Any good channels?
If you guys watch YouTube what redpilled channels do you watch?
>Literally anything by Jordan Peterson
>Sargon of Akkad
>Red Pill Interviews (some of that is kinda weird though)
>Sunrise Hoodie
Pewdiepie jacksepticeye infowars get with the program
Red Ice
also anti-school aka Isaac Green
and The right media
Buzzfeed, mainly because how impartial they are and their strive to include both sides of an argument.
ben shapiro
sargon of akkad
fuck Youtube, faggot. BitChute
brother nathanael
molyneux, pewdiepie, & logan paul
all the good content on youtube got deleted
now it's all flat earth and alien shit
"Hey shariablue Bob, how do we get a list of right leaning youtubers so we can shut them down?" "just ask"
All of these channels are bad haha
H3h3 ICE Poseidon and Joe Rogan
Mark Dice
bpearthwatch on youtube
>not watching ThuleProductions
Nearly every channel listed above is controlled opposition.
Check out Crrow777 instead.
This one is dope
Revenge of the CIS, when they’re not banned.
the report of the week
Urban fishing
Frankie McDonald
Brother Nathanael
American Renaissance
E;R is the shit man! Love his Legend of Korra serries
CT Rants
Matthew Drake
Mark Collett
Aaron Kasparov [24]
Survive the Jive
these guys are alright. listened to a lot of them going through darksiders 1 and 2 a few months back. good times.Dive into the pedo rabbit hole a lot particularly Dan "hold her tighter, we got a fighter" Schneider. Really good stuff.
Jason A- REALLY well done videos reflecting the times we are in with click-baity titles with Mild to Moderate Christian undertones
You Are Creators- great messages if you bother searching through them regard self growth- spiritual but not religious
Wicked-Christian based channel that is fun and engaging but also very serious. You'll fully go "Deus lo vult" if you watch enough of it.
We Are change
Hard hitting picks my friend
Mark Stein
Douglas Murray
Gavin McInnes
Black Pigeon
No Bullshit
Matt Cristiansen
Joe Rogan
mr daggers because he's one of us and a future mk ultra victim
kys plebbit
Wow Jow Forums has really fallen,
no one listening
No Bullshit
Gordon Ramsay
Ozzy Man Reviews
Ozzy man is great
Lol I just checked their Twitter. Yet another content strike on one of new accounts. Why? For bitching about LA Wearwolf getting banned... by Youtube. They always seem to get content strikes for the most retarded reasons. Anyhoo, yeah - I like those goofy bastards. No fucks to give. And their coverage about Dan was solid.
Alex Jones
Michael Savage(Podcast)
Ghost from tcr on the brony network
mises institute
Joe Rogan
that's about it.
Squatting Slav TV
>Not wicked, Wretched TV. My bad.
1791L- MUST subscribe. MUST. You'll be wiser for it.
Stossel and ReasonTV- Fucking LOVE stossel! A former liberal not conservative libertarian reporter you may recognize who became redpilled.
FLECCAS TALKS- great street and event interviews and brilliantly makes liberals look stupid.
PRAGERU- I mean... Come on.
Subscribe to those.
wont be there much longer since ((they)) are basically banning gun content. for gun channels
Everything on Youtube is dog shit now.
Aaron Clarey.
Stephan Molyneaux.
Chapin's Inferno.
Terrence Popp.
Alt History Hub.
Jason A just did a video on flat Earth that enraged Flat Weather's everywhere.
>Unironically Destiny
Look past the fact that people hate him for no reason and listen to his debates with all these supposed intellectuals.
>Caspian Report
general worldy and historical politics
Data analysis on all your sjw memes
Actual investigative journalist that responds to bullshit ideas and articles with research papers
Quality entertainment memes
All the fucking skeptic channels are trash. Since there are no more SJWs to bash every 5 minutes, they just shit on each other and manufacture drama. Realz over Feelz my ass. The most emotionally driven group of hypocrites I've ever seen.
Kys fucking brainlet
>front page video
>the war on whites is real
This whole channel is like a mix of Info Wars, Sargon of Akkad and other generic "skeptic" click bait bullshit.
>ben shapiro
>sargon of akkad
gave me a good chuckle
resonance audio
styx is the only political youtube channel i watch
i think i'm subbed to alex jones too actually but i haven't watched any videos from infowars in a while
the US should deport all commies to north korea, cuba or venezuela
sub media
too many of us
Whenever I see that screaming liberal woman, I can't help but see it as Hank Green... which is fitting.
For all the shit John Green gets, Hank is 10x worse. This post was not a recommendation of the Vlogbrothers as a redpilled youtube channel.
Mr. Metokur
Good Job Faggots, you literally just gave Susan Wojicki a list of who to ban.
>Look past the fact that people hate him for no reason
I watch cute animal videos, so redpilled
Stevemre1989 aquachigger red ice radio Metokur eliasvfishing redpillphilosophy forgotten weapons hickok45 niggasondariver
That's okay you'll fit in with the rest of your kind here, take your place
look at them, so lazy, sleeping when they could be paddling to shore
Nice argument you fucking faggot.
ohhhh your mom just lets you post her boyfriends photos on the internet like that??
Back to the fucking trash where you worship your neolibshit pedo leader
and never return scum
No Agenda
and for a hilarious take on one of my favorite topics, alternative history, listen to rob sepehr. He talk about lost civilizations and shit... but also blames everything in history on the jews. I don't think I have ever seen a living human being name the Jew more than this man. I honestly think it's like some sort of Nathan for You-esque spit take.
Wew, how can one manlet rustle your jimmies so hard. It's okay smooth brain fellow, I'm sure Andy and Tonka trucks make really almond activating content.
Black Pigeon
Sargon of Akkad + The Thinkery
Paul Joseph Watson
Rubin Report
Jordan Peterson
Tommy Robinson
Mister Metoker
The Burgerkrieg
Count Dankula
We Are Change
Chris Ray Gun
Lauren Southern
Avi Remini
Peter Sweden
Alyona Yarushina
Studio Brule
Jordan B Peterson
Vito Gesualdi
Cyber Violence
Primitive Technology
Buttered Side Down
Greatest AudioBooks
Diversity & Comics
I bet you also like blacked and cuckold porn.
that is because you are stupid