would not have created anything if it weren't for us. You create only because we allow you to, and only if it can serve us. Tesla was going to invent technology that would generate free electricity. That serves no purpose for us as we could not make a profit. So we did not provide him the funding he needed to create his invention and we continued our monopoly on energy over all of you. What a fool of a goy Tesla was to actually think he could create something that would benefit the world without benefiting us. This is our world. You exist because we allow you to. Better you understand that now and make peace with that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post feet

Post funny videos guys

You know the rules


taking credit for other people's work
jewyness checks out
mutilated dick = brain damage, also 40% pleasure during sex
annoying fat mother probably had ultrasounds = brain damage
multiple injections of vaccines after birth too = brain damage
and the best part, all those years of matzoh ball blood gave you Tay-Sachs.


babs and vagene post now

Stop crying, juice

You are not inferior, I never thinked that. You are evil, not inferior.

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yea dox yourself kike

Do Jews dislike people who convert to Judaism but aren’t ethnically Jewish?

Yeah but you’re ugly and have Tay Sachs disease tho...


Why so salty about Titus?

Oh hey btw when you right the time and date on forms, what's that year represent?

That's what I thought bitch.

dude fuck off, I guarantee I am more jewish than you. shut your filthy lying kike mouth.

>us jews
>that pathetic goy-tier nose

Where does the money come from?

poo poo pee pee haha

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Not a jewish invention. Nor is lending or usury.

nice LARP you fucking leaf

Implying I can't be a Jew living in leaf land.

I thought you stupid goyim on here already established that we are parasites that feed off other countries?

>Tesla was going to invent technology that would generate free electricity
No, he wasnt. Wardenclyffe tower was an energy transmitter, not a generator. Morons like you are the reason he wasnt taken seriously in the first place.

No idea how that linked wrong, was meant for

jesus christ man, you're cringey. Just stop.

Stupid goy can't even use the website properly.

you have been and undercaste for 2000 years
nothing more than a frankesteing created by romans and fucked by everybody
askenazi jews ethiopian jews semite jews .....
we will exterminate every one of you subhumans

and the funny thing that the only smart jews are white ones look at israel they are arab tier subhumans

My point still stands. Tesla wasnt making “free electricity”. That’s physically impossible and he was no dummy.

the reality is that you are nothing and have managed in only 50 years to destroy the most prosperous nation of the earth while china is risis at the speed of ligh
you are finished even if you dont know yet

lord what a bony faggot. you'd get cracked in half in a street-fight.

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>when we've controlled all your institutions for over two thousand years

So the Holocaust was an inside job?

Christ was everyone's God.
The Bible predicted all of this and you're still playing God's game whether you like it or not. I suggest you wise up to which side is winning before it's too late.

Yes. You're a second class citizen forever. If it's a white female concert they're marginally more accepting because it means more "Jewish" kids, but even then they'll call her a shiksa.

Convert* fucking phone.
Trips of truth.

Makes you really think.