Post the worst leader in your country's history.
Post the worst leader in your country's history
Constantine. Legalized Christianity, fucked the Roman empire.
Ours have all been pretty bad.
What a fucking rat bastard.
The alcoholic bastard on the right (Georgi Dimitrov)
> Responsible for the murder of perhaps over 100,000 Bulgarian scientists, intellectuals, Royal officers, priests, politicians, lawyers, businessman - basically the elite
> Accepted Stalin & Tito's idea to create an artificial Macedonian nation, separated from the Bulgarians
> Started the process of settling down gypsies (they were less than 100k before communism and more than 600k at its end)
> Nationalised all businesses, mines, banks and the land
> Sucked Stalin's balls
> Casual alcoholic
> Pervert
> Wanted to join Yugoslavia
> Helped the commies in the Greek civil war
> Destroyed the monarchy
> Destroyed and killed every opposition party, even centre-left, let alone right-wing
> Started brainwashing Bulgarians that everything patriotic is 'Great Bulgarian chauvinism & fascism'
> Started the process of forced urbanisation
> Destroyed hundreds of churches and monasteries
> Agreed to feed the Soviet Army and made over 100 billion Leva in debt
> Renounced all Bulgarian territorial claims in Macedonia, Serbia and Greece
> Destroyed the educational system which people were building even before we had our own government and free state
> Fucked up the economy for decades to come
> Created a corrupt system where you would rise to the top not because of merit, but because of party loyalty
> Persecuted people who had Royal officers, politicians, intellectuals etc. in their family as ''enemies of the state''
> Persecuted the families and even the grandchildren of people with right-wing views
> Created labour camps
If you think Nixon is the worst leader you are fucking retarded.
Wrong picture
There are much MUCH worse than LBJ
Second place goes for this guy
> Fell in love with a Jewish bitch
> Divorced his lawful Christian wife
> Disinherited his heir
> Married the converted Jewess
> Divided our medieval Tsardom between his sons
> Waged pretty pointless wars with Byzantium
> Didn't help emperor John Cantacuzene when he asked for help against the invading Turks
> Watched idly while Serbia was infiltrating Macedonia
> Watched idly as Wallachia gained complete independence
> Watched idly as Turks were invading
Kek, that guy sounds horrible. Not as bad as OP but really terrible.
fucking this too. America has had more bad executives than good.
Well I can't agree with you. At least Johnson didn't execute every Republican & their offspring
wow, nasty fucker this Dimitrov, sounds worse than Causescu
No, no matter what any other president did, America was still a prosperous white nation. LBJ signed in the bill that assured America would one day be a minority white shithole. He's the reason for 56% and soon 30 and 20%.
Justin Trudeau
He's a lot worse than Causescu. He was a pupil of Stalin. Old school Stalinist. Causescu is a commie politician from the post-Stalinist era which by default makes him better. And Causescu didn't hate his nation like this guy.
Wilson was unironically the worst president in US history. He created the fed
fucking fantomas
Couldn't imagine being brought up in that shit. Life sounds painful under them
This ^^^^^^^^^^and entered us into a war that was winding down reinvigorating it causing 50% more death and destruction leading directly to WW2
Fuck off
Without a fucking doubt
And Reagan's amnesty is what turned California blue and told millions of beaners that if they stick around long enough they'll eventually get amnesty
Do you think he'll surpass his father in incompetence?
What about mannerheim
>Wilson hands American economy to a handful of people
>being too young to remember Brundtland
Wasn't wilson racist af
pol should like him
Wilson, Bush Sr. Obama, or most likely, yet still indefinite Donald Trump. wish I could have been alive under taft or Jefferson or during the DOI.
man lbj was a shit president only wilson was worse.
The illegal mexican immigration sped up the process of America becoming majority non white, but it was always destined to anyway with that bill in place allowing anyone from all over the world to come in.
Nikolai II, Khrushev or Yeltsin?
That's hard choice
From Reagan to present, all of them have been bought into power.
It was that or Christianity eventually forming a revolution and wreck the Roman empire sooner.
He already has. In terms of evil he has yet to catch up.
t. sandnigger
What did he do exactly
Well, I guess having let's say 10 to 15 bad leaders for the last 1400 years isn't that bad. In any case no Medieval ruler even the most incompetent could be as bad as the commies (and their pro-EU liberal offspring). Communism was literally like a huge dysgenics project.
>UN flag
Immigration is the most important thing. Going through some hardships that your country will eventually get over doesn't matter. Being completely ethnically replaced and handing over your country and military to a foreign people does.
1964 Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, 1965 Immigration Act, AND escalated Vietnam out of control
America, cradle of degeneracy, but with pretending to be Christian.
It's more strange than our noviops LARPing as east slavic orthodoxies
t. facho pobre
Literally fucked up everything.
The old Graeco-Roman world was a shadow of itself by mid 3rd century AD. Christianity proved to be the only ideology/religion/idea that could strengthen the empire and it did. After all, the Roman Empire survived for a thousand more years, to a large extent thanks to Orthodoxy. It helped for the transition from an authoritarian republic (which the empire was from Augustus until the 3rd century) to an absolute theocratic monarchy. It also helped to create a more culturally homogeneous society.
Bush 43.
Kek, I guess he was one of our leaders wasn't he? Historians tend to say the beginning of American history began after the Seven Years' War
is that moonfaced nerd a castizo?
>Yes, we'll endure the hardship. Just hand over your economy to the jewish elite, and we'll protect you
More like he fucked over Christianity
Also putting Tone foward because I don't think there's a politician I dislike more than this cunt, worst part is he appears of tv atleast once per year preaching his solution to some issue, makes me shout at the tv eveytime it happens.
Is he really, genuinely, the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history?
There were others much worse than Nixon you dolt. Nixon actually did quite a good job as President. Buchanan is #1 as his feckless leadership lead to the civil war. Woodrow Wilson brought cowardly socialism bullshit to America. Jimmy Carter tanked the economy practically single handed. I could go on but anyone afraid to show their flag is obviously too stupid for more information.
Wasn't he re-elected three fucking times? What went wrong mate?
Did you know he has a wheelchair fetish?
(1.) President Johnson named his penis “Jumbo“ and would refer to it as such to his Congressional colleagues? He did. (Source: This review of Master of the Senate, the third installment in Caro’s LBJ series.) And that’s the tamest thing on this list. We’re just getting started here.
(2.) He also liked to whip “Jumbo” out to show people at work. “[I]f a colleague came into a Capitol bathroom as he was finishing at the urinal there, he would sometimes swing around still holding his member … hooting once, ‘Have you ever seen anything as big as this?,’ and shaking his 11 inch penis in almost a brandishing manner as he began discoursing about some pending legislation.
.Once LBJ brandished his penis like a sword at Ted Kennedy and reportedly asked him" if his tiny Irish curse wanted to sword fight"
>Johnson still wins
There would be nothing to stick around for accept work and American culture. Fuck that ass.
Every politician you had after H.M. Charles I (or the Glorious Revolution) is disgusting kike servant.
“Lyndon B. Johnson once answered reporters badgering him about why the United States was in Vietnam with a simple, unmistakable off-the-record gesture: he unzipped, pulled out his penis and said, ‘This is why!’
>america is one person
By the time we get to King Nigger, this "president" is just a citibank puppet, so not really a leader. I don't blame him because of that. How much blame to put on a puppet?
fucking BASED
When working from his Texas ranch during his presidency, LBJ liked to load a cooler of beer into his Lincoln and drive around aimlessly while having a few drinks. This forced panicked Secret Service agents to chase him, and they’d catch up when he took a pit stop. During one of these stops, a gust of wind blew Johnson’s urine onto the leg of a Secret Service agent, who said, “Sir, you’re pissing on my leg.” Johnson’s response: “I know. That’s my prerogative
I hate him more than Bush, which is saying something
Tends to happen when you import your voters and shove multiculturalism in everyones faces, fucker tripled the immigration rate from third world sand shitholes, I hate him so fucking much I cant actually put it into words.
I even give carter a pass, economies can heal. The "new deal" from Roosevelt was a coffin nail.
Actual transcripts from the LBJ white house:
LBJ: “…And another thing – the crotch, down where your nuts hang – is always a little too tight, so when you make them up, give me an inch that I can let out there, uh because they cut me, it’s just like riding a wire fence. These are almost, these are the best I’ve had anywhere in the United States…”
Tailor (Joe Haggar): “Fine.”
LBJ: “But, uh when I gain a little weight they cut me under there. So, leave me , you never do have much of margin there. See if you can’t leave me an inch from where the zipper [burps] ends, round, under my, back to my bunghole, so I can let it out there if I need to.”
JH: “Right.”
Nothing is as bad as being replaced. There might even be a real bloody white genocide like whats happening in South Africa once mexicans make up the majority and majority of our military and say this was their land and we stole it.
Nah. Obongo's not even first at being the worst. Just a garden variety national embarrassment.
This. Biggest nigger in our history and now worshipped by edgy 12 year olds on a taiwanese hentai roleplaying forum.
>Doubled the national debt overnight to pay the bad debts of (((banks))), even international ones
>Rendered the country insolvent and a ward of the IMF, both as minister for finance and Taoiseach (leader)
>Appeared on a morning talk show blatantly drunk
>No credibility, no plan
Then he sent you all to die for Bush's fucking war. Sorry about that.
the current dynasty
>The picture even says Lyndon Johnson
>still confuses him with Nixon